[llvm] b223aeb - [X86][NFC] Refine code in X86InstrArithmetic.td

Shengchen Kan via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 21 04:51:06 PST 2023

Author: Shengchen Kan
Date: 2023-12-21T20:50:09+08:00
New Revision: b223aebd3ff9fd705d0b9054023ad6b77c933d92

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b223aebd3ff9fd705d0b9054023ad6b77c933d92
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b223aebd3ff9fd705d0b9054023ad6b77c933d92.diff

LOG: [X86][NFC] Refine code in X86InstrArithmetic.td

1. Remove redandunt classes
2. Correct comments
3. Move duplicated `let` statement into class definition
4. Simplify the variable name and align the code




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrArithmetic.td b/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrArithmetic.td
index 46b430a842ef06..664ba316cd75b0 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrArithmetic.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrArithmetic.td
@@ -44,107 +44,69 @@ def PLEA32r   : PseudoI<(outs GR32:$dst), (ins anymem:$src), []>;
 def PLEA64r   : PseudoI<(outs GR64:$dst), (ins anymem:$src), []>;
-//  Fixed-Register Multiplication and Division Instructions.
-// BinOpRR - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, reg".
-class BinOpRR<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-              dag outlist, X86FoldableSchedWrite sched, list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, MRMDestReg, typeinfo, outlist,
-        (ins typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.RegClass:$src2),
-        mnemonic, "{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}", pattern>,
-    Sched<[sched]>;
-// BinOpRR_F - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, reg", where the pattern
-// has just a EFLAGS as a result.
-class BinOpRR_F<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                SDPatternOperator opnode>
-  : BinOpRR<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, (outs), WriteALU,
-            [(set EFLAGS,
-                  (opnode typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.RegClass:$src2))]>;
-// BinOpRR_RF - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, reg", where the pattern
-// has both a regclass and EFLAGS as a result.
-class BinOpRR_RF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                 SDNode opnode>
-  : BinOpRR<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, (outs typeinfo.RegClass:$dst), WriteALU,
-            [(set typeinfo.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-                  (opnode typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.RegClass:$src2))]>;
-// BinOpRR_RFF - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, reg", where the pattern
-// has both a regclass and EFLAGS as a result, and has EFLAGS as input.
-class BinOpRR_RFF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                  SDNode opnode>
-  : BinOpRR<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, (outs typeinfo.RegClass:$dst), WriteADC,
-            [(set typeinfo.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-                  (opnode typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.RegClass:$src2,
-                          EFLAGS))]>;
-// BinOpRR_Rev - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, reg"(reversed encoding).
-class BinOpRR_Rev<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                  X86FoldableSchedWrite sched = WriteALU>
-  : ITy<opcode, MRMSrcReg, typeinfo,
-        (outs typeinfo.RegClass:$dst),
-        (ins typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.RegClass:$src2),
-        mnemonic, "{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}", []>,
-    Sched<[sched]> {
-  // The disassembler should know about this, but not the asmparser.
-  let isCodeGenOnly = 1;
-  let ForceDisassemble = 1;
-  let hasSideEffects = 0;
+// BinOpRR - Instructions that read "reg, reg".
+class BinOpRR<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, dag out, list<dag> p>
+  : ITy<o, MRMDestReg, t, out, (ins t.RegClass:$src1, t.RegClass:$src2), m,
+        "{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}", p>, Sched<[WriteALU]>;
+// BinOpRR_F - Instructions that read "reg, reg" and write EFLAGS only.
+class BinOpRR_F<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDPatternOperator node>
+  : BinOpRR<o, m, t, (outs),
+            [(set EFLAGS, (node t.RegClass:$src1, t.RegClass:$src2))]>,
+    DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpRR_F_Rev - Reversed encoding of BinOpRR_F
+class BinOpRR_F_Rev<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t>
+  : BinOpRR_F<o, m, t, null_frag>, DisassembleOnly {
+  let Form = MRMSrcReg;
-// BinOpRR_RFF_Rev - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, reg"(reversed
-// encoding), with sched = WriteADC.
-class BinOpRR_RFF_Rev<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo>
-  : BinOpRR_Rev<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, WriteADC>;
-// BinOpRR_F_Rev - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, reg"(reversed
-// encoding), without outlist dag.
-class BinOpRR_F_Rev<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo>
-  : ITy<opcode, MRMSrcReg, typeinfo, (outs),
-        (ins typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.RegClass:$src2),
-        mnemonic, "{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}", []>,
-    Sched<[WriteALU]> {
-  // The disassembler should know about this, but not the asmparser.
-  let isCodeGenOnly = 1;
-  let ForceDisassemble = 1;
-  let hasSideEffects = 0;
+// BinOpRR_RF - Instructions that read "reg, reg", and write "reg", EFLAGS.
+class BinOpRR_RF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDPatternOperator node>
+  : BinOpRR<o, m, t, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+            [(set t.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
+             (node t.RegClass:$src1, t.RegClass:$src2))]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpRR_RF_Rev - Reversed encoding of BinOpRR_RF.
+class BinOpRR_RF_Rev<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t>
+  : BinOpRR_RF<o, m, t, null_frag>, DisassembleOnly {
+  let Form = MRMSrcReg;
+// BinOpRRF_RF - Instructions that read "reg, reg", write "reg" and read/write
+class BinOpRRF_RF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDPatternOperator node>
+  : BinOpRR<o, m, t, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+            [(set t.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
+             (node t.RegClass:$src1, t.RegClass:$src2,
+             EFLAGS))]>, DefEFLAGS, UseEFLAGS {
+  let SchedRW = [WriteADC];
+// BinOpRRF_RF_Rev - Reversed encoding of BinOpRRF_RF
+class BinOpRRF_RF_Rev<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t>
+  : BinOpRRF_RF<o, m, t, null_frag>, DisassembleOnly {
+  let Form = MRMSrcReg;
-// BinOpRM - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, [mem]".
-class BinOpRM<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-              dag outlist, X86FoldableSchedWrite sched, list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, MRMSrcMem, typeinfo, outlist,
-        (ins typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.MemOperand:$src2),
-        mnemonic, "{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}", pattern>,
-    Sched<[sched.Folded, sched.ReadAfterFold]>;
-// BinOpRM_F - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, [mem]", where the pattern
-// has just a EFLAGS as a result.
-class BinOpRM_F<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                SDNode opnode>
-  : BinOpRM<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, (outs), WriteALU,
-            [(set EFLAGS,
-            (opnode typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, (typeinfo.LoadNode addr:$src2)))]>;
-// BinOpRM_RF - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, [mem]", where the pattern
-// has both a regclass and EFLAGS as a result.
-class BinOpRM_RF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                 SDNode opnode>
-  : BinOpRM<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, (outs typeinfo.RegClass:$dst), WriteALU,
-            [(set typeinfo.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-            (opnode typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, (typeinfo.LoadNode addr:$src2)))]>;
-// BinOpRM_RFF - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, [mem]", where the pattern
-// has both a regclass and EFLAGS as a result, and has EFLAGS as input.
-class BinOpRM_RFF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                  SDNode opnode>
-  : BinOpRM<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, (outs typeinfo.RegClass:$dst), WriteADC,
-            [(set typeinfo.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-             (opnode typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, (typeinfo.LoadNode addr:$src2),
-             EFLAGS))]> {
+// BinOpRM - Instructions that read "reg, [mem]".
+class BinOpRM<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, dag out, list<dag> p>
+  : ITy<o, MRMSrcMem, t, out, (ins t.RegClass:$src1, t.MemOperand:$src2), m,
+        "{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}", p>,
+    Sched<[WriteALU.Folded, WriteALU.ReadAfterFold]> {
+  let mayLoad = 1;
+// BinOpRM_F - Instructions that read "reg, [mem]" and write EFLAGS only.
+class BinOpRM_F<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDNode node>
+  : BinOpRM<o, m, t, (outs),
+            [(set EFLAGS, (node t.RegClass:$src1,
+             (t.LoadNode addr:$src2)))]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpRM_RF - Instructions that read "reg, reg", and write "reg", EFLAGS.
+class BinOpRM_RF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDPatternOperator node>
+  : BinOpRM<o, m, t, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+            [(set t.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS, (node t.RegClass:$src1,
+             (t.LoadNode addr:$src2)))]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpRMF_RF - Instructions that read "reg, [mem]", write "reg" and read/write
+class BinOpRMF_RF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDNode node>
+  : BinOpRM<o, m, t, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+            [(set t.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
+             (node t.RegClass:$src1, (t.LoadNode addr:$src2), EFLAGS))]>,
   let SchedRW = [WriteADC.Folded, WriteADC.ReadAfterFold,
                  // base, scale, index, offset, segment.
                  ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault,
@@ -152,395 +114,327 @@ class BinOpRM_RFF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-// BinOpRI - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, imm".
-class BinOpRI<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-              Format f, dag outlist, X86FoldableSchedWrite sched, list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, f, typeinfo, outlist,
-        (ins typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.ImmOperand:$src2),
-        mnemonic, "{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}", pattern>,
-    Sched<[sched]> {
-  let ImmT = typeinfo.ImmEncoding;
+// BinOpRI - Instructions that read "reg, imm".
+class BinOpRI<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, Format f, dag out, list<dag> p>
+  : ITy<o, f, t, out, (ins t.RegClass:$src1, t.ImmOperand:$src2), m,
+        "{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}", p>, Sched<[WriteALU]> {
+  let ImmT = t.ImmEncoding;
-// BinOpRI_F - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, imm", where the pattern
-// has EFLAGS as a result.
-class BinOpRI_F<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                SDPatternOperator opnode, Format f>
-  : BinOpRI<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, f, (outs), WriteALU,
-            [(set EFLAGS,
-                (opnode typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.ImmOperator:$src2))]>;
-// BinOpRI_RF - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, imm", where the pattern
-// has both a regclass and EFLAGS as a result.
-class BinOpRI_RF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                 SDNode opnode, Format f>
-  : BinOpRI<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, f, (outs typeinfo.RegClass:$dst), WriteALU,
-            [(set typeinfo.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-                (opnode typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.ImmOperator:$src2))]>;
-// BinOpRI_RFF - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, imm", where the pattern
-// has both a regclass and EFLAGS as a result, and has EFLAGS as input.
