[libcxx] [llvm] [libc++] Trigger the buildkite CI only if stages 1 and 2 already passed (PR #79209)

Nikolas Klauser via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 23 13:08:21 PST 2024

https://github.com/philnik777 updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/79209

>From 6b1f11e57f8a6bd00492f371fc172691f07e174c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nikolas Klauser <nikolasklauser at berlin.de>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 21:54:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [libc++] Trigger the buildkite CI only if stages 1 and 2
 already passed

 .ci/generate-buildkite-pipeline-premerge     |  11 -
 .github/workflows/libcxx-build-and-test.yaml | 321 ++++++++++---------
 libcxx/include/libcxx_trigger                |   0
 3 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 libcxx/include/libcxx_trigger

diff --git a/.ci/generate-buildkite-pipeline-premerge b/.ci/generate-buildkite-pipeline-premerge
index f32eb7213b94027..318b968fbc70256 100755
--- a/.ci/generate-buildkite-pipeline-premerge
+++ b/.ci/generate-buildkite-pipeline-premerge
@@ -197,17 +197,6 @@ function check-targets() {
 # Project specific pipelines.
-# If libc++ or one of the runtimes directories changed.
-if echo "$modified_dirs" | grep -q -E "^(libcxx|libcxxabi|libunwind|runtimes|cmake)$"; then
-  cat <<EOF
-- trigger: "libcxx-ci"
-  build:
-    message: "${buildMessage}"
-    commit: "${BUILDKITE_COMMIT}"
-    branch: "${BUILDKITE_BRANCH}"
 # If clang changed.
 if echo "$modified_dirs" | grep -q -E "^(clang)$"; then
   cat <<EOF
diff --git a/.github/workflows/libcxx-build-and-test.yaml b/.github/workflows/libcxx-build-and-test.yaml
index 1666a687aa5d047..38955dafb7e9f02 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/libcxx-build-and-test.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/libcxx-build-and-test.yaml
@@ -48,162 +48,173 @@ env:
-  stage1:
+  #  stage1:
+  #    if: github.repository_owner == 'llvm'
+  #    runs-on: libcxx-runners-8-set
+  #    continue-on-error: false
+  #    strategy:
+  #      fail-fast: false
+  #      matrix:
+  #        config: [
+  #          'generic-cxx03',
+  #          'generic-cxx26',
+  #          'generic-modules'
+  #        ]
+  #        cc: [  'clang-18' ]
+  #        cxx: [ 'clang++-18' ]
+  #        clang_tidy: [ 'ON' ]
+  #        include:
+  #          - config: 'generic-gcc'
+  #            cc: 'gcc-13'
+  #            cxx: 'g++-13'
+  #            clang_tidy: 'OFF'
+  #    steps:
+  #      - uses: actions/checkout at v4
+  #      - name: ${{ matrix.config }}.${{ matrix.cxx }}
+  #        run: libcxx/utils/ci/run-buildbot ${{ matrix.config }}
+  #        env:
+  #          CC: ${{ matrix.cc }}
+  #          CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }}
+  #          ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY: ${{ matrix.clang_tidy }}
+  #      - uses: actions/upload-artifact at v3
+  #        if: always()
+  #        with:
+  #          name: ${{ matrix.config }}-${{ matrix.cxx }}-results
+  #          path: |
+  #            **/test-results.xml
+  #            **/*.abilist
+  #            **/CMakeError.log
+  #            **/CMakeOutput.log
+  #            **/crash_diagnostics/*
+  #  stage2:
+  #    if: github.repository_owner == 'llvm'
+  #    runs-on: libcxx-runners-8-set
+  #    needs: [ stage1 ]
+  #    continue-on-error: false
+  #    strategy:
+  #      fail-fast: false
+  #      matrix:
+  #        config: [
+  #          'generic-cxx11',
+  #          'generic-cxx14',
+  #          'generic-cxx17',
+  #          'generic-cxx20',
+  #          'generic-cxx23'
+  #        ]
+  #        cc: [ 'clang-18' ]
+  #        cxx: [ 'clang++-18' ]
+  #        clang_tidy: [ 'ON' ]
+  #        include:
+  #          - config: 'generic-gcc-cxx11'
+  #            cc: 'gcc-13'
+  #            cxx: 'g++-13'
+  #            clang_tidy: 'OFF'
+  #          - config: 'generic-cxx23'
+  #            cc: 'clang-16'
+  #            cxx: 'clang++-16'
+  #            clang_tidy: 'OFF'
+  #          - config: 'generic-cxx23'
+  #            cc: 'clang-17'
+  #            cxx: 'clang++-17'
+  #            clang_tidy: 'OFF'
+  #    steps:
+  #      - uses: actions/checkout at v4
+  #      - name: ${{ matrix.config }}
+  #        run: libcxx/utils/ci/run-buildbot ${{ matrix.config }}
+  #        env:
+  #          CC: ${{ matrix.cc }}
+  #          CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }}
