[llvm] [TextAPI] Introduce Records & RecordSlice Types (PR #74115)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Dec 1 16:39:54 PST 2023

@@ -134,20 +134,20 @@ class RecordsSlice {
   struct BinaryAttrs {
+    std::vector<StringRef> AllowableClients;
+    std::vector<StringRef> RexportedLibraries;
+    std::vector<StringRef> RPaths;
+    StringRef ParentUmbrella;
+    StringRef InstallName;
+    StringRef UUID;
+    StringRef Path;
     FileType fileType = FileType::Invalid;
     llvm::MachO::PackedVersion CurrentVersion;
     llvm::MachO::PackedVersion CompatVersion;
     uint8_t SwiftABI = 0;
cooperp wrote:

Oh yeah, the linker still enforces that the Swift ABI matches in all object files.  Thats logic we needed back when changing the ABI happened each release.  Its still there, but just never finds a mismatch.

If the Swift team did ever need to bump this version then the linker will be there to complain if it goes wrong :)


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