[llvm] [lldb] Added settings for DEBUGINFOD cache location and timeout (PR #78605)

Kevin Frei via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 18 16:54:20 PST 2024

@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
 include "../../../../include/lldb/Core/PropertiesBase.td"
 let Definition = "symbollocatordebuginfod" in {
-  def ServerURLs : Property<"server_urls", "Array">,
+  def ServerURLs : Property<"server-urls", "Array">,
     Desc<"An ordered list of Debuginfod server URLs to query for symbols. This defaults to the contents of the DEBUGINFOD_URLS environment variable.">;
+  def SymbolCachePath: Property<"cache-path", "String">,
+    DefaultStringValue<"">,
+    Desc<"The path where symbol files should be cached. This defaults to LLDB's system cache location.">;
+  def Timeout : Property<"timeout", "UInt64">,
+    DefaultUnsignedValue<0>,
+    Desc<"Timeout (in seconds) for requests made to a DEBUGINFOD server. A value of zero defaults to DEBUGINFOD_TIMEOUT environment variable (or 90 seconds).">;
kevinfrei wrote:

I make no claims to my ability to write readable prose. Your description makes at least much as sense as mine, so I'll just swipe it directly.


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