-class BinOpRI_RFF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                  SDNode opnode, Format f>
-  : BinOpRI<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, f, (outs typeinfo.RegClass:$dst), WriteADC,
-            [(set typeinfo.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-                (opnode typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.ImmOperator:$src2,
-                        EFLAGS))]>;
-// BinOpRI8 - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, imm8".
-class BinOpRI8<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-               Format f, dag outlist, X86FoldableSchedWrite sched, list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, f, typeinfo, outlist,
-        (ins typeinfo.RegClass:$src1, typeinfo.Imm8Operand:$src2),
-        mnemonic, "{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}", pattern>,
-    Sched<[sched]> {
-  let ImmT = Imm8; // Always 8-bit immediate.
+// BinOpRI_F - Instructions that read "reg, imm" and write EFLAGS only.
+class BinOpRI_F<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDPatternOperator node,
+                Format f>
+  : BinOpRI<o, m, t, f, (outs),
+            [(set EFLAGS, (node t.RegClass:$src1,
+             t.ImmOperator:$src2))]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpRI_RF - Instructions that read "reg, imm" and write "reg", EFLAGS.
+class BinOpRI_RF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDNode node, Format f>
+  : BinOpRI<o, m, t, f, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+            [(set t.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
+             (node t.RegClass:$src1, t.ImmOperator:$src2))]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpRIF_RF - Instructions that read "reg, imm", write "reg" and read/write
+class BinOpRIF_RF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDNode node, Format f>
+  : BinOpRI<o, m, t, f, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+            [(set t.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
+             (node t.RegClass:$src1, t.ImmOperator:$src2,
+             EFLAGS))]>, DefEFLAGS, UseEFLAGS {
+  let SchedRW = [WriteADC];
+// BinOpRI8 - Instructions that read "reg, imm8".
+class BinOpRI8<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, Format f, dag out>
+  : ITy<o, f, t, out, (ins t.RegClass:$src1, t.Imm8Operand:$src2), m,
+        "{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}", []>, Sched<[WriteALU]> {
+  let ImmT = Imm8;
+// BinOpRI8_F - Instructions that read "reg, imm8" and write EFLAGS only.
+class BinOpRI8_F<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, Format f>
+  : BinOpRI8<o, m, t, f, (outs)>, DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpRI8_RF - Instructions that read "reg, imm8" and write "reg", EFLAGS.
+class BinOpRI8_RF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, Format f>
+  : BinOpRI8<o, m, t, f, (outs t.RegClass:$dst)>, DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpRI8F_RF - Instructions that read "reg, imm", write "reg" and read/write
+class BinOpRI8F_RF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, Format f>
+  : BinOpRI8<o, m, t, f, (outs t.RegClass:$dst)>, DefEFLAGS, UseEFLAGS {
+  let SchedRW = [WriteADC];
-// BinOpRI8_F - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, imm8".
-class BinOpRI8_F<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo, Format f>
-  : BinOpRI8<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, f, (outs), WriteALU, []>;
-// BinOpRI8_RF - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, imm8".
-class BinOpRI8_RF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo, Format f>
-  : BinOpRI8<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, f, (outs typeinfo.RegClass:$dst), WriteALU, []>;
-// BinOpRI8_RFF - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, imm8".
-class BinOpRI8_RFF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo, Format f>
-  : BinOpRI8<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, f, (outs typeinfo.RegClass:$dst), WriteADC, []>;
-// BinOpMR - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], reg".
-class BinOpMR<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-              list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, MRMDestMem, typeinfo,
-        (outs), (ins typeinfo.MemOperand:$dst, typeinfo.RegClass:$src),
-        mnemonic, "{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", pattern>;
-// BinOpMR_RMW - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], reg", where the pattern
-// implicitly use EFLAGS.
-class BinOpMR_RMW<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                  SDNode opnode>
-  : BinOpMR<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo,
-            [(store (opnode (load addr:$dst), typeinfo.RegClass:$src), addr:$dst),
+// BinOpMR - Instructions that read "[mem], reg".
+class BinOpMR<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, list<dag> p>
+  : ITy<o, MRMDestMem, t, (outs), (ins t.MemOperand:$dst, t.RegClass:$src), m,
+        "{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", p> {
+  let mayLoad = 1;
+// BinOpMR_F - Instructions that read "[mem], imm8" and write EFLAGS only.
+class BinOpMR_F<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDPatternOperator node>
+  : BinOpMR<o, m, t,
+            [(set EFLAGS, (node (t.LoadNode addr:$dst), t.RegClass:$src))]>,
+    Sched<[WriteALU.Folded, ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault,
+            ReadDefault, ReadDefault, WriteALU.ReadAfterFold]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpMR_MF - Instructions that read "[mem], reg" and write "[mem]", EFLAGS.
+class BinOpMR_MF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDNode node>
+  : BinOpMR<o, m, t,
+            [(store (node (load addr:$dst), t.RegClass:$src), addr:$dst),
              (implicit EFLAGS)]>,
            // base, scale, index, offset, segment
-           ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault,
-           ReadDefault, ReadDefault,
-           WriteALU.ReadAfterFold]>;  // reg
-// BinOpMR_RMW_FF - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], reg", where the
-// pattern sets EFLAGS and implicitly uses EFLAGS.
-class BinOpMR_RMW_FF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                     SDNode opnode>
-  : BinOpMR<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo,
-            [(store (opnode (load addr:$dst), typeinfo.RegClass:$src, EFLAGS),
-                    addr:$dst),
-             (implicit EFLAGS)]>,
+           ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault,
+           WriteALU.ReadAfterFold]>, // reg
+    DefEFLAGS {
+  let mayStore = 1;
+// BinOpMRF_MF - Instructions that read "[mem], reg", write "[mem]" and
+// read/write EFLAGS.
+class BinOpMRF_MF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDNode node>
+  : BinOpMR<o, m, t,
+            [(store (node (load addr:$dst), t.RegClass:$src, EFLAGS),
+             addr:$dst), (implicit EFLAGS)]>,
           // base, scale, index, offset, segment
           ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault,
           ReadDefault, ReadDefault,
           WriteALU.ReadAfterFold,    // reg
-          WriteALU.ReadAfterFold]>;  // EFLAGS
-// BinOpMR_F - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], reg", where the pattern
-// has EFLAGS as a result.
-class BinOpMR_F<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                SDPatternOperator opnode>
-  : BinOpMR<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo,
-            [(set EFLAGS, (opnode (typeinfo.LoadNode addr:$dst),
-                                   typeinfo.RegClass:$src))]>,
-    Sched<[WriteALU.Folded, ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault,
-            ReadDefault, ReadDefault, WriteALU.ReadAfterFold]>;
-// BinOpMI - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], imm".
-class BinOpMI<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-              Format f, list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, f, typeinfo,
-        (outs), (ins typeinfo.MemOperand:$dst, typeinfo.ImmOperand:$src),
-        mnemonic, "{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", pattern> {
-  let ImmT = typeinfo.ImmEncoding;
+          WriteALU.ReadAfterFold]>,  // EFLAGS
+  let mayStore = 1;
-// BinOpMI_RMW - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], imm", where the
-// pattern implicitly use EFLAGS.
-class BinOpMI_RMW<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                  SDNode opnode, Format f>
-  : BinOpMI<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, f,
-            [(store (opnode (typeinfo.VT (load addr:$dst)),
-                            typeinfo.ImmOperator:$src), addr:$dst),
-             (implicit EFLAGS)]>,
-    Sched<[WriteALURMW]>;
-// BinOpMI_RMW_FF - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], imm", where the
-// pattern sets EFLAGS and implicitly uses EFLAGS.
-class BinOpMI_RMW_FF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                     SDNode opnode, Format f>
-  : BinOpMI<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, f,
-            [(store (opnode (typeinfo.VT (load addr:$dst)),
-                             typeinfo.ImmOperator:$src, EFLAGS), addr:$dst),
-                             (implicit EFLAGS)]>,
-    Sched<[WriteADCRMW]>;
-// BinOpMI_F - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], imm", where the pattern
-// has EFLAGS as a result.
-class BinOpMI_F<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                SDPatternOperator opnode, Format f>
-  : BinOpMI<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, f,
-            [(set EFLAGS, (opnode (typeinfo.LoadNode addr:$dst),
-                                  typeinfo.ImmOperator:$src))]>,
-    Sched<[WriteALU.Folded]>;
-// BinOpMI8 - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], imm8".
-class BinOpMI8<string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-               Format f, list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<0x82, f, typeinfo,
-        (outs), (ins typeinfo.MemOperand:$dst, typeinfo.Imm8Operand:$src),
-        mnemonic, "{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", pattern> {
-  let ImmT = Imm8; // Always 8-bit immediate.
+// BinOpMI - Instructions that read "[mem], imm".
+class BinOpMI<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, Format f, list<dag> p>
+  : ITy<o, f, t, (outs), (ins t.MemOperand:$dst, t.ImmOperand:$src), m,
+        "{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", p> {
+  let ImmT = t.ImmEncoding;
+  let mayLoad = 1;
+// BinOpMI_F - Instructions that read "[mem], imm" and write EFLAGS only.
+class BinOpMI_F<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDPatternOperator node,
+                Format f>
+  : BinOpMI<o, m, t, f,
+            [(set EFLAGS, (node (t.LoadNode addr:$dst), t.ImmOperator:$src))]>,
+    Sched<[WriteALU.Folded]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpMI_MF - Instructions that read "[mem], imm" and write "[mem]", EFLAGS.
+class BinOpMI_MF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDNode node, Format f>
+  : BinOpMI<o, m, t, f,
+            [(store (node (t.VT (load addr:$dst)),
+             t.ImmOperator:$src), addr:$dst), (implicit EFLAGS)]>,
+    Sched<[WriteALURMW]>, DefEFLAGS {
+  let mayStore = 1;
+// BinOpMIF_MF - Instructions that read "[mem], imm", write "[mem]" and
+// read/write EFLAGS.
