[llvm] Add special case for unsupported test (PR #78858)

Saleem Abdulrasool via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Jan 20 13:25:51 PST 2024

@@ -568,7 +568,8 @@ list of boolean expressions. The values in each expression may be:
 | ``UNSUPPORTED`` disables the test if any expression is true.
 | ``XFAIL`` expects the test to fail if any expression is true.
-As a special case, ``XFAIL: *`` is expected to fail everywhere.
+As a special case, ``XFAIL: *`` is expected to fail everywhere. Similarly,
+``UNSUPPORTED: target={{.*}}`` will disable the test everywhere.
compnerd wrote:

It might be a good idea to expand on this a bit and explain that `XFAIL` runs the test but expects it to fail, where as `UNSUPPORTED` will skip the test entirely so you would never know if the state changes.


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