[llvm] [LV, VP]VP intrinsics support for the Loop Vectorizer (PR #76172)

Florian Hahn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 2 05:44:01 PST 2024

fhahn wrote:

> I addressed most of the @ayalz comments in this version

Ok thanks!

 It would be helpful to import the recent conversations here and including what has been addressed how in the current iteration and if anything is still left open. Unfortunately it looks like for some reason D99750  isn't included in the static archive of reviews.llvm.org, I posted https://discourse.llvm.org/t/some-reviews-on-reviews-llvm-org-seem-to-be-missing-from-the-static-archive/76001 to hopefully get back access to the context in Phabricator.


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