+class BinOpMIF_MF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDNode node, Format f>
+  : BinOpMI<o, m, t, f,
+            [(store (node (t.VT (load addr:$dst)),
+             t.ImmOperator:$src, EFLAGS), addr:$dst), (implicit EFLAGS)]>,
+    Sched<[WriteADCRMW]>, DefEFLAGS, UseEFLAGS {
+  let mayStore = 1;
-// BinOpMI8_RMW - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], imm8".
-class BinOpMI8_RMW<string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo, Format f>
-  : BinOpMI8<mnemonic, typeinfo, f, []>, Sched<[WriteALURMW]>;
-// BinOpMI8_RMW_FF - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], imm8".
-class BinOpMI8_RMW_FF<string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo, Format f>
-  : BinOpMI8<mnemonic, typeinfo, f, []>, Sched<[WriteADCRMW]>;
-// BinOpMI8_F - Binary instructions with inputs "[mem], imm8"
-class BinOpMI8_F<string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo, Format f>
-  : BinOpMI8<mnemonic, typeinfo, f, []>, Sched<[WriteALU.Folded]>;
-// BinOpAI - Binary instructions with input imm, that implicitly use A reg and
-// implicitly define Areg and EFLAGS.
-class BinOpAI<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-              Register areg, string operands, X86FoldableSchedWrite sched = WriteALU>
-  : ITy<opcode, RawFrm, typeinfo,
-        (outs), (ins typeinfo.ImmOperand:$src),
-        mnemonic, operands, []>,
-    Sched<[sched]> {
-  let ImmT = typeinfo.ImmEncoding;
+// BinOpMI8 - Instructions that read "[mem], imm8".
+class BinOpMI8<string m, X86TypeInfo t, Format f>
+  : ITy<0x82, f, t, (outs), (ins t.MemOperand:$dst, t.Imm8Operand:$src), m,
+        "{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", []> {
+  let ImmT = Imm8;
+  let mayLoad = 1;
+// BinOpMI8_F - Instructions that read "[mem], imm8" and write EFLAGS only.
+class BinOpMI8_F<string m, X86TypeInfo t, Format f>
+  : BinOpMI8<m, t, f>, Sched<[WriteALU.Folded]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// BinOpMI8_MF - Instructions that read "[mem], imm8" and write "[mem]", EFLAGS.
+class BinOpMI8_MF<string m, X86TypeInfo t, Format f>
+  : BinOpMI8<m, t, f>, Sched<[WriteALURMW]>, DefEFLAGS {
+  let mayStore = 1;
+// BinOpMI8F_MF - Instructions that read "[mem], imm8", write "[mem]" and
+// read/write EFLAGS.
+class BinOpMI8F_MF<string m, X86TypeInfo t, Format f>
+  : BinOpMI8<m, t, f>, Sched<[WriteADCRMW]>, DefEFLAGS, UseEFLAGS {
+  let mayStore = 1;
+// BinOpAI - Instructions that read "a-reg imm" (Accumulator register).
+class BinOpAI<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, Register areg, string args>
+  : ITy<o, RawFrm, t, (outs), (ins t.ImmOperand:$src), m, args, []>,
+    Sched<[WriteALU]> {
+  let ImmT = t.ImmEncoding;
   let Uses = [areg];
-  let Defs = [areg, EFLAGS];
-  let hasSideEffects = 0;
+// BinOpAI_F - Instructions that read "a-reg imm" and write EFLAGS only.
+class BinOpAI_F<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, Register areg, string args>
+  : BinOpAI<o, m, t, areg, args>, DefEFLAGS;
-// BinOpAI_RFF - Binary instructions with input imm, that implicitly use and
-// define Areg and EFLAGS.
-class BinOpAI_RFF<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                  Register areg, string operands>
-  : BinOpAI<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, areg, operands, WriteADC> {
+// BinOpAI_AF - Instructions that read "a-reg imm" and write a-reg/EFLAGS.
+class BinOpAI_AF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, Register areg,
+                 string args> : BinOpAI<o, m, t, areg, args> {
+  let Defs = [areg, EFLAGS];
+// BinOpAIF_AF - Instructions that read "a-reg imm", write a-reg and read/write
+class BinOpAIF_AF<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, Register areg,
+                  string args> : BinOpAI<o, m, t, areg, args> {
   let Uses = [areg, EFLAGS];
+  let Defs = [areg, EFLAGS];
+  let SchedRW = [WriteADC];
-// BinOpAI_F - Binary instructions with input imm, that implicitly use A reg and
-// implicitly define EFLAGS.
-class BinOpAI_F<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo typeinfo,
-                Register areg, string operands>
-  : BinOpAI<opcode, mnemonic, typeinfo, areg, operands> {
-  let Defs = [EFLAGS];
+// UnaryOpR - Instructions that read "reg" and write "reg".
+class UnaryOpR<bits<8> o, Format f, string m, X86TypeInfo t, list<dag> p>
+  : ITy<o, f, t, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+        (ins t.RegClass:$src1), m, "$dst", p>, Sched<[WriteALU]>;
+// UnaryOpM - Instructions that read "[mem]" and writes "[mem]".
+class UnaryOpM<bits<8> o, Format f, string m, X86TypeInfo t, list<dag> p>
+  : ITy<o, f, t, (outs), (ins t.MemOperand:$dst), m, "$dst", p>,
+    Sched<[WriteALURMW]> {
+  let mayLoad = 1;
+  let mayStore = 1;
-//  UnaryOpM - Unary instructions with a memory operand.
-class UnaryOpM<bits<8> opcode, Format f, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
-               list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, f, info, (outs), (ins info.MemOperand:$dst), mnemonic,
-        "$dst", pattern>;
-//  UnaryOpR - Unary instructions with a register.
-class UnaryOpR<bits<8> opcode, Format f, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
-               list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, f, info, (outs info.RegClass:$dst),
-        (ins info.RegClass:$src1), mnemonic, "$dst", pattern>;
-//  INCDECR - Instructions like "inc reg".
-class INCDECR<Format f, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
-              SDPatternOperator node>
-  : UnaryOpR<0xFE, f, mnemonic, info,
-             [(set info.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-              (node info.RegClass:$src1, 1))]>;
-//  INCDECM - Instructions like "inc [mem]".
-class INCDECM<Format f, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info, int num>
-  : UnaryOpM<0xFE, f, mnemonic, info,
-             [(store (add (info.LoadNode addr:$dst), num), addr:$dst),
-              (implicit EFLAGS)]>;
-//  INCDECR_ALT - Instructions like "inc reg" short forms.
-class INCDECR_ALT<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info>
-  : UnaryOpR<opcode, AddRegFrm, mnemonic, info, []>{
+// INCDECR - Instructions like "inc reg".
+class INCDECR<Format f, string m, X86TypeInfo t, SDPatternOperator node>
+  : UnaryOpR<0xFE, f, m, t,
+             [(set t.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS, (node t.RegClass:$src1, 1))]>,
+    DefEFLAGS {
+  let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = 1; // Can xform into LEA.
+// INCDECM - Instructions like "inc [mem]".
+class INCDECM<Format f, string m, X86TypeInfo t, int num>
+  : UnaryOpM<0xFE, f, m, t,
+             [(store (add (t.LoadNode addr:$dst), num), addr:$dst),
+              (implicit EFLAGS)]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// INCDECR_ALT - Instructions like "inc reg" short forms.
+class INCDECR_ALT<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t>
+  : UnaryOpR<o, AddRegFrm, m, t, []>, DefEFLAGS {
+  // Short forms only valid in 32-bit mode. Selected during MCInst lowering.
   let Predicates = [Not64BitMode];
-  let Opcode = opcode;
+  let Opcode = o;
-//  MulOpR - Instructions like "mul reg".
-class MulOpR<bits<8> opcode, Format f, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
-             X86FoldableSchedWrite sched, list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, f, info, (outs), (ins info.RegClass:$src), mnemonic,
-        "$src", pattern>,
-    Sched<[sched]>;
-//  MulOpM - Instructions like "mul [mem]".
-class MulOpM<bits<8> opcode, Format f, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
-             X86FoldableSchedWrite sched, list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, f, info, (outs), (ins info.MemOperand:$src), mnemonic,
-        "$src", pattern>, SchedLoadReg<sched>;
-//  NegOpR - Instructions like "neg reg", with implicit EFLAGS.
-class NegOpR<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info>
-  : UnaryOpR<opcode, MRM3r, mnemonic, info,
-             [(set info.RegClass:$dst, (ineg info.RegClass:$src1)),
-              (implicit EFLAGS)]>;
-//  NotOpR - Instructions like "not reg".
-class NotOpR<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info>
-  : UnaryOpR<opcode, MRM2r, mnemonic, info,
-               [(set info.RegClass:$dst,
-                (not info.RegClass:$src1))]>;
-//  NegOpM - Instructions like "neg [mem]", with implicit EFLAGS.
-class NegOpM<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info>
-  : UnaryOpM<opcode, MRM3m, mnemonic, info,
-             [(store (ineg (info.LoadNode addr:$dst)), addr:$dst),
-              (implicit EFLAGS)]>;
-//  NotOpM - Instructions like "neg [mem]".
-class NotOpM<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info>
-  : UnaryOpM<opcode, MRM2m, mnemonic,  info,
-             [(store (not (info.LoadNode addr:$dst)), addr:$dst)]>;
-// BinOpRR_C - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, reg", which used mainly
-// with Constraints = "$src1 = $dst".
-class BinOpRR_C<bits<8> opcode, Format f, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
-                list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, f, info, (outs info.RegClass:$dst),
-        (ins info.RegClass:$src1, info.RegClass:$src2),
-        mnemonic, "{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}", pattern>;
-// BinOpRM_C - Binary instructions with inputs "reg, [mem]", which used mainly
-// with Constraints = "$src1 = $dst".
-class BinOpRM_C<bits<8> opcode, Format f, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
-                list<dag> pattern>
-  : ITy<opcode, f, info, (outs info.RegClass:$dst),
-        (ins info.RegClass:$src1, info.MemOperand:$src2),
-        mnemonic, "{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}", pattern>;
+// MulOpR - Instructions like "mul reg".
+class MulOpR<bits<8> o, Format f, string m, X86TypeInfo t,
+             X86FoldableSchedWrite sched, list<dag> p>
+  : ITy<o, f, t, (outs), (ins t.RegClass:$src), m, "$src", p>, Sched<[sched]>;
+// MulOpM - Instructions like "mul [mem]".
