[compiler-rt] [AArch64][compiler-rt] Add memcpy, memset, memmove, memchr simple imp… (PR #77496)

Dinar Temirbulatov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jan 22 03:01:51 PST 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+// WARNING: When building the scalar versions of these functions you need to
+// use the compiler flag "-mllvm -disable-loop-idiom-all" to prevent clang
+// from recognising a loop idiom and planting calls to memcpy!
+static void *__arm_sc_memcpy_fwd(void *dest, const void *src,
+                                 size_t n) __arm_streaming_compatible {
+  unsigned char *destp = (unsigned char *)dest;
+  const unsigned char *srcp = (const unsigned char *)src;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    destp[i] = srcp[i];
+  }
+  return dest;
+// If dest and src overlap then behaviour is undefined, hence we can add the
+// restrict keywords here. This also matches the definition of the libc memcpy
+// according to the man page.
+void *__arm_sc_memcpy(void *__restrict__ dest, const void *__restrict__ src,
+                      size_t n) __arm_streaming_compatible {
+  return __arm_sc_memcpy_fwd(dest, src, n);
+void *__arm_sc_memset(void *dest, int c, size_t n) __arm_streaming_compatible {
+  unsigned char *destp = (unsigned char *)dest;
+  unsigned char c8 = (unsigned char)c;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    destp[i] = c8;
+  }
+  return dest;
+static void *__arm_sc_memcpy_rev(void *dest, const void *src,
+                                 size_t n) __arm_streaming_compatible {
+  unsigned char *destp = (unsigned char *)dest;
+  const unsigned char *srcp = (const unsigned char *)src;
+  // TODO: Improve performance by copying larger chunks in reverse, or by
+  // using SVE.
+  while (n > 0) {
+    n--;
+    destp[n] = srcp[n];
+  }
+  return dest;
+// Semantically a memmove is equivalent to the following:
+//   1. Copy the entire contents of src to a temporary array that does not
+//      overlap with src or dest.
+//   2. Copy the contents of the temporary array into dest.
+void *__arm_sc_memmove(void *dest, const void *src,
+                       size_t n) __arm_streaming_compatible {
+  unsigned char *destp = (unsigned char *)dest;
+  const unsigned char *srcp = (const unsigned char *)src;
+  // If src and dest are identical there is nothing to do!
+  if ((destp == srcp) || (n == 0))
+    return destp;
+  // If src and dest don't overlap then just invoke memcpy
+  if ((srcp > (destp + n)) || (destp > (srcp + n)))
+    return __arm_sc_memcpy_fwd(dest, src, n);
+  // Overlap case 1:
+  //     src: Low     |   ->   |     High
+  //    dest: Low  |   ->   |        High
+  // Here src is always ahead of dest at a higher addres. If we first read a
+  // chunk of data from src we can safely write the same chunk to dest without
+  // corrupting future reads of src.
+  if (srcp > destp)
+    return __arm_sc_memcpy_fwd(dest, src, n);
+  // Overlap case 2:
+  //     src: Low  |   ->   |        High
+  //    dest: Low     |   ->   |     High
+  // While we're in the overlap region we're always corrupting future reads of
+  // src when writing to dest. An efficient way to do this is to copy the data
+  // in reverse by starting at the highest address.
+  return __arm_sc_memcpy_rev(dest, src, n);
+const void *__arm_sc_memchr(const void *src, int c,
+                            size_t n) __arm_streaming_compatible {
+  const unsigned char *srcp = (const unsigned char *)src;
+  unsigned char c8 = (unsigned char)c;
dtemirbulatov wrote:



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