[llvm] [polly] [AST] Don't merge memory locations in AliasSetTracker (PR #65731)

Bruno De Fraine via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 19 01:42:46 PST 2023

@@ -49,99 +49,12 @@ class Value;
 class AliasSet : public ilist_node<AliasSet> {
   friend class AliasSetTracker;
-  class PointerRec {
-    Value *Val;  // The pointer this record corresponds to.
-    PointerRec **PrevInList = nullptr;
-    PointerRec *NextInList = nullptr;
-    AliasSet *AS = nullptr;
-    LocationSize Size = LocationSize::mapEmpty();
-    AAMDNodes AAInfo;
-    // Whether the size for this record has been set at all. This makes no
-    // guarantees about the size being known.
-    bool isSizeSet() const { return Size != LocationSize::mapEmpty(); }
-  public:
-    PointerRec(Value *V)
-      : Val(V), AAInfo(DenseMapInfo<AAMDNodes>::getEmptyKey()) {}
-    Value *getValue() const { return Val; }
-    PointerRec *getNext() const { return NextInList; }
-    bool hasAliasSet() const { return AS != nullptr; }
-    PointerRec** setPrevInList(PointerRec **PIL) {
-      PrevInList = PIL;
-      return &NextInList;
-    }
-    bool updateSizeAndAAInfo(LocationSize NewSize, const AAMDNodes &NewAAInfo) {
-      bool SizeChanged = false;
-      if (NewSize != Size) {
-        LocationSize OldSize = Size;
-        Size = isSizeSet() ? Size.unionWith(NewSize) : NewSize;
-        SizeChanged = OldSize != Size;
-      }
-      if (AAInfo == DenseMapInfo<AAMDNodes>::getEmptyKey())
-        // We don't have a AAInfo yet. Set it to NewAAInfo.
-        AAInfo = NewAAInfo;
-      else {
-        AAMDNodes Intersection(AAInfo.intersect(NewAAInfo));
-        SizeChanged |= Intersection != AAInfo;
-        AAInfo = Intersection;
-      }
-      return SizeChanged;
-    }
-    LocationSize getSize() const {
-      assert(isSizeSet() && "Getting an unset size!");
-      return Size;
-    }
-    /// Return the AAInfo, or null if there is no information or conflicting
-    /// information.
-    AAMDNodes getAAInfo() const {
-      // If we have missing or conflicting AAInfo, return null.
-      if (AAInfo == DenseMapInfo<AAMDNodes>::getEmptyKey() ||
-          AAInfo == DenseMapInfo<AAMDNodes>::getTombstoneKey())
-        return AAMDNodes();
-      return AAInfo;
-    }
-    AliasSet *getAliasSet(AliasSetTracker &AST) {
-      assert(AS && "No AliasSet yet!");
-      if (AS->Forward) {
-        AliasSet *OldAS = AS;
-        AS = OldAS->getForwardedTarget(AST);
-        AS->addRef();
-        OldAS->dropRef(AST);
-      }
-      return AS;
-    }
-    void setAliasSet(AliasSet *as) {
-      assert(!AS && "Already have an alias set!");
-      AS = as;
-    }
-    void eraseFromList() {
-      if (NextInList) NextInList->PrevInList = PrevInList;
-      *PrevInList = NextInList;
-      if (AS->PtrListEnd == &NextInList) {
-        AS->PtrListEnd = PrevInList;
-        assert(*AS->PtrListEnd == nullptr && "List not terminated right!");
-      }
-      delete this;
-    }
-  };
-  // Doubly linked list of nodes.
-  PointerRec *PtrList = nullptr;
-  PointerRec **PtrListEnd;
   // Forwarding pointer.
   AliasSet *Forward = nullptr;
+  /// Memory locations in this alias set.
+  std::vector<MemoryLocation> MemoryLocs;
brunodf-snps wrote:

I added a convenience method `getPointers` (cf. your other remark regarding a convenience API) for clients that relied on this. This calculates the set of deduplicated pointers at the moment it is called. I think maintaining the set in addition to the memory locations is probably not worth it, considering the use cases that I see in the tree.


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