+class MulOpM<bits<8> o, Format f, string m, X86TypeInfo t,
+             X86FoldableSchedWrite sched, list<dag> p>
+  : ITy<o, f, t, (outs), (ins t.MemOperand:$src), m,
+        "$src", p>, SchedLoadReg<sched> {
+  let mayLoad = 1;
+// NegOpR - Instructions like "neg reg".
+class NegOpR<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t>
+  : UnaryOpR<o, MRM3r, m, t,
+             [(set t.RegClass:$dst, (ineg t.RegClass:$src1)),
+              (implicit EFLAGS)]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// NegOpM - Instructions like "neg [mem]".
+class NegOpM<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t>
+  : UnaryOpM<o, MRM3m, m, t,
+             [(store (ineg (t.LoadNode addr:$dst)), addr:$dst),
+              (implicit EFLAGS)]>, DefEFLAGS;
+// NOTE: NOT does not set EFLAGS!
+// NotOpR - Instructions like "not reg".
+class NotOpR<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t>
+  : UnaryOpR<o, MRM2r, m, t, [(set t.RegClass:$dst, (not t.RegClass:$src1))]>;
+// NotOpM - Instructions like "neg [mem]".
+class NotOpM<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t>
+  : UnaryOpM<o, MRM2m, m,  t,
+             [(store (not (t.LoadNode addr:$dst)), addr:$dst)]>;
 // IMulOpRR - Instructions like "imul reg, reg, i8".
-class IMulOpRR<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
-               X86FoldableSchedWrite sched>
-  : BinOpRR_C<opcode, MRMSrcReg, mnemonic, info,
-              [(set info.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-                (X86smul_flag info.RegClass:$src1,
-                info.RegClass:$src2))]>,
-    Sched<[sched]>, TB;
+class IMulOpRR<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, X86FoldableSchedWrite sched>
+  : BinOpRR_RF<o, m, t, X86smul_flag>, TB {
+  let Form = MRMSrcReg;
+  let SchedRW = [sched];
+  // X = IMUL Y, Z --> X = IMUL Z, Y
+  let isCommutable = 1;
 // IMulOpRM - Instructions like "imul reg, reg, [mem]".
-class IMulOpRM<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
-               X86FoldableSchedWrite sched>
-  : BinOpRM_C<opcode, MRMSrcMem, mnemonic, info,
-              [(set info.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-                (X86smul_flag info.RegClass:$src1, (info.LoadNode addr:$src2)))]>,
-    Sched<[sched.Folded, sched.ReadAfterFold]>, TB;
+class IMulOpRM<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t, X86FoldableSchedWrite sched>
+  : BinOpRM_RF<o, m, t, X86smul_flag>, TB {
+let Form = MRMSrcMem;
+let SchedRW = [sched.Folded, sched.ReadAfterFold];
 // IMulOpRRI8 - Instructions like "imul reg, reg, i8".
-class IMulOpRRI8<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
+class IMulOpRRI8<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t,
                  X86FoldableSchedWrite sched>
-  : ITy<opcode, MRMSrcReg, info, (outs info.RegClass:$dst),
-        (ins info.RegClass:$src1, info.Imm8Operand:$src2), mnemonic,
-        "{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}", []>, Sched<[sched]> {
+  : ITy<o, MRMSrcReg, t, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+        (ins t.RegClass:$src1, t.Imm8Operand:$src2), m,
+        "{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}", []>, Sched<[sched]>, DefEFLAGS {
   let ImmT = Imm8;
 // IMulOpRRI - Instructions like "imul reg, reg, i16/i32/i64".
-class IMulOpRRI<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
+class IMulOpRRI<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t,
                 X86FoldableSchedWrite sched>
-  : ITy<opcode, MRMSrcReg, info, (outs info.RegClass:$dst),
-        (ins info.RegClass:$src1, info.ImmOperand:$src2), mnemonic,
+  : ITy<o, MRMSrcReg, t, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+        (ins t.RegClass:$src1, t.ImmOperand:$src2), m,
         "{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
-        [(set info.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-         (X86smul_flag info.RegClass:$src1,
-                       info.ImmNoSuOperator:$src2))]>,
-    Sched<[sched]>{
-  let ImmT = info.ImmEncoding;
+        [(set t.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS, (X86smul_flag t.RegClass:$src1,
+         t.ImmNoSuOperator:$src2))]>,
+    Sched<[sched]>, DefEFLAGS {
+  let ImmT = t.ImmEncoding;
 // IMulOpRMI8 - Instructions like "imul reg, [mem], i8".
-class IMulOpRMI8<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
+class IMulOpRMI8<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t,
                  X86FoldableSchedWrite sched>
-  : ITy<opcode, MRMSrcMem, info, (outs info.RegClass:$dst),
-        (ins info.MemOperand:$src1, info.Imm8Operand:$src2), mnemonic,
-        "{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}", []>, Sched<[sched.Folded]> {
+  : ITy<o, MRMSrcMem, t, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+        (ins t.MemOperand:$src1, t.Imm8Operand:$src2), m,
+        "{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}", []>, Sched<[sched.Folded]>,
+    DefEFLAGS {
   let ImmT = Imm8;
+  let mayLoad = 1;
 // IMulOpRMI - Instructions like "imul reg, [mem], i16/i32/i64".
-class IMulOpRMI<bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info,
+class IMulOpRMI<bits<8> o, string m, X86TypeInfo t,
                 X86FoldableSchedWrite sched>
-  : ITy<opcode, MRMSrcMem, info, (outs info.RegClass:$dst),
-        (ins info.MemOperand:$src1, info.ImmOperand:$src2), mnemonic,
+  : ITy<o, MRMSrcMem, t, (outs t.RegClass:$dst),
+        (ins t.MemOperand:$src1, t.ImmOperand:$src2), m,
         "{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
-        [(set info.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
-         (X86smul_flag (info.LoadNode addr:$src1),
-                        info.ImmNoSuOperator:$src2))]>,
-    Sched<[sched.Folded]>{
-  let ImmT = info.ImmEncoding;
+        [(set t.RegClass:$dst, EFLAGS,
+         (X86smul_flag (t.LoadNode addr:$src1), t.ImmNoSuOperator:$src2))]>,
+    Sched<[sched.Folded]>, DefEFLAGS {
+  let ImmT = t.ImmEncoding;
-let Defs = [EFLAGS] in {
-let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", SchedRW = [WriteALU] in {
-// Short forms only valid in 32-bit mode. Selected during MCInst lowering.
-let hasSideEffects = 0 in {
+let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
 def INC16r_alt : INCDECR_ALT<0x40, "inc", Xi16>;
 def INC32r_alt : INCDECR_ALT<0x40, "inc", Xi32>;
-} // hasSideEffects = 0
-let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = 1 in { // Can xform into LEA.
 def INC8r  : INCDECR<MRM0r, "inc", Xi8, X86add_flag_nocf>;
 def INC16r : INCDECR<MRM0r, "inc", Xi16, X86add_flag_nocf>;
 def INC32r : INCDECR<MRM0r, "inc", Xi32, X86add_flag_nocf>;
 def INC64r : INCDECR<MRM0r, "inc", Xi64, X86add_flag_nocf>;
-} // isConvertibleToThreeAddress = 1
-} // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", SchedRW
-let SchedRW = [WriteALURMW] in {
-let Predicates = [UseIncDec] in {
-  def INC8m  : INCDECM<MRM0m, "inc", Xi8, 1>;
-  def INC16m : INCDECM<MRM0m, "inc", Xi16, 1>;
-  def INC32m : INCDECM<MRM0m, "inc", Xi32, 1>;
-} // Predicates
-let Predicates = [UseIncDec, In64BitMode] in {
-  def INC64m : INCDECM<MRM0m, "inc", Xi64, 1>;
-} // Predicates
-} // SchedRW
-let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", SchedRW = [WriteALU] in {
-// Short forms only valid in 32-bit mode. Selected during MCInst lowering.
-let hasSideEffects = 0 in {
 def DEC16r_alt : INCDECR_ALT<0x48, "dec", Xi16>;
 def DEC32r_alt : INCDECR_ALT<0x48, "dec", Xi32>;
-} // hasSideEffects = 0
-let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = 1 in { // Can xform into LEA.
 def DEC8r  : INCDECR<MRM1r, "dec", Xi8, X86sub_flag_nocf>;
 def DEC16r : INCDECR<MRM1r, "dec", Xi16, X86sub_flag_nocf>;
 def DEC32r : INCDECR<MRM1r, "dec", Xi32, X86sub_flag_nocf>;
 def DEC64r : INCDECR<MRM1r, "dec", Xi64, X86sub_flag_nocf>;
-} // isConvertibleToThreeAddress = 1
-} // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", SchedRW
-let SchedRW = [WriteALURMW] in {
 let Predicates = [UseIncDec] in {
-  def DEC8m  : INCDECM<MRM1m, "dec", Xi8, -1>;
-  def DEC16m : INCDECM<MRM1m, "dec", Xi16, -1>;
-  def DEC32m : INCDECM<MRM1m, "dec", Xi32, -1>;
-} // Predicates
+def INC8m  : INCDECM<MRM0m, "inc", Xi8, 1>;
+def INC16m : INCDECM<MRM0m, "inc", Xi16, 1>;
+def INC32m : INCDECM<MRM0m, "inc", Xi32, 1>;
+def DEC8m  : INCDECM<MRM1m, "dec", Xi8, -1>;
+def DEC16m : INCDECM<MRM1m, "dec", Xi16, -1>;
+def DEC32m : INCDECM<MRM1m, "dec", Xi32, -1>;
 let Predicates = [UseIncDec, In64BitMode] in {
-  def DEC64m : INCDECM<MRM1m, "dec", Xi64, -1>;
-} // Predicates
-} // SchedRW
-} // Defs = [EFLAGS]
+def INC64m : INCDECM<MRM0m, "inc", Xi64, 1>;
+def DEC64m : INCDECM<MRM1m, "dec", Xi64, -1>;
 // Extra precision multiplication
@@ -554,14 +448,14 @@ def MUL8r  : MulOpR<0xF6, MRM4r, "mul", Xi8, WriteIMul8,
                // syntax can be accepted.
