[llvm] [WebAssembly] Limit increase of Ctx.End (PR #76676)

Sam Clegg via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 12 10:22:03 PST 2024

sbc100 wrote:

> > I'm not a fan a direct fuzzer outputs being checked in unless we can't find a way to reduce to something small/understandable (such as the one in this case).
> OSS-Fuzz minimizes the input and the input added here is the fuzzer input as minimized by OSS-Fuzz. Similarly the minimized input produced by OSS-Fuzz in #77708 is 25 bytes and the one in #77698 is 132 bytes

Those both sounds fine to checkin then. 

In general, If possible, I'd think still prefer to have them named something meaningful (and possibly reduced even more) once the root causes is established.


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