+  #          ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY: ${{ matrix.clang_tidy }}
+  #      - uses: actions/upload-artifact at v3
+  #        if: always()  # Upload artifacts even if the build or test suite fails
+  #        with:
+  #          name: ${{ matrix.config }}-results
+  #          path: |
+  #            **/test-results.xml
+  #            **/*.abilist
+  #            **/CMakeError.log
+  #            **/CMakeOutput.log
+  #            **/crash_diagnostics/*
+  #  stage3:
+  #    if: github.repository_owner == 'llvm'
+  #    needs: [ stage1, stage2 ]
+  #    continue-on-error: false
+  #    strategy:
+  #      fail-fast: false
+  #      max-parallel: 8
+  #      matrix:
+  #        config: [
+  #          'generic-abi-unstable',
+  #          'generic-hardening-mode-debug',
+  #          'generic-hardening-mode-extensive',
+  #          'generic-hardening-mode-fast',
+  #          'generic-hardening-mode-fast-with-abi-breaks',
+  #          'generic-merged',
+  #          'generic-modules-lsv',
+  #          'generic-no-exceptions',
+  #          'generic-no-experimental',
+  #          'generic-no-filesystem',
+  #          'generic-no-localization',
+  #          'generic-no-random_device',
+  #          'generic-no-threads',
+  #          'generic-no-tzdb',
+  #          'generic-no-unicode',
+  #          'generic-no-wide-characters',
+  #          'generic-no-rtti',
+  #          'generic-optimized-speed',
+  #          'generic-static',
+  #          # TODO Find a better place for the benchmark and bootstrapping builds to live. They're either very expensive
+  #          # or don't provide much value since the benchmark run results are too noise on the bots.
+  #          'benchmarks',
+  #          'bootstrapping-build'
+  #        ]
+  #        machine: [ 'libcxx-runners-8-set' ]
+  #        std_modules: [ 'OFF' ]
+  #        include:
+  #        - config: 'generic-cxx26'
+  #          machine: libcxx-runners-8-set
+  #          std_modules: 'ON'
+  #        - config: 'generic-asan'
+  #          machine: libcxx-runners-8-set
+  #          std_modules: 'OFF'
+  #        - config: 'generic-tsan'
+  #          machine: libcxx-runners-8-set
+  #          std_modules: 'OFF'
+  #        - config: 'generic-ubsan'
+  #          machine: libcxx-runners-8-set
+  #          std_modules: 'OFF'
+  #        # Use a larger machine for MSAN to avoid timeout and memory allocation issues.
+  #        - config: 'generic-msan'
+  #          machine: libcxx-runners-8-set
+  #          std_modules: 'OFF'
+  #    runs-on: ${{ matrix.machine }}
+  #    steps:
+  #      - uses: actions/checkout at v4
+  #      - name: ${{ matrix.config }}
+  #        run: libcxx/utils/ci/run-buildbot ${{ matrix.config }}
+  #        env:
+  #          CC: clang-18
+  #          CXX: clang++-18
+  #          ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY: "OFF"
+  #          ENABLE_STD_MODULES: ${{ matrix.std_modules }}
+  #      - uses: actions/upload-artifact at v3
+  #        if: always()
+  #        with:
+  #          name: ${{ matrix.config }}-results
+  #          path: |
+  #            **/test-results.xml
+  #            **/*.abilist
+  #            **/CMakeError.log
+  #            **/CMakeOutput.log
+  #            **/crash_diagnostics/*
+  buildkite-stage:
     if: github.repository_owner == 'llvm'
-    runs-on: libcxx-runners-8-set
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    #    needs: [ stage1, stage2 ]
     continue-on-error: false
-    strategy:
-      fail-fast: false
-      matrix:
-        config: [
-          'generic-cxx03',
-          'generic-cxx26',
-          'generic-modules'
-        ]
-        cc: [  'clang-18' ]
-        cxx: [ 'clang++-18' ]
-        clang_tidy: [ 'ON' ]
-        include:
-          - config: 'generic-gcc'
-            cc: 'gcc-13'
-            cxx: 'g++-13'
-            clang_tidy: 'OFF'
-      - uses: actions/checkout at v4
-      - name: ${{ matrix.config }}.${{ matrix.cxx }}
-        run: libcxx/utils/ci/run-buildbot ${{ matrix.config }}
+      - name: Trigger Buildkite Pipeline
+        uses: buildkite/trigger-pipeline-action at v2.0.0
-          CC: ${{ matrix.cc }}
-          CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }}
-          ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY: ${{ matrix.clang_tidy }}
-      - uses: actions/upload-artifact at v3
-        if: always()
-        with:
-          name: ${{ matrix.config }}-${{ matrix.cxx }}-results
