[llvm] [CodeGen] This patch fix a bug that may caused error for a self-defined target in SelectionDAG::getNode (PR #75320)

yan zhou via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 13 19:01:49 PST 2023

zhou3968322 wrote:

> This looks OK by inspection, but do you have a test case you could add as well?

No, for current targets, there is no dag SDNode like this: 
t20 v2i32: TargetOpNode 
It only generated a v2i32 with no input operands.
while my self-defined target is still has a lot of bugs, too early to give it's example.

But I think this is only an internal change and does not affect other modules.
It  can help others want to define instr like this in td,may be proper to change.


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