[llvm] [FileCheck]: Fix diagnostic for trailing CHECK-NOT (PR #78412)

Thomas Preud'homme via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 17 07:46:48 PST 2024

RoboTux wrote:

That works when the prefix of the last CHECK-NOT correspond to the prefix of the failing trailing CHECK-NOT. It fails in the following case though:

<check file>
LEADING: placeholder1
MIDDLE-NOT: placeholder2
TRAILING-NOT: placeholder3

and FileCheck is called with --prefixes=LEADING,MIDDLE,TRAILING: it shows TRAILING-NOT even though it's the MIDDLE-NOT that fail.

Likewise if we have this instead with --implicit-check-not "placeholder2":


<check file>
LEADING: placeholder1
TRAILING-NOT: placeholder3

It would show TRAILING-NOT in the error message even though it's the inplicit check not that failed.


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