[openmp] [llvm] [clang-tools-extra] [clang-tidy] Add bugprone-move-shared-pointer-contents check. (PR #67467)

Piotr Zegar via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 4 08:28:21 PST 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s bugprone-move-shared-pointer-contents %t -- -config="{CheckOptions: {bugprone-move-shared-pointer-contents.SharedPointerClasses: 'std::shared_ptr;my::OtherSharedPtr;'}}"
+// Some dummy definitions we'll need.
+namespace std {
+using size_t = int;
+template <typename> struct remove_reference;
+template <typename _Tp> struct remove_reference { typedef _Tp type; };
+template <typename _Tp> struct remove_reference<_Tp &> { typedef _Tp type; };
+template <typename _Tp> struct remove_reference<_Tp &&> { typedef _Tp type; };
+template <typename _Tp>
+constexpr typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type &&move(_Tp &&__t) {
+  return static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type &&>(__t);
+template <typename T>
+struct shared_ptr {
+  shared_ptr();
+  T *get() const;
+  explicit operator bool() const;
+  void reset(T *ptr);
+  T &operator*() const;
+  T *operator->() const;
+}  // namespace std
+namespace my {
+template <typename T>
+using OtherSharedPtr = std::shared_ptr<T>;
+}  // namespace my
+void correct() {
+  std::shared_ptr<int> p;
+  int x = *std::move(p);
+void simpleFinding() {
+  std::shared_ptr<int> p;
+  int y = std::move(*p);
+  // CHECK-FIXES: *std::move(p)
+// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-3]]:11: warning: don't move the contents out of a shared pointer, as other accessors expect them to remain in a determinate state [bugprone-move-shared-pointer-contents]
+void aliasedType() {
+  using int_ptr = std::shared_ptr<int>;
+  int_ptr p;
+  int x = std::move(*p);
+  // CHECK-FIXES: *std::move(p)
+// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-3]]:11: warning: don't move the contents out of a shared pointer, as other accessors expect them to remain in a determinate state [bugprone-move-shared-pointer-contents]
+void configWorks() {
+  my::OtherSharedPtr<int> p;
+  int x = std::move(*p);
PiotrZSL wrote:

Use some nontrivial type instead of int. std::move on int is pointless anyway.


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