[llvm] [lld] [ThinLTO] Don't mark calloc function dead (PR #72673)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Dec 1 01:35:02 PST 2023

dyung wrote:

> > @eleviant this change seems to be causing a bunch of failures on Windows, can you take a look and revert if you need time to investigate? Thanks!
> > https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/builders/216/builds/31173
> I'll check but the first glance this one: https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/builders/216/builds/31173/steps/7/logs/FAIL__LLVM__2009-02-12-DebugInfoVLA_ll is caused by an issue in ISel which seems to be out of scope of this patch. I also looked at few others: they seem to have some codegen issues, however none of them uses malloc/calloc

Yeah, I can't explain it other to say that I took the machine offline and built the change immediately preceding yours (306e13e499e45c8a2b24bd00937688fade8ad41e) and the tests all passed. And then I built your change (28ad007927a4126e12b7aec7daa7f10bc1e29ae1) and I was able to reproduce the 288 test failures.


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