[lldb] [llvm] DEBUGINFOD based DWP acquisition for LLDB (PR #70996)

Michał Górny via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 19 10:52:40 PST 2024

mgorny wrote:

`LLVM_DIR` and `Clang_DIR` are merely hints to `find_package()`. If you need to pass them, it simply means you haven't set `PATH` correctly and CMake can't find installed LLVM/Clang. However, that shouldn't make any difference as long as you provide paths to **installed** LLVM/Clang, and not to the source/build directory. That said, you may actually need to remove the build directory because I don't know if things don't leak through.

No, I don't have a "ready" configuration. You could start off `gentoo/stage3` and install LLVM/Clang/LLDB live ebuilds to reproduce but that's a lot of effort, and I don't think it's worth your time.

Perhaps I should just send the "obvious" fix without bothering you. I can reproduce it anytime, and I doubt there's any other fix possible than adding `LLVMDebuginfod` library to `libLLVM`. I just need a lot of energy to start contributing to LLVM because it's painful.


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