-          path: |
-            **/test-results.xml
-            **/*.abilist
-            **/CMakeError.log
-            **/CMakeOutput.log
-            **/crash_diagnostics/*
-  stage2:
-    if: github.repository_owner == 'llvm'
-    runs-on: libcxx-runners-8-set
-    needs: [ stage1 ]
-    continue-on-error: false
-    strategy:
-      fail-fast: false
-      matrix:
-        config: [
-          'generic-cxx11',
-          'generic-cxx14',
-          'generic-cxx17',
-          'generic-cxx20',
-          'generic-cxx23'
-        ]
-        cc: [ 'clang-18' ]
-        cxx: [ 'clang++-18' ]
-        clang_tidy: [ 'ON' ]
-        include:
-          - config: 'generic-gcc-cxx11'
-            cc: 'gcc-13'
-            cxx: 'g++-13'
-            clang_tidy: 'OFF'
-          - config: 'generic-cxx23'
-            cc: 'clang-16'
-            cxx: 'clang++-16'
-            clang_tidy: 'OFF'
-          - config: 'generic-cxx23'
-            cc: 'clang-17'
-            cxx: 'clang++-17'
-            clang_tidy: 'OFF'
-    steps:
-      - uses: actions/checkout at v4
-      - name: ${{ matrix.config }}
-        run: libcxx/utils/ci/run-buildbot ${{ matrix.config }}
-        env:
-          CC: ${{ matrix.cc }}
-          CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }}
-          ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY: ${{ matrix.clang_tidy }}
-      - uses: actions/upload-artifact at v3
-        if: always()  # Upload artifacts even if the build or test suite fails
-        with:
-          name: ${{ matrix.config }}-results
-          path: |
-            **/test-results.xml
-            **/*.abilist
-            **/CMakeError.log
-            **/CMakeOutput.log
-            **/crash_diagnostics/*
-  stage3:
-    if: github.repository_owner == 'llvm'
-    needs: [ stage1, stage2 ]
-    continue-on-error: false
-    strategy:
-      fail-fast: false
-      max-parallel: 8
-      matrix:
-        config: [
-          'generic-abi-unstable',
-          'generic-hardening-mode-debug',
-          'generic-hardening-mode-extensive',
-          'generic-hardening-mode-fast',
-          'generic-hardening-mode-fast-with-abi-breaks',
-          'generic-merged',
-          'generic-modules-lsv',
-          'generic-no-exceptions',
-          'generic-no-experimental',
-          'generic-no-filesystem',
-          'generic-no-localization',
-          'generic-no-random_device',
-          'generic-no-threads',
-          'generic-no-tzdb',
-          'generic-no-unicode',
-          'generic-no-wide-characters',
-          'generic-no-rtti',
-          'generic-optimized-speed',
-          'generic-static',
-          # TODO Find a better place for the benchmark and bootstrapping builds to live. They're either very expensive
-          # or don't provide much value since the benchmark run results are too noise on the bots.
-          'benchmarks',
-          'bootstrapping-build'
-        ]
-        machine: [ 'libcxx-runners-8-set' ]
-        std_modules: [ 'OFF' ]
-        include:
-        - config: 'generic-cxx26'
-          machine: libcxx-runners-8-set
-          std_modules: 'ON'
-        - config: 'generic-asan'
-          machine: libcxx-runners-8-set
-          std_modules: 'OFF'
-        - config: 'generic-tsan'
-          machine: libcxx-runners-8-set
-          std_modules: 'OFF'
-        - config: 'generic-ubsan'
-          machine: libcxx-runners-8-set
-          std_modules: 'OFF'
-        # Use a larger machine for MSAN to avoid timeout and memory allocation issues.
-        - config: 'generic-msan'
-          machine: libcxx-runners-8-set
-          std_modules: 'OFF'
-    runs-on: ${{ matrix.machine }}
-    steps:
-      - uses: actions/checkout at v4
-      - name: ${{ matrix.config }}
-        run: libcxx/utils/ci/run-buildbot ${{ matrix.config }}
-        env:
-          CC: clang-18
-          CXX: clang++-18
-          ENABLE_STD_MODULES: ${{ matrix.std_modules }}
-      - uses: actions/upload-artifact at v3
-        if: always()
-        with:
-          name: ${{ matrix.config }}-results
-          path: |
-            **/test-results.xml
-            **/*.abilist
-            **/CMakeError.log
-            **/CMakeOutput.log
-            **/crash_diagnostics/*
+          PIPELINE: "llvm-project/libcxx-ci"
diff --git a/libcxx/include/libcxx_trigger b/libcxx/include/libcxx_trigger
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d64

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