[llvm] [TextAPI] Introduce Records & RecordSlice Types (PR #74115)

Cyndy Ishida via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Dec 1 12:49:03 PST 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+//===- llvm/TextAPI/RecordSlice.h - TAPI RecordSlice ------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/// \file
+/// \brief Implements the TAPI Record Collection Type.
+#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
+#include "llvm/TextAPI/InterfaceFile.h"
+#include "llvm/TextAPI/PackedVersion.h"
+#include "llvm/TextAPI/Record.h"
+namespace llvm {
+namespace MachO {
+// Define collection of records for a library that are tied to a darwin target
+// triple.
+class RecordsSlice {
+  RecordsSlice(const llvm::Triple &T) : TargetTriple(T), Target(T) {}
+  /// Get target triple.
+  const llvm::Triple &getTriple() const { return TargetTriple; }
+  /// Get TAPI converted target.
+  const Target &getTarget() const { return Target; }
+  /// Add unspecified record to slice.
+  ///
+  /// Assign specific record type based on properties and symbol name.
+  ///
+  /// \param Name The name of symbol.
+  /// \param Flags The flags that describe attributes of the symbol.
+  /// \param GV The kind of global, if this represents a non obj-c global
+  /// symbol.
+  /// \param Linkage The linkage of symbol.
+  /// \return The non-owning pointer to added record in slice.
+  Record *addRecord(StringRef Name, SymbolFlags Flags,
+                    GlobalRecord::Kind GV = GlobalRecord::Kind::Unknown,
+                    RecordLinkage Linkage = RecordLinkage::Unknown);
+  /// Add non-ObjC global record.
+  ///
+  /// \param Name The name of symbol.
+  /// \param Flags The flags that describe attributes of the symbol.
+  /// \param GV The kind of global.
+  /// \param Linkage The linkage of symbol.
+  /// \return The non-owning pointer to added record in slice.
+  GlobalRecord *addGlobal(StringRef Name, RecordLinkage Linkage,
+                          GlobalRecord::Kind GV,
+                          SymbolFlags Flags = SymbolFlags::None);
+  /// Add ObjC Class record.
+  ///
+  /// \param Name The name of class, not symbol.
+  /// \param Linkage The linkage of symbol.
+  /// \param IsEHType Whether symbol represents an eh_type.
+  /// \return The non-owning pointer to added record in slice.
+  ObjCInterfaceRecord *addObjCInterface(StringRef Name, RecordLinkage Linkage,
+                                        bool IsEHType = false);
+  /// Add ObjC IVar record.
+  ///
+  /// \param Name The name of ivar, not symbol.
+  /// \param Linkage The linkage of symbol.
+  /// \return The non-owning pointer to added record in slice.
+  ObjCIVarRecord *addObjCIVar(ObjCContainerRecord *Container, StringRef Name,
+                              RecordLinkage Linkage);
+  /// Add ObjC Category record.
+  ///
+  /// \param ClassToExtend The name of class that is being extended by the
+  /// category, not symbol.
+  /// \param Category The name of category.
+  /// \return The non-owning pointer to added record in slice.
+  ObjCCategoryRecord *addObjCCategory(StringRef ClassToExtend,
+                                      StringRef Category);
+  /// Find ObjC Class.
+  ///
+  /// \param Name name of class, not full symbol name.
+  /// \return The non-owning pointer to record in slice.
+  ObjCInterfaceRecord *findObjCInterface(StringRef Name) const;
+  /// Find ObjC Category.
+  ///
+  /// \param ClassToExtend The name of class, not full symbol name.
+  /// \param Categories The name of category.
+  /// \return The non-owning pointer to record in slice.
+  ObjCCategoryRecord *findObjCCategory(StringRef ClassToExtend,
+                                       StringRef Category) const;
+  /// Find ObjC Container. This is commonly used for assigning for looking up
+  /// instance variables that are assigned to either a category or class.
+  ///
+  /// \param IsIVar If true, the name is the name of the IVar, otherwise it will
+  /// be looked up as the name of the container.
+  /// \param Name The full symbol name for instance variable.
+  /// \return The non-owning pointer to record in
+  /// slice.
+  ObjCContainerRecord *findContainer(bool IsIVar, StringRef Name) const;
+  /// Find ObjC instance variable.
+  ///
+  /// \param IsScopedName This is used to determine how to parse the name.
+  /// \param Name Either the full name of the symbol or just the ivar.
+  /// \return The non-owning pointer to record in slice.
+  ObjCIVarRecord *findObjCIVar(bool IsScopedName, StringRef Name) const;
+  /// Find non-objc global.
+  ///
+  /// \param Name The name of symbol.
+  /// \param GV The Kind of global to find.
+  /// \return The non-owning pointer to record in slice.
+  GlobalRecord *
+  findGlobal(StringRef Name,
+             GlobalRecord::Kind GV = GlobalRecord::Kind::Unknown) const;
+  // Determine if library attributes were assigned.
+  bool hasBinaryAttrs() const { return BA.get(); }
+  // Determine if record slice is unassigned.
+  bool isEmpty() const {
+    return !hasBinaryAttrs() && Globals.empty() && Classes.empty() &&
+           Categories.empty();
+  }
+  struct BinaryAttrs {
+    FileType fileType = FileType::Invalid;
+    llvm::MachO::PackedVersion CurrentVersion;
+    llvm::MachO::PackedVersion CompatVersion;
+    uint8_t SwiftABI = 0;
+    bool TwoLevelNamespace = false;
+    bool AppExtensionSafe = false;
+    bool OSLibNotForSharedCache = false;
+    StringRef ParentUmbrella;
+    std::vector<StringRef> AllowableClients;
+    std::vector<StringRef> RexportedLibraries;
+    std::vector<StringRef> RPaths;
+    StringRef InstallName;
+    StringRef UUID;
+    StringRef Path;
+  };
+  /// Return reference to BinaryAttrs.
+  BinaryAttrs &getBinaryAttrs();
+  const llvm::Triple TargetTriple;
+  // Hold tapi converted triple to avoid unecessary casts.
+  const Target Target;
+  /// BumpPtrAllocator to store generated/copied strings.
+  llvm::BumpPtrAllocator StringAllocator;
+  StringRef copyString(StringRef String);
+  /// Promote linkage of requested record. It is no-op if linkage type is lower
+  /// than the current assignment.
+  ///
+  /// \param R The record to update.
+  /// \param L Linkage type to update to.
+  /// \return Whether linkage was updated.
+  bool updateLinkage(Record *R, RecordLinkage L);
+  RecordMap<GlobalRecord> Globals;
+  RecordMap<ObjCInterfaceRecord> Classes;
+  RecordMap<ObjCCategoryRecord, std::pair<StringRef, StringRef>> Categories;
cyndyishida wrote:

This is what was originally designed, I don’t feel super strongly for it. I think it’s an ownership relationship though. RecordMap’s own the records in it. Ivar’s are owned by the ObjCContainer that is tied to it, so it’s stored there. This relationship gets removed in the SymbolSet though because it doesn’t matter by the time tapi serializes. 


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