[llvm] [InstrRef][nfc] Remove usage of unique_ptrs of arrays (PR #74203)

Nikita Popov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Dec 15 13:42:11 PST 2023

nikic wrote:

max-rss is measured using `time -f "%M;%e"`, which should produce the same data as `time -l`. Note that this is only for the final linker invocation, so you'd want to run `ninja -v` to get the final `clang` invocation that performs LTO and run that under `time`. (For actual analysis, I would run under `massif`.)

It's possible that there is some platform-specific difference here (libstdc++ vs libc++), but it seems unlikely that that this causes a 10% regression on Linux and no change on MacOS.


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