[llvm] [workflows] Build a container for running CI on github actions (PR #75286)

Tom Stellard via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 13 09:46:56 PST 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+name: Build CI Container
+  contents: read
+  push:
+    branches:
+      - main
+    paths:
+      - .github/workflows/build-ci-container.yml
+      - '.github/workflows/containers/github-action-ci/**'
+  pull_request:
+    branches:
+      - main
+    paths:
+      - .github/workflows/build-ci-container.yml
+      - '.github/workflows/containers/github-action-ci/**'
+  build-ci-container:
+    if: github.repository_owner == 'llvm'
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    permissions:
+      packages: write
+    steps:
+      - name: Write Variables
+        id: vars
+        run: |
+          echo "container-name=ghcr.io/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER/ci-ubuntu-22.04" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+      - name: Checkout LLVM
+        uses: actions/checkout at v4
+      - name: Build Container
+        working-directory: ./.github/workflows/containers/github-action-ci/
+        run: |
+          # TODO: Ideally, we would give each container build a unique name,
+          # but we have limited space in the container registry, so we can't
tstellar wrote:

> Do you have a source for this? I believe this falls under Github packages, which should be free for public packages.
> It also seems like they don't have any billing setup for the container registry for even enterprise accounts.

OK, I missed that the limits only applied to private packages.

> Tagging with the short SHA and then also tagging the image as `latest` would probably be good. There should be a way to just push the tag as well without having to push the image twice. This might be something for a follow up patch though.

I will look into this.


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