[llvm] [GitHub] Fix slow sccache install on macOS by upgrading macOS version (PR #77165)

Craig Hesling via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Jan 7 20:58:24 PST 2024

linux4life798 wrote:

Hmm. It looks like macOS-11 is does not see this cache issue, despite still having the `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` workaround removed.

I also tried to see if there was newer version of [hendrikmuhs/ccache-action](https://github.com/hendrikmuhs/ccache-action), but it looks like we are already using the newest version (the v1 tag was updated to the latest tag).

I am running another experiment to see if an older version of [hendrikmuhs/ccache-action](https://github.com/hendrikmuhs/ccache-action) still shows this cache issue, but in the meantime, I think we should just revert the commit for this PR (602c8fa2d8da).


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