[llvm] [LoopVectorize] Enable shuffle padding for masked interleaved accesses (PR #75329)

David Sherwood via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 13 07:17:44 PST 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+; RUN: opt -mtriple=aarch64 -mattr=+sve -S -passes=loop-vectorize,interleaved-access  -enable-masked-interleaved-mem-accesses=true -sve-gather-overhead=10 -sve-scatter-overhead=10  -enable-shuffle-padding=true -force-vector-width=16 -aarch64-sve-vector-bits-min=512 < %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ENABLE-SHUFFLE-PADDING
+; RUN: opt -mtriple=aarch64 -mattr=+sve -S -passes=loop-vectorize,interleaved-access  -enable-masked-interleaved-mem-accesses=true -sve-gather-overhead=10 -sve-scatter-overhead=10  -enable-shuffle-padding=false -force-vector-width=16  -aarch64-sve-vector-bits-min=512 < %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=DISABLE-SHUFFLE-PADDING
+%struct.patic = type { float, float, float }
+; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+;   ps[i].x = factor * ps[i].x;
+;   ps[i].y = factor * ps[i].y;
+; }
+; Function Attrs: argmemonly mustprogress nofree norecurse nosync nounwind uwtable vscale_range(2,2)
+define void @test(i32 noundef %num, ptr nocapture noundef %ps) {
david-arm wrote:

The ENABLE and DISABLE check lines are identical so I don't know what you're trying to show here that's different? What effect does your patch have on these tests? At the moment it's hard to know the impact of your code change.


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