[llvm] [clang-tools-extra] [clang] [RISCV] Support Global Dynamic TLSDESC in the RISC-V backend (PR #66915)

Paul Kirth via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 4 08:22:51 PST 2024

@@ -1722,6 +1722,35 @@ let hasSideEffects = 0, mayLoad = 0, mayStore = 0, Size = 8, isCodeGenOnly = 0,
     isAsmParserOnly = 1 in
 def PseudoLA_TLS_GD : Pseudo<(outs GPR:$dst), (ins bare_symbol:$src), [],
                              "la.tls.gd", "$dst, $src">;
+let hasSideEffects = 0, mayLoad = 1, mayStore = 0, Size = 32, isCodeGenOnly = 0,
+    isAsmParserOnly = 1 in
ilovepi wrote:

Ah, I think I missed this when I dropped the AsmParser bits.  So, I *think* that means I want to set isAsmParserOnly=0, isCodeGenOnly=0, isPseudo=1, which I think is the case now. Is that the correct way to model a pseudo that is only for some internal state that shouldn't be emitted to assembly? 

That's my understanding from https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/blob/2c4ca6832fa6b306ee6a7010bfb80a3f2596f824/include/llvm/Target/Target.td#L554 , at least, but I'm not sure if that is a correct interpretation or not.


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