[llvm] [RemoveDIs] Handle DPValues in FastISel (PR #76952)

Jeremy Morse via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 4 23:54:40 PST 2024

https://github.com/jmorse approved this pull request.

This LGTM in principle -- I haven't compared the refactor'd code line-by-line, but it's a mechanical change, and the objective is to abstract the handling of debugging information from the type that it's stored in, which is fine. Two nits inline that want addressing before landing.

CC @felipepiovezan who IIRC touched this code last, so that it's on his radar. As mentioned, this is purely about abstracting the logic away from where the information is stored (intrinsics, or instruction-less debug-info).


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