[llvm] [SLP] Pessimistically handle unknown vector entries in SLP vectorizer (PR #75438)

Maurice Heumann via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 14 04:44:29 PST 2023

momo5502 wrote:

> 2 of these shuffles are free,they are just identity resizing shuffles, so it is not a big issue + they will optimized later. Yes, this can be improved, working on this. It may help if you can provide the reproducer

Ah I see, so it's known, but not a big deal. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to send the code producing code, but maybe if I find time, I can have a look at it or reduce the sample.

Anyways, thank you. I'm not sure if @RKSimon wants to add an additional review, however, if not, I have no commit access and would appreciate if someone could merge this PR for me. 


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