[lld] [llvm] [RISCV] Support printing immediate of RISCV MCInst in hexadecimal format (PR #74053)

Wang Yaduo via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 2 01:40:15 PST 2024

MouseSplinter wrote:

> When merging a change, especially with a lot of test updates, always ensure that the rebased version still works...
> Sometimes, only through rebasing can one notice that the patch [needs adjustments to more code or tests](https://maskray.me/blog/2023-09-09-reflections-on-llvm-switch-to-github-pull-requests#patch-evolution) due to its interaction with another landed patch:
> Another landed patch added some tests that would be changed by the current patch. Another landed patch added a new use of the function that is renamed by the current patch.
> --
> You can rebase locally and test, but not push an amended commit to the branch, then use the github to merge.

Thanks for your guidance too much.


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