[llvm] [VFABI] Create FunctionType for vector functions (PR #75058)

Paul Walker via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Dec 15 05:53:20 PST 2023

@@ -91,6 +92,75 @@ class VFABIParserTest : public ::testing::Test {
   bool matchParametersNum() {
     return (Parameters.size() - isMasked()) == ScalarFTy->getNumParams();
+  /// Creates a mock CallInst and uses it along with VFInfo to create a
+  /// FunctionType. Then it checks that the created FunctionType matches the
+  /// number and type of arguments with both the ScalarFTy and the operands of
+  /// the call.
+  bool checkFunctionType() {
+    // For scalable ISAs, the created vector FunctionType might have a mask
+    // parameter Type, according to VFABI. Regardless, this input CallInst,
+    // despite being a vectorized call, it will not have a masked operand.
+    SmallVector<Value *, 8> Args;
+    SmallVector<Type *, 8> CallTypes;
+    for (auto [VFParam, STy] :
+         zip(Info.Shape.Parameters, ScalarFTy->params())) {
+      // use VectorType where relevant, according to VShape
+      Type *UseTy = STy;
+      if (VFParam.ParamKind == VFParamKind::Vector)
+        UseTy = VectorType::get(STy, Info.Shape.VF);
+      CallTypes.push_back(UseTy);
+      Args.push_back(Constant::getNullValue(UseTy));
+    }
+    // Mangled names do not currently encode return Type information. Generally,
+    // return types are vectors, so use one.
+    Type *VecRetTy = ScalarFTy->getReturnType();
+    if (!VecRetTy->isVoidTy())
+      VecRetTy = VectorType::get(VecRetTy, Info.Shape.VF);
+    FunctionCallee F = M->getOrInsertFunction(
+        VectorName, FunctionType::get(VecRetTy, CallTypes, false));
+    std::unique_ptr<CallInst> CI(CallInst::Create(F, Args));
paulwalker-arm wrote:

Is CI used anywhere?

Regardless of this, it doesn't make sense to me to verify the quality of `createFunctionType` by implementing the same algorithm again or by comparing to the input data used to create the function type.  I would expect the expected result to be pass in explicitly and then compared.

Is it possible to have `EXPECT_EQ(createFunctionType(..), TwoOpMaskedFuncTy)` with a bunch of global FunctionTypes?  I'm assuming there's a small subset of FunctionTypes you need, otherwise I guess they should be declared locally.


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