[clang] [clang-tools-extra] [llvm] [compiler-rt] [PGO][GlobalValue][LTO]In GlobalValues::getGlobalIdentifier, use semicolon as delimiter for local-linkage varibles. (PR #74008)

Fangrui Song via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 11 17:50:53 PST 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// This is a regression test for ThinLTO indirect-call-promotion when candidate
+// callees need to be imported from another IR module.  In the C++ test case,
+// `main` calls `global_func` which is defined in another module. `global_func`
+// has two indirect callees, one has external linkage and one has local linkage.
+// All three functions should be imported into the IR module of main.
+// What the test does:
+// - Generate raw profiles from executables and convert it to indexed profiles.
+//   During the conversion, a profiled callee address in raw profiles will be
+//   converted to function hash in indexed profiles.
+// - Run IRPGO profile use and ThinTLO prelink pipeline and get LLVM bitcodes
+//   for both cpp files in the C++ test case.
+// - Generate ThinLTO summary file with LLVM bitcodes, and run `function-import` pass.
+// - Run `pgo-icall-prom` pass for the IR module which needs to import callees.
+// RUN: rm -rf %t && split-file %s %t && cd %t
+// Use clang*_{pgogen,pgouse} for IR level instrumentation, and use clangxx* for
+// C++.
+// Do setup work for all below tests.
+// Generate raw profiles from real programs and convert it into indexed profiles.
+// RUN: %clangxx_pgogen -fuse-ld=lld -O2 lib.cpp main.cpp -o main
+// RUN: env LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=main.profraw %run ./main
+// RUN: llvm-profdata merge main.profraw -o main.profdata
+// Use profile on lib and get bitcode, test that local function callee0 has
+// expected !PGOFuncName metadata and external function callee1 doesn't have
+// !PGOFuncName metadata. Explicitly skip ICP pass to test ICP happens as
+// expected in the IR module that imports functions from lib.
+// RUN: %clang -target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -mllvm -disable-icp -fprofile-use=main.profdata -flto=thin -O2 -c lib.cpp -o lib.bc
MaskRay wrote:

To match 32-bit Windows triples, `i.86.*windows` suffices. The normalized triples don't use `win32`.


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