                [(set AL, (mul AL, GR8:$src)), (implicit EFLAGS)]>;
 // AX,DX = AX*GR16
-let Defs = [AX,DX,EFLAGS], Uses = [AX], hasSideEffects = 0 in
+let Defs = [AX,DX,EFLAGS], Uses = [AX] in
 def MUL16r : MulOpR<0xF7, MRM4r, "mul", Xi16, WriteIMul16, []>;
 // EAX,EDX = EAX*GR32
-let Defs = [EAX,EDX,EFLAGS], Uses = [EAX], hasSideEffects = 0 in
+let Defs = [EAX,EDX,EFLAGS], Uses = [EAX] in
 def MUL32r : MulOpR<0xF7, MRM4r, "mul", Xi32, WriteIMul32,
                [/*(set EAX, EDX, EFLAGS, (X86umul_flag EAX, GR32:$src))*/]>;
 // RAX,RDX = RAX*GR64
-let Defs = [RAX,RDX,EFLAGS], Uses = [RAX], hasSideEffects = 0 in
+let Defs = [RAX,RDX,EFLAGS], Uses = [RAX] in
 def MUL64r : MulOpR<0xF7, MRM4r, "mul", Xi64, WriteIMul64,
                 [/*(set RAX, RDX, EFLAGS, (X86umul_flag RAX, GR64:$src))*/]>;
 // AL,AH = AL*[mem8]
@@ -573,7 +467,6 @@ def MUL8m  : MulOpM<0xF6, MRM4m, "mul", Xi8, WriteIMul8,
                [(set AL, (mul AL, (loadi8 addr:$src))),
                 (implicit EFLAGS)]>;
 // AX,DX = AX*[mem16]
-let mayLoad = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in {
 let Defs = [AX,DX,EFLAGS], Uses = [AX] in
 def MUL16m : MulOpM<0xF7, MRM4m, "mul", Xi16, WriteIMul16, []>;
 // EAX,EDX = EAX*[mem32]
@@ -582,10 +475,8 @@ def MUL32m : MulOpM<0xF7, MRM4m, "mul", Xi32, WriteIMul32, []>;
 // RAX,RDX = RAX*[mem64]
 let Defs = [RAX,RDX,EFLAGS], Uses = [RAX] in
 def MUL64m : MulOpM<0xF7, MRM4m, "mul", Xi64, WriteIMul64, []>,
-                Requires<[In64BitMode]>;
+             Requires<[In64BitMode]>;
-let hasSideEffects = 0 in {
 // AL,AH = AL*GR8
 let Defs = [AL,EFLAGS,AX], Uses = [AL] in
 def IMUL8r  : MulOpR<0xF6, MRM5r, "imul", Xi8, WriteIMul8, []>;
@@ -599,7 +490,6 @@ def IMUL32r : MulOpR<0xF7, MRM5r, "imul", Xi32, WriteIMul32, []>;
 let Defs = [RAX,RDX,EFLAGS], Uses = [RAX] in
 def IMUL64r : MulOpR<0xF7, MRM5r, "imul", Xi64, WriteIMul64, []>;
-let mayLoad = 1 in {
 // AL,AH = AL*[mem8]
 let Defs = [AL,EFLAGS,AX], Uses = [AL] in
 def IMUL8m  : MulOpM<0xF6, MRM5m, "imul", Xi8, WriteIMul8, []>;
@@ -612,28 +502,21 @@ def IMUL32m : MulOpM<0xF7, MRM5m, "imul", Xi32, WriteIMul32, []>;
 // RAX,RDX = RAX*[mem64]
 let Defs = [RAX,RDX,EFLAGS], Uses = [RAX] in
 def IMUL64m : MulOpM<0xF7, MRM5m, "imul", Xi64, WriteIMul64, []>,
-                 Requires<[In64BitMode]>;
+              Requires<[In64BitMode]>;
-let Defs = [EFLAGS] in {
 let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
-let isCommutable = 1 in {
-// X = IMUL Y, Z --> X = IMUL Z, Y
 // Register-Register Signed Integer Multiply
 def IMUL16rr : IMulOpRR<0xAF, "imul", Xi16, WriteIMul16Reg>;
 def IMUL32rr : IMulOpRR<0xAF, "imul", Xi32, WriteIMul32Reg>;
 def IMUL64rr : IMulOpRR<0xAF, "imul", Xi64, WriteIMul64Reg>;
-} // isCommutable
 // Register-Memory Signed Integer Multiply
 def IMUL16rm : IMulOpRM<0xAF, "imul", Xi16, WriteIMul16Reg>;
 def IMUL32rm : IMulOpRM<0xAF, "imul", Xi32, WriteIMul32Reg>;
 def IMUL64rm : IMulOpRM<0xAF, "imul", Xi64, WriteIMul64Reg>;
-} // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst"
-} // Defs = [EFLAGS]
 // Surprisingly enough, these are not two address instructions!
-let Defs = [EFLAGS] in {
 // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the ri8 forms to be listed
 // first so that they are slightly preferred to the ri forms.
@@ -653,7 +536,6 @@ def IMUL64rri32 : IMulOpRRI<0x69, "imul", Xi64, WriteIMul64Imm>;
 // Memory-Integer Signed Integer Multiply
 // GR16 = [mem16]*I8
-let mayLoad = 1 in {
 def IMUL16rmi8 : IMulOpRMI8<0x6B, "imul", Xi16, WriteIMul16Imm>;
 // GR16 = [mem16]*I16
 def IMUL16rmi  : IMulOpRMI<0x69, "imul", Xi16, WriteIMul16Imm>;
@@ -665,9 +547,6 @@ def IMUL32rmi  : IMulOpRMI<0x69, "imul", Xi32, WriteIMul32Imm>;
 def IMUL64rmi8 : IMulOpRMI8<0x6B, "imul", Xi64, WriteIMul64Imm>;
 // GR64 = [mem64]*I32
 def IMUL64rmi32 : IMulOpRMI<0x69, "imul", Xi64, WriteIMul64Imm>;
-} // mayLoad
-} // Defs = [EFLAGS]
-} // hasSideEffects
 // unsigned division/remainder
 let hasSideEffects = 1 in { // so that we don't speculatively execute
@@ -713,7 +592,6 @@ def IDIV32r: MulOpR<0xF7, MRM7r, "idiv", Xi32, WriteIDiv32, []>;
 let Defs = [RAX,RDX,EFLAGS], Uses = [RAX,RDX] in
 def IDIV64r: MulOpR<0xF7, MRM7r, "idiv", Xi64, WriteIDiv64, []>;
-let mayLoad = 1 in {
 let Defs = [AL,AH,EFLAGS], Uses = [AX] in
 // AX/[mem8] = AL,AH
 def IDIV8m : MulOpM<0xF6, MRM7m, "idiv", Xi8, WriteIDiv8, []>;
@@ -727,47 +605,31 @@ let Defs = [RAX,RDX,EFLAGS], Uses = [RAX,RDX] in // RDX:RAX/[mem64] = RAX,RDX
 // RDX:RAX/[mem64] = RAX,RDX
 def IDIV64m: MulOpM<0xF7, MRM7m, "idiv", Xi64, WriteIDiv64, []>,
 } // hasSideEffects = 1
-//  Two address Instructions.
-// unary instructions
-let Defs = [EFLAGS] in {
-let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", SchedRW = [WriteALU] in {
+let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
 def NEG8r  : NegOpR<0xF6, "neg", Xi8>;
 def NEG16r : NegOpR<0xF7, "neg", Xi16>;
 def NEG32r : NegOpR<0xF7, "neg", Xi32>;
 def NEG64r : NegOpR<0xF7, "neg", Xi64>;
-} // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", SchedRW
-// Read-modify-write negate.
-let SchedRW = [WriteALURMW] in {
 def NEG8m  : NegOpM<0xF6, "neg", Xi8>;
 def NEG16m : NegOpM<0xF7, "neg", Xi16>;
 def NEG32m : NegOpM<0xF7, "neg", Xi32>;
 def NEG64m : NegOpM<0xF7, "neg", Xi64>, Requires<[In64BitMode]>;
-} // SchedRW
-} // Defs = [EFLAGS]
-// Note: NOT does not set EFLAGS!
-let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", SchedRW = [WriteALU] in {
+let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
 def NOT8r  : NotOpR<0xF6, "not", Xi8>;
 def NOT16r : NotOpR<0xF7, "not", Xi16>;
 def NOT32r : NotOpR<0xF7, "not", Xi32>;
 def NOT64r : NotOpR<0xF7, "not", Xi64>;
-} // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", SchedRW
-let SchedRW = [WriteALURMW] in {
 def NOT8m  : NotOpM<0xF6, "not", Xi8>;
 def NOT16m : NotOpM<0xF7, "not", Xi16>;
 def NOT32m : NotOpM<0xF7, "not", Xi32>;
 def NOT64m : NotOpM<0xF7, "not", Xi64>, Requires<[In64BitMode]>;
-} // SchedRW
 /// ArithBinOp_RF - This is an arithmetic binary operator where the pattern is
 /// defined with "(set GPR:$dst, EFLAGS, (...".
@@ -779,81 +641,73 @@ multiclass ArithBinOp_RF<bits<8> BaseOpc, bits<8> BaseOpc2, bits<8> BaseOpc4,
                          SDNode opnodeflag, SDNode opnode,
                          bit CommutableRR, bit ConvertibleToThreeAddress,
                          bit ConvertibleToThreeAddressRR> {
-  let Defs = [EFLAGS] in {
-    let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
-      let isCommutable = CommutableRR in {
-        let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddressRR in {
-          def NAME#8rr  : BinOpRR_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnodeflag>;
-          def NAME#16rr : BinOpRR_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnodeflag>;
-          def NAME#32rr : BinOpRR_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnodeflag>;
-          def NAME#64rr : BinOpRR_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnodeflag>;
-        } // isConvertibleToThreeAddress
-      } // isCommutable
-      def NAME#8rr_REV  : BinOpRR_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8>;
-      def NAME#16rr_REV : BinOpRR_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16>;
-      def NAME#32rr_REV : BinOpRR_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32>;
-      def NAME#64rr_REV : BinOpRR_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64>;
-      def NAME#8rm   : BinOpRM_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnodeflag>;
-      def NAME#16rm  : BinOpRM_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16, opnodeflag>;
-      def NAME#32rm  : BinOpRM_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32, opnodeflag>;
-      def NAME#64rm  : BinOpRM_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64, opnodeflag>;
-      let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddress, hasSideEffects= 0 in {
-        def NAME#8ri   : BinOpRI_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnodeflag, RegMRM>;
-        // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the ri8 forms to be listed
-        // first so that they are slightly preferred to the ri forms.
