[llvm] [SampleProfile] Add option to limit number of (indirect) call target and inlined callsites when reading a Sample Profile (PR #74677)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 6 18:36:37 PST 2023

WenleiHe wrote:

Was about to ask the same -- why not control it on profile generation side? 

Though when doing this on profile generation, we'd need to be careful to have accurate total target counts for an indirect call -- assume we actually have 100 targets, if we only record 3 targets, we still should have total target count that reflects the sum of all 100 targets. 

Another question, while we will never ICP more than a few targets, it seems possible that it's beneficial to inline more than 3 callees at the same location? I don't quite understand the limit for call site samples that is not tied to indirect calls. 


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