[llvm] Move the PowerPC/PPCMergeStringPool work to initializer (PR #77352)

Stefan Pintilie via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jan 22 11:06:36 PST 2024

https://github.com/stefanp-ibm commented:

I understand that on AIX in order to have the correct alignment for a particular csect we need to have the global defined in the Initialization phase instead of the Run phase. Is this the issue that we are trying to solve here?  Or, am I missing another issue with deleting Globals after Initialization?

Is it not possible to fix this for the AIX AsmPrinter instead of having to force all of the passes to make all of their changes to Globals in the Initialization phase? I feel like going forward there may be problems especially with Target Independent passes. 


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