-        def NAME#16ri8 : BinOpRI8_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi16, RegMRM>;
-        def NAME#32ri8 : BinOpRI8_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi32, RegMRM>;
-        def NAME#64ri8 : BinOpRI8_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi64, RegMRM>;
-        def NAME#16ri  : BinOpRI_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnodeflag, RegMRM>;
-        def NAME#32ri  : BinOpRI_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnodeflag, RegMRM>;
-        def NAME#64ri32: BinOpRI_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnodeflag, RegMRM>;
-      }
-    } // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst"
-    let mayLoad = 1, mayStore = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in {
-      def NAME#8mr    : BinOpMR_RMW<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
-      def NAME#16mr   : BinOpMR_RMW<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
-      def NAME#32mr   : BinOpMR_RMW<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
-      def NAME#64mr   : BinOpMR_RMW<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
-      // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the mi8 forms to be listed
-      // first so that they are slightly preferred to the mi forms.
-      def NAME#16mi8  : BinOpMI8_RMW<mnemonic, Xi16, MemMRM>;
-      def NAME#32mi8  : BinOpMI8_RMW<mnemonic, Xi32, MemMRM>;
-      let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
-      def NAME#64mi8  : BinOpMI8_RMW<mnemonic, Xi64, MemMRM>;
-      def NAME#8mi    : BinOpMI_RMW<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode, MemMRM>;
-      def NAME#16mi   : BinOpMI_RMW<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode, MemMRM>;
-      def NAME#32mi   : BinOpMI_RMW<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode, MemMRM>;
-      let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
-      def NAME#64mi32 : BinOpMI_RMW<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode, MemMRM>;
+  let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
+    let isCommutable = CommutableRR,
+        isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddressRR in {
+    def NAME#8rr  : BinOpRR_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnodeflag>;
+    def NAME#16rr : BinOpRR_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnodeflag>;
+    def NAME#32rr : BinOpRR_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnodeflag>;
+    def NAME#64rr : BinOpRR_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnodeflag>;
-    // These are for the disassembler since 0x82 opcode behaves like 0x80, but
-    // not in 64-bit mode.
-    let Predicates = [Not64BitMode], isCodeGenOnly = 1, ForceDisassemble = 1,
-        hasSideEffects = 0 in {
-      let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
-        def NAME#8ri8 : BinOpRI8_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi8, RegMRM>;
-      let mayLoad = 1, mayStore = 1 in
-        def NAME#8mi8 : BinOpMI8_RMW<mnemonic, Xi8, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#8rr_REV  : BinOpRR_RF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8>;
+  def NAME#16rr_REV : BinOpRR_RF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16>;
+  def NAME#32rr_REV : BinOpRR_RF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32>;
+  def NAME#64rr_REV : BinOpRR_RF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64>;
+  def NAME#8rm   : BinOpRM_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnodeflag>;
+  def NAME#16rm  : BinOpRM_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16, opnodeflag>;
+  def NAME#32rm  : BinOpRM_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32, opnodeflag>;
+  def NAME#64rm  : BinOpRM_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64, opnodeflag>;
+    let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddress in {
+    def NAME#8ri   : BinOpRI_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnodeflag, RegMRM>;
+    // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the ri8 forms to be listed
+    // first so that they are slightly preferred to the ri forms.
+    def NAME#16ri8 : BinOpRI8_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi16, RegMRM>;
+    def NAME#32ri8 : BinOpRI8_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi32, RegMRM>;
+    def NAME#64ri8 : BinOpRI8_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi64, RegMRM>;
+    def NAME#16ri  : BinOpRI_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnodeflag, RegMRM>;
+    def NAME#32ri  : BinOpRI_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnodeflag, RegMRM>;
+    def NAME#64ri32: BinOpRI_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnodeflag, RegMRM>;
-  } // Defs = [EFLAGS]
-  def NAME#8i8   : BinOpAI<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi8 , AL,
-                           "{$src, %al|al, $src}">;
-  def NAME#16i16 : BinOpAI<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi16, AX,
-                           "{$src, %ax|ax, $src}">;
-  def NAME#32i32 : BinOpAI<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi32, EAX,
-                           "{$src, %eax|eax, $src}">;
-  def NAME#64i32 : BinOpAI<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi64, RAX,
-                           "{$src, %rax|rax, $src}">;
+  } // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst"
+  def NAME#8mr    : BinOpMR_MF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
+  def NAME#16mr   : BinOpMR_MF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
+  def NAME#32mr   : BinOpMR_MF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
+  def NAME#64mr   : BinOpMR_MF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
+  // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the mi8 forms to be listed
+  // first so that they are slightly preferred to the mi forms.
+  def NAME#16mi8  : BinOpMI8_MF<mnemonic, Xi16, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#32mi8  : BinOpMI8_MF<mnemonic, Xi32, MemMRM>;
+  let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
+  def NAME#64mi8  : BinOpMI8_MF<mnemonic, Xi64, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#8mi    : BinOpMI_MF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#16mi   : BinOpMI_MF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#32mi   : BinOpMI_MF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode, MemMRM>;
+  let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
+  def NAME#64mi32 : BinOpMI_MF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode, MemMRM>;
+  // These are for the disassembler since 0x82 opcode behaves like 0x80, but
+  // not in 64-bit mode.
+  let Predicates = [Not64BitMode] in {
+  let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
+  def NAME#8ri8 : BinOpRI8_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi8, RegMRM>, DisassembleOnly;
+  def NAME#8mi8 : BinOpMI8_MF<mnemonic, Xi8, MemMRM>, DisassembleOnly;
+  }
+  def NAME#8i8 : BinOpAI_AF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi8 , AL,
+                            "{$src, %al|al, $src}">;
+  def NAME#16i16 : BinOpAI_AF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi16, AX,
+                              "{$src, %ax|ax, $src}">;
+  def NAME#32i32 : BinOpAI_AF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi32, EAX,
+                              "{$src, %eax|eax, $src}">;
+  def NAME#64i32 : BinOpAI_AF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi64, RAX,
+                              "{$src, %rax|rax, $src}">;
 /// ArithBinOp_RFF - This is an arithmetic binary operator where the pattern is
@@ -866,80 +720,73 @@ multiclass ArithBinOp_RFF<bits<8> BaseOpc, bits<8> BaseOpc2, bits<8> BaseOpc4,
                           string mnemonic, Format RegMRM, Format MemMRM,
                           SDNode opnode, bit CommutableRR,
                            bit ConvertibleToThreeAddress> {
-  let Uses = [EFLAGS], Defs = [EFLAGS] in {
-    let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
-      let isCommutable = CommutableRR in {
-        def NAME#8rr  : BinOpRR_RFF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
-        let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddress in {
-          def NAME#16rr : BinOpRR_RFF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
-          def NAME#32rr : BinOpRR_RFF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
-          def NAME#64rr : BinOpRR_RFF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
-        } // isConvertibleToThreeAddress
-      } // isCommutable
-      def NAME#8rr_REV  : BinOpRR_RFF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8>;
-      def NAME#16rr_REV : BinOpRR_RFF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16>;
-      def NAME#32rr_REV : BinOpRR_RFF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32>;
-      def NAME#64rr_REV : BinOpRR_RFF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64>;
-      def NAME#8rm   : BinOpRM_RFF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
-      def NAME#16rm  : BinOpRM_RFF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
-      def NAME#32rm  : BinOpRM_RFF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
-      def NAME#64rm  : BinOpRM_RFF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
-      def NAME#8ri   : BinOpRI_RFF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode, RegMRM>;
-      let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddress, hasSideEffects = 0 in {
-        // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the ri8 forms to be listed
-        // first so that they are slightly preferred to the ri forms.
-        def NAME#16ri8 : BinOpRI8_RFF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi16, RegMRM>;
-        def NAME#32ri8 : BinOpRI8_RFF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi32, RegMRM>;
-        def NAME#64ri8 : BinOpRI8_RFF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi64, RegMRM>;
-        def NAME#16ri  : BinOpRI_RFF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode, RegMRM>;
-        def NAME#32ri  : BinOpRI_RFF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode, RegMRM>;
-        def NAME#64ri32: BinOpRI_RFF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode, RegMRM>;
-      }
-    } // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst"
-    def NAME#8mr    : BinOpMR_RMW_FF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
-    def NAME#16mr   : BinOpMR_RMW_FF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
-    def NAME#32mr   : BinOpMR_RMW_FF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
-    def NAME#64mr   : BinOpMR_RMW_FF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
-    // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the mi8 forms to be listed
-    // first so that they are slightly preferred to the mi forms.
-    let mayLoad = 1, mayStore = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in {
-    def NAME#16mi8  : BinOpMI8_RMW_FF<mnemonic, Xi16, MemMRM>;
-    def NAME#32mi8  : BinOpMI8_RMW_FF<mnemonic, Xi32, MemMRM>;
-    let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
-    def NAME#64mi8  : BinOpMI8_RMW_FF<mnemonic, Xi64, MemMRM>;
-    def NAME#8mi    : BinOpMI_RMW_FF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode, MemMRM>;
-    def NAME#16mi   : BinOpMI_RMW_FF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode, MemMRM>;
-    def NAME#32mi   : BinOpMI_RMW_FF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode, MemMRM>;
-    let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
-    def NAME#64mi32 : BinOpMI_RMW_FF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode, MemMRM>;
-    }
-    // These are for the disassembler since 0x82 opcode behaves like 0x80, but
-    // not in 64-bit mode.
