[llvm] [InstCombine] Add contributor guide (PR #79007)

Nikita Popov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jan 22 08:50:17 PST 2024

https://github.com/nikic created https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/79007

Document expectations for contributions to InstCombine, especially regarding test coverage.

This is still work in progress.

>From 1f22f6bcb40fa9dfb2795547eb858fcf89e481b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nikita Popov <npopov at redhat.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 17:53:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [InstCombine] Add contributor guide

 llvm/docs/InstCombineContributorGuide.md | 176 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 llvm/docs/UserGuides.rst                 |   4 +
 2 files changed, 180 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 llvm/docs/InstCombineContributorGuide.md

diff --git a/llvm/docs/InstCombineContributorGuide.md b/llvm/docs/InstCombineContributorGuide.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000000..0239e9bc84c2302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/docs/InstCombineContributorGuide.md
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# InstCombine contributor guide
+This guide lays out a series of rules that contributions to InstCombine should
+follow. **Following these rules will results in much faster PR approvals.**
+## Tests
+### Precommit tests
+Tests for new optimizations or miscompilation fixes should be pre-committed.
+This means that you first commit the test with CHECK lines prior to your fix.
+Your actual change will then only contain CHECK line diffs relative to that
+This means that pull requests should generally contain two commits: First,
+one commit adding new tests with baseline check lines. Second, a commit with
+functional changes and test diffs.
+If the second commit in your PR does not contain test diffs, you did something
+wrong. Either you made a mistake when generating CHECK lines, or your tests are
+not actually affected by your patch.
+Exceptions: When fixing assertion failures or infinite loops, do not pre-commit
+### Use `update_test_checks.py`
+CHECK lines should be generated using the `update_test_checks.py` script. Do
+**not** manually edit check lines after using it.
+Be sure to use the correct opt binary when using the script. For example, if
+your build directory is `build`, then you'll want to run:
+llvm/utils/update_test_checks.py --opt-binary build/bin/opt \
+    llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/the_test.ll
+Exceptions: Hand-written CHECK lines are allowed for debuginfo tests.
+### General testing considerations
+Place all tests relating to a transform into a single file. If you are adding
+a regression test for a crash/miscompile in an existing transform, find the
+file where the existing tests are located. A good way to do that is to comment
+out the transform and see which tests fail.
+Make tests minimal. Only test exactly the pattern being transformed. If your
+original motivating case is a larger pattern that your fold enables to
+optimize in some non-trivial way, you may add it as well -- however, the bulk
+of the test coverage should be minimal.
+Give tests short, but meaningful names. Don't call them `@test1`, `@test2` etc. 
+For example, a test checking multi-use behavior of a fold involving the
+addition of two selects might be called `@add_of_selects_multi_use`.
+Add representative tests for each test category (discussed below), but don't
+test all combinations of everything. If you have multi-use tests, and you have
+commuted tests, you shouldn't also add commuted multi-use tests.
+Prefer to keep bit-widths for tests low to improve performance of proof checking using alive2. Using `i8` is better than `i128` where possible. 
+### Add negative tests
+Make sure to add tests for which your transform does **not** apply. Start with
+one of the test cases that succeeds and then create a sequence of negative
+tests, such that **exactly one** different pre-condition of your transform is
+not satisfied in each test.
+### Add multi-use tests
+Add multi-use tests that ensures your transform does not increase instruction
+count if some instructions have additional uses. The standard pattern is to
+introduce extra uses with function calls:
+declare void @use(i8)
+define i8 @add_mul_const_multi_use(i8 %x) {
+  %add = add i8 %x, 1
+  call void @use(i8 %add)
+  %mul = mul i8 %add, 3
+  ret i8 %mul
+Exceptions: For transform that only produce one instruction, multi-use tests
+may be omitted.
+### Add commuted tests
+If the transform involves commutative operations, add tests with commuted
+(swapped) operands.
+Make sure that that the operand order stays intact in the CHECK lines of your
+pre-commited tests. You should not see something like this:
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[OR:%.*]] = or i8 [[X]], [[Y]]
+; ...
+%or = or i8 %y, %x
+If this happens, you may need to change one of the operands to have higher
+complexity (include the "thwart" comment in that case):
+%y2 = mul i8 %y, %y ; thwart complexity-based canonicalization
+%or = or i8 %y, %x
+### Add vector tests
+When possible, it is recommended to add at least one test that uses vectors
+instead of scalars.
+For patterns that include constants, we distinguish three kinds of tests.
+The first are "splat" vectors, where all the vector elements are the same.
+These tests *should* usually fold without additional effort.
+define <2 x i8> @add_mul_const_vec_splat(<2 x i8> %x) {
+  %add = add <2 x i8> %x, <i8 1, i8 1>
+  %mul = mul <2 x i8> %add, <i8 3, i8 3>
+  ret <2 x i8> %mul
+A minor variant is to replace some of the splat elements with poison. These
+will often also fold without additional effort.
+define <2 x i8> @add_mul_const_vec_splat_poison(<2 x i8> %x) {
+  %add = add <2 x i8> %x, <i8 1, i8 poison>
+  %mul = mul <2 x i8> %add, <i8 3, i8 poison>
+  ret <2 x i8> %mul
+Finally, you can have non-splat vectors, where the vector elements are not
+the same:
+define <2 x i8> @add_mul_const_vec_non_splat(<2 x i8> %x) {
+  %add = add <2 x i8> %x, <i8 1, i8 5>
+  %mul = mul <2 x i8> %add, <i8 3, i8 6>
+  ret <2 x i8> %mul
+Non-splat vectors will often not fold by default. You should **not** try to
+make them fold, unless doing so does not add **any** additional complexity.
+You should still add the test though, even if it does not fold.
+### Poison flag tests
+If your transform involves instructions that can have poison-generating flags,
+such as `nuw` and `nsw` on `add`, you should test how these interact with the
+If your transform *requires* a certain flag for correctness, make sure to add
+negative tests missing the required flag.
+If your transform doesn't require flags for correctness, you should have tests
+for preservation behavior. If the input instructions have certain flags, are
+they preserved in the output instructions, if it is valid to preserve them?
+(This depends on the transform. Check with alive2.)
+### Other tests
+The test categories mentioned above are non-exhaustive. There may be more tests
+to be added, depending on the instructions involved in the transform. Some
+ * WIP
diff --git a/llvm/docs/UserGuides.rst b/llvm/docs/UserGuides.rst
index 2f450ef46025aa8..88b4abeb0e6c48e 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/UserGuides.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/UserGuides.rst
@@ -181,6 +181,10 @@ Optimizations
    This document explains two binary formats of instrumentation-based profiles.
+   This document specifies guidelines for contributions for InstCombine and
+   related passes.
 Code Generation

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