[llvm] [RISCV] Make performFP_TO_INTCombine fold with ISD::FRINT. (PR #76020)

Craig Topper via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 20 20:52:58 PST 2023

@@ -1209,32 +1209,14 @@ define <vscale x 1 x i16> @rint_nxv1f64_to_ui16(<vscale x 1 x double> %x) {
 define <vscale x 1 x i32> @rint_nxv1f64_to_si32(<vscale x 1 x double> %x) {
 ; RV32-LABEL: rint_nxv1f64_to_si32:
 ; RV32:       # %bb.0:
-; RV32-NEXT:    lui a0, %hi(.LCPI36_0)
-; RV32-NEXT:    fld fa5, %lo(.LCPI36_0)(a0)
-; RV32-NEXT:    vsetvli a0, zero, e64, m1, ta, ma
-; RV32-NEXT:    vfabs.v v9, v8
-; RV32-NEXT:    vmflt.vf v0, v9, fa5
-; RV32-NEXT:    vfcvt.x.f.v v9, v8, v0.t
-; RV32-NEXT:    vfcvt.f.x.v v9, v9, v0.t
-; RV32-NEXT:    vsetvli zero, zero, e64, m1, ta, mu
-; RV32-NEXT:    vfsgnj.vv v8, v9, v8, v0.t
-; RV32-NEXT:    vsetvli zero, zero, e32, mf2, ta, ma
+; RV32-NEXT:    vsetvli a0, zero, e32, mf2, ta, ma
 ; RV32-NEXT:    vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v9, v8
topperc wrote:

Shouldn't we be using vfncvt.x.f.w without the rtz so that it uses the dynamic rounding mode?


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