-    let Predicates = [Not64BitMode], isCodeGenOnly = 1, ForceDisassemble = 1,
-        hasSideEffects = 0 in {
-      let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
-        def NAME#8ri8 : BinOpRI8_RFF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi8, RegMRM>;
-      let mayLoad = 1, mayStore = 1 in
-        def NAME#8mi8 : BinOpMI8_RMW_FF<mnemonic, Xi8, MemMRM>;
+  let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
+    let isCommutable = CommutableRR in {
+    def NAME#8rr  : BinOpRRF_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
+      let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddress in {
+      def NAME#16rr : BinOpRRF_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
+      def NAME#32rr : BinOpRRF_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
+      def NAME#64rr : BinOpRRF_RF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
+    } // isConvertibleToThreeAddress
+  } // isCommutable
+  def NAME#8rr_REV  : BinOpRRF_RF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8>;
+  def NAME#16rr_REV : BinOpRRF_RF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16>;
+  def NAME#32rr_REV : BinOpRRF_RF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32>;
+  def NAME#64rr_REV : BinOpRRF_RF_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64>;
+  def NAME#8rm   : BinOpRMF_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
+  def NAME#16rm  : BinOpRMF_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
+  def NAME#32rm  : BinOpRMF_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
+  def NAME#64rm  : BinOpRMF_RF<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
+  def NAME#8ri   : BinOpRIF_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode, RegMRM>;
+    let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddress in {
+    // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the ri8 forms to be listed
+    // first so that they are slightly preferred to the ri forms.
+    def NAME#16ri8 : BinOpRI8F_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi16, RegMRM>;
+    def NAME#32ri8 : BinOpRI8F_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi32, RegMRM>;
+    def NAME#64ri8 : BinOpRI8F_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi64, RegMRM>;
+    def NAME#16ri  : BinOpRIF_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode, RegMRM>;
+    def NAME#32ri  : BinOpRIF_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode, RegMRM>;
+    def NAME#64ri32: BinOpRIF_RF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode, RegMRM>;
-  } // Uses = [EFLAGS], Defs = [EFLAGS]
-  def NAME#8i8   : BinOpAI_RFF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi8 , AL,
-                               "{$src, %al|al, $src}">;
-  def NAME#16i16 : BinOpAI_RFF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi16, AX,
+  } // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst"
+  def NAME#8mr    : BinOpMRF_MF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
+  def NAME#16mr   : BinOpMRF_MF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
+  def NAME#32mr   : BinOpMRF_MF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
+  def NAME#64mr   : BinOpMRF_MF<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
+  // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the mi8 forms to be listed
+  // first so that they are slightly preferred to the mi forms.
+  def NAME#16mi8  : BinOpMI8F_MF<mnemonic, Xi16, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#32mi8  : BinOpMI8F_MF<mnemonic, Xi32, MemMRM>;
+  let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
+  def NAME#64mi8  : BinOpMI8F_MF<mnemonic, Xi64, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#8mi    : BinOpMIF_MF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#16mi   : BinOpMIF_MF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#32mi   : BinOpMIF_MF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode, MemMRM>;
+  let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
+  def NAME#64mi32 : BinOpMIF_MF<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode, MemMRM>;
+  // These are for the disassembler since 0x82 opcode behaves like 0x80, but
+  // not in 64-bit mode.
+  let Predicates = [Not64BitMode]  in {
+    let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
+    def NAME#8ri8 : BinOpRI8F_RF<0x82, mnemonic, Xi8, RegMRM>, DisassembleOnly;
+  def NAME#8mi8 : BinOpMI8F_MF<mnemonic, Xi8, MemMRM>, DisassembleOnly;
+  }
+  def NAME#8i8 : BinOpAIF_AF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi8 , AL,
+                             "{$src, %al|al, $src}">;
+  def NAME#16i16 : BinOpAIF_AF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi16, AX,
                                "{$src, %ax|ax, $src}">;
-  def NAME#32i32 : BinOpAI_RFF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi32, EAX,
+  def NAME#32i32 : BinOpAIF_AF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi32, EAX,
                                "{$src, %eax|eax, $src}">;
-  def NAME#64i32 : BinOpAI_RFF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi64, RAX,
+  def NAME#64i32 : BinOpAIF_AF<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi64, RAX,
                                "{$src, %rax|rax, $src}">;
@@ -949,80 +796,75 @@ multiclass ArithBinOp_RFF<bits<8> BaseOpc, bits<8> BaseOpc2, bits<8> BaseOpc4,
 multiclass ArithBinOp_F<bits<8> BaseOpc, bits<8> BaseOpc2, bits<8> BaseOpc4,
                         string mnemonic, Format RegMRM, Format MemMRM,
-                        SDNode opnode,
-                        bit CommutableRR, bit ConvertibleToThreeAddress> {
-  let Defs = [EFLAGS] in {
-    let isCommutable = CommutableRR in {
-      def NAME#8rr  : BinOpRR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
-      let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddress in {
-        def NAME#16rr : BinOpRR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
-        def NAME#32rr : BinOpRR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
-        def NAME#64rr : BinOpRR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
-      }
-    } // isCommutable
-    def NAME#8rr_REV  : BinOpRR_F_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8>;
-    def NAME#16rr_REV : BinOpRR_F_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16>;
-    def NAME#32rr_REV : BinOpRR_F_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32>;
-    def NAME#64rr_REV : BinOpRR_F_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64>;
-    def NAME#8rm   : BinOpRM_F<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
-    def NAME#16rm  : BinOpRM_F<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
-    def NAME#32rm  : BinOpRM_F<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
-    def NAME#64rm  : BinOpRM_F<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
-    def NAME#8ri   : BinOpRI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode, RegMRM>;
-    let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddress, hasSideEffects = 0 in {
-      // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the ri8 forms to be listed
-      // first so that they are slightly preferred to the ri forms.
-      def NAME#16ri8 : BinOpRI8_F<0x82, mnemonic, Xi16, RegMRM>;
-      def NAME#32ri8 : BinOpRI8_F<0x82, mnemonic, Xi32, RegMRM>;
-      def NAME#64ri8 : BinOpRI8_F<0x82, mnemonic, Xi64, RegMRM>;
-      def NAME#16ri  : BinOpRI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode, RegMRM>;
-      def NAME#32ri  : BinOpRI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode, RegMRM>;
-      def NAME#64ri32: BinOpRI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode, RegMRM>;
-    }
-    def NAME#8mr    : BinOpMR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
-    def NAME#16mr   : BinOpMR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
-    def NAME#32mr   : BinOpMR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
-    def NAME#64mr   : BinOpMR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
-    // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the mi8 forms to be listed
-    // first so that they are slightly preferred to the mi forms.
-    let mayLoad = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in {
-      def NAME#16mi8  : BinOpMI8_F<mnemonic, Xi16, MemMRM>;
-      def NAME#32mi8  : BinOpMI8_F<mnemonic, Xi32, MemMRM>;
-      let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
-      def NAME#64mi8  : BinOpMI8_F<mnemonic, Xi64, MemMRM>;
-      def NAME#8mi    : BinOpMI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode, MemMRM>;
-      def NAME#16mi   : BinOpMI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode, MemMRM>;
-      def NAME#32mi   : BinOpMI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode, MemMRM>;
-      let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
-      def NAME#64mi32 : BinOpMI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode, MemMRM>;
-    }
-    // These are for the disassembler since 0x82 opcode behaves like 0x80, but
-    // not in 64-bit mode.
-    let Predicates = [Not64BitMode], isCodeGenOnly = 1, ForceDisassemble = 1,
-        hasSideEffects = 0 in {
-      def NAME#8ri8 : BinOpRI8_F<0x82, mnemonic, Xi8, RegMRM>;
-      let mayLoad = 1 in
-        def NAME#8mi8 : BinOpMI8_F<mnemonic, Xi8, MemMRM>;
-    }
-  } // Defs = [EFLAGS]
-  def NAME#8i8   : BinOpAI_F<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi8 , AL,
-                             "{$src, %al|al, $src}">;
+                        SDNode opnode, bit CommutableRR,
+                        bit ConvertibleToThreeAddress> {
+  let isCommutable = CommutableRR in {
+  def NAME#8rr  : BinOpRR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
+    let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddress in {
+    def NAME#16rr : BinOpRR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
+    def NAME#32rr : BinOpRR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
+    def NAME#64rr : BinOpRR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
+    } // isConvertibleToThreeAddress
+  } // isCommutable
+  def NAME#8rr_REV  : BinOpRR_F_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8>;
+  def NAME#16rr_REV : BinOpRR_F_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16>;
+  def NAME#32rr_REV : BinOpRR_F_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32>;
+  def NAME#64rr_REV : BinOpRR_F_Rev<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64>;
+  def NAME#8rm   : BinOpRM_F<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
+  def NAME#16rm  : BinOpRM_F<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
+  def NAME#32rm  : BinOpRM_F<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
+  def NAME#64rm  : BinOpRM_F<BaseOpc2, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
+  def NAME#8ri   : BinOpRI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode, RegMRM>;
+  let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = ConvertibleToThreeAddress in {
+  // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the ri8 forms to be listed
+  // first so that they are slightly preferred to the ri forms.
+  def NAME#16ri8 : BinOpRI8_F<0x82, mnemonic, Xi16, RegMRM>;
+  def NAME#32ri8 : BinOpRI8_F<0x82, mnemonic, Xi32, RegMRM>;
+  def NAME#64ri8 : BinOpRI8_F<0x82, mnemonic, Xi64, RegMRM>;
+  def NAME#16ri  : BinOpRI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode, RegMRM>;
+  def NAME#32ri  : BinOpRI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode, RegMRM>;
+  def NAME#64ri32: BinOpRI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode, RegMRM>;
+  }
+  def NAME#8mr    : BinOpMR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode>;
+  def NAME#16mr   : BinOpMR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode>;
+  def NAME#32mr   : BinOpMR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode>;
+  def NAME#64mr   : BinOpMR_F<BaseOpc, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode>;
+  // NOTE: These are order specific, we want the mi8 forms to be listed
+  // first so that they are slightly preferred to the mi forms.
+  def NAME#16mi8  : BinOpMI8_F<mnemonic, Xi16, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#32mi8  : BinOpMI8_F<mnemonic, Xi32, MemMRM>;
+  let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
+  def NAME#64mi8  : BinOpMI8_F<mnemonic, Xi64, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#8mi    : BinOpMI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi8 , opnode, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#16mi   : BinOpMI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi16, opnode, MemMRM>;
+  def NAME#32mi   : BinOpMI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi32, opnode, MemMRM>;
+  let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
+  def NAME#64mi32 : BinOpMI_F<0x80, mnemonic, Xi64, opnode, MemMRM>;
+  // These are for the disassembler since 0x82 opcode behaves like 0x80, but
+  // not in 64-bit mode.
+  let Predicates = [Not64BitMode] in {
+  def NAME#8ri8 : BinOpRI8_F<0x82, mnemonic, Xi8, RegMRM>, DisassembleOnly;
+    let mayLoad = 1 in
+    def NAME#8mi8 : BinOpMI8_F<mnemonic, Xi8, MemMRM>;
+  }
+  def NAME#8i8 : BinOpAI_F<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi8 , AL,
+                           "{$src, %al|al, $src}">;
   def NAME#16i16 : BinOpAI_F<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi16, AX,
-                             "{$src, %ax|ax, $src}">;
+                           "{$src, %ax|ax, $src}">;
   def NAME#32i32 : BinOpAI_F<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi32, EAX,
-                             "{$src, %eax|eax, $src}">;
+                           "{$src, %eax|eax, $src}">;
   def NAME#64i32 : BinOpAI_F<BaseOpc4, mnemonic, Xi64, RAX,
-                             "{$src, %rax|rax, $src}">;
+                           "{$src, %rax|rax, $src}">;
@@ -1193,44 +1035,37 @@ def : Pat<(store (X86adc_flag i64relocImmSExt32_su:$src, (load addr:$dst), EFLAG
 // they don't have all the usual imm8 and REV forms, and are encoded into a
diff erent space.
 let isCompare = 1 in {
-  let Defs = [EFLAGS] in {
-    let isCommutable = 1 in {
-      // Avoid selecting these and instead use a test+and. Post processing will
-      // combine them. This gives bunch of other patterns that start with
-      // and a chance to match.
-      def TEST8rr  : BinOpRR_F<0x84, "test", Xi8 , null_frag>;
-      def TEST16rr : BinOpRR_F<0x84, "test", Xi16, null_frag>;
-      def TEST32rr : BinOpRR_F<0x84, "test", Xi32, null_frag>;
-      def TEST64rr : BinOpRR_F<0x84, "test", Xi64, null_frag>;
-    } // isCommutable
-    let hasSideEffects = 0, mayLoad = 1 in {
-    def TEST8mr    : BinOpMR_F<0x84, "test", Xi8 , null_frag>;
-    def TEST16mr   : BinOpMR_F<0x84, "test", Xi16, null_frag>;
-    def TEST32mr   : BinOpMR_F<0x84, "test", Xi32, null_frag>;
-    def TEST64mr   : BinOpMR_F<0x84, "test", Xi64, null_frag>;
-    }
-    def TEST8ri    : BinOpRI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi8 , X86testpat, MRM0r>;
-    def TEST16ri   : BinOpRI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi16, X86testpat, MRM0r>;
-    def TEST32ri   : BinOpRI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi32, X86testpat, MRM0r>;
-    def TEST64ri32 : BinOpRI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi64, X86testpat, MRM0r>;
-    def TEST8mi    : BinOpMI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi8 , X86testpat, MRM0m>;
-    def TEST16mi   : BinOpMI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi16, X86testpat, MRM0m>;
-    def TEST32mi   : BinOpMI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi32, X86testpat, MRM0m>;
-    let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
-    def TEST64mi32 : BinOpMI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi64, X86testpat, MRM0m>;
-  } // Defs = [EFLAGS]
-  def TEST8i8    : BinOpAI_F<0xA8, "test", Xi8 , AL,
-                             "{$src, %al|al, $src}">;
-  def TEST16i16  : BinOpAI_F<0xA8, "test", Xi16, AX,
-                             "{$src, %ax|ax, $src}">;
-  def TEST32i32  : BinOpAI_F<0xA8, "test", Xi32, EAX,
-                             "{$src, %eax|eax, $src}">;
-  def TEST64i32  : BinOpAI_F<0xA8, "test", Xi64, RAX,
-                             "{$src, %rax|rax, $src}">;
+  let isCommutable = 1 in {
+  // Avoid selecting these and instead use a test+and. Post processing will
+  // combine them. This gives bunch of other patterns that start with
+  // and a chance to match.
+  def TEST8rr  : BinOpRR_F<0x84, "test", Xi8 , null_frag>;
+  def TEST16rr : BinOpRR_F<0x84, "test", Xi16, null_frag>;
+  def TEST32rr : BinOpRR_F<0x84, "test", Xi32, null_frag>;
+  def TEST64rr : BinOpRR_F<0x84, "test", Xi64, null_frag>;
+  } // isCommutable
+def TEST8mr    : BinOpMR_F<0x84, "test", Xi8 , null_frag>;
+def TEST16mr   : BinOpMR_F<0x84, "test", Xi16, null_frag>;
+def TEST32mr   : BinOpMR_F<0x84, "test", Xi32, null_frag>;
+def TEST64mr   : BinOpMR_F<0x84, "test", Xi64, null_frag>;
+def TEST8ri    : BinOpRI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi8 , X86testpat, MRM0r>;
+def TEST16ri   : BinOpRI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi16, X86testpat, MRM0r>;
+def TEST32ri   : BinOpRI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi32, X86testpat, MRM0r>;
+def TEST64ri32 : BinOpRI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi64, X86testpat, MRM0r>;
+def TEST8mi    : BinOpMI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi8 , X86testpat, MRM0m>;
+def TEST16mi   : BinOpMI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi16, X86testpat, MRM0m>;
+def TEST32mi   : BinOpMI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi32, X86testpat, MRM0m>;
+  let Predicates = [In64BitMode] in
+  def TEST64mi32 : BinOpMI_F<0xF6, "test", Xi64, X86testpat, MRM0m>;
+def TEST8i8 : BinOpAI_F<0xA8, "test", Xi8 , AL, "{$src, %al|al, $src}">;
+def TEST16i16 : BinOpAI_F<0xA8, "test", Xi16, AX, "{$src, %ax|ax, $src}">;
+def TEST32i32 : BinOpAI_F<0xA8, "test", Xi32, EAX, "{$src, %eax|eax, $src}">;
+def TEST64i32 : BinOpAI_F<0xA8, "test", Xi64, RAX, "{$src, %rax|rax, $src}">;
 } // isCompare
 // Patterns to match a relocImm into the immediate field.
@@ -1355,29 +1190,29 @@ let Uses = [RDX] in
 // We don't have patterns for these as there is no advantage over ADC for
 // most code.
 class ADCOXOpRR <bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info>
-  : BinOpRR_C<opcode, MRMSrcReg, mnemonic, info, []>{
+  : BinOpRR_RF<opcode, mnemonic, info, null_frag> {
   let Opcode = opcode;
   let OpSize = OpSizeFixed;
+  let Form = MRMSrcReg;
 class ADCOXOpRM <bits<8> opcode, string mnemonic, X86TypeInfo info>
-  : BinOpRM_C<opcode, MRMSrcMem, mnemonic, info, []>{
+  : BinOpRM_RF<opcode, mnemonic, info, null_frag> {
   let Opcode = opcode;
   let OpSize = OpSizeFixed;
+  let Form = MRMSrcMem;
-let Predicates = [HasADX], Defs = [EFLAGS], Uses = [EFLAGS],
-    Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", hasSideEffects = 0 in {
+let Predicates = [HasADX], Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
   let SchedRW = [WriteADC], isCommutable = 1 in {
   def ADCX32rr : ADCOXOpRR<0xF6, "adcx", Xi32>, T8PD;
   def ADCX64rr : ADCOXOpRR<0xF6, "adcx", Xi64>, T8PD;
   def ADOX32rr : ADCOXOpRR<0xF6, "adox", Xi32>, T8XS;
   def ADOX64rr : ADCOXOpRR<0xF6, "adox", Xi64>, T8XS;
-  } // SchedRW
+  }
-  let mayLoad = 1,
-      SchedRW = [WriteADC.Folded, WriteADC.ReadAfterFold,
+  let SchedRW = [WriteADC.Folded, WriteADC.ReadAfterFold,
                  // Memory operand.
                  ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault, ReadDefault,
                  // Implicit read of EFLAGS
@@ -1387,5 +1222,5 @@ let Predicates = [HasADX], Defs = [EFLAGS], Uses = [EFLAGS],
   def ADOX32rm : ADCOXOpRM<0xF6, "adox", Xi32>, T8XS;
   def ADOX64rm : ADCOXOpRM<0xF6, "adox", Xi64>, T8XS;
-  } // mayLoad, SchedRW
+  }

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrUtils.td b/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrUtils.td
index 3d8f4e642aebef..80854bf6063163 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrUtils.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86InstrUtils.td
@@ -116,6 +116,14 @@ class NotEVEX2VEXConvertible { bit notEVEX2VEXConvertible = 1; }
 class ExplicitREX2Prefix { ExplicitOpPrefix explicitOpPrefix = ExplicitREX2; }
 class ExplicitVEXPrefix { ExplicitOpPrefix explicitOpPrefix = ExplicitVEX; }
 class ExplicitEVEXPrefix { ExplicitOpPrefix explicitOpPrefix = ExplicitEVEX; }
+class DefEFLAGS { list<Register> Defs = [EFLAGS]; }
+class UseEFLAGS { list<Register> Uses = [EFLAGS]; }
+class DisassembleOnly {
+  // The disassembler should know about this, but not the asmparser.
+  bit isCodeGenOnly = 1;
+  bit ForceDisassemble = 1;
 // SchedModel info for instruction that loads one value and gets the second
 // (and possibly third) value from a register.
@@ -988,6 +996,7 @@ class ITy<bits<8> opcode, Format f, X86TypeInfo typeinfo, dag outs, dag ins,
       f, outs, ins,
       !strconcat(mnemonic, "{", typeinfo.InstrSuffix, "}\t", args), pattern> {
+  let hasSideEffects = 0;
   // Infer instruction prefixes from type info.
   let OpSize = typeinfo.OpSize;
   let hasREX_W  = typeinfo.HasREX_W;


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