[llvm] [MemProf][NFC] Simplify test case (PR #73979)

Mingming Liu via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 30 12:56:28 PST 2023

@@ -216,42 +189,9 @@ attributes #0 = { noinline optnone}
 ; DUMP: 	CalleeEdges:
 ; DUMP: 	CallerEdges:
 ; DUMP: 		Edge from Callee [[D]] to Caller: [[F]] AllocTypes: NotCold ContextIds: 2
-; DUMP: 		Edge from Callee [[D]] to Caller: [[C2:0x[a-z0-9]+]] AllocTypes: Cold ContextIds: 3
-; DUMP: 		Edge from Callee [[D]] to Caller: [[B:0x[a-z0-9]+]] AllocTypes: Cold ContextIds: 4
-; DUMP: 		Edge from Callee [[D]] to Caller: [[E:0x[a-z0-9]+]] AllocTypes: Cold ContextIds: 1
-; DUMP: Node [[F]]
-; DUMP: 	Callee: 4881081444663423788 (_Z1Dv) Clones: 0 StackIds: 1	(clone 0)
-; DUMP: 	AllocTypes: NotCold
-; DUMP: 	ContextIds: 2
-; DUMP: 	CalleeEdges:
-; DUMP: 		Edge from Callee [[D]] to Caller: [[F]] AllocTypes: NotCold ContextIds: 2
-; DUMP: 	CallerEdges:
-; DUMP: Node [[C2]]
-; DUMP: 	Callee: 4881081444663423788 (_Z1Dv) Clones: 0 StackIds: 0	(clone 0)
-; DUMP: 	AllocTypes: Cold
-; DUMP: 	ContextIds: 3
-; DUMP: 	CalleeEdges:
-; DUMP: 		Edge from Callee [[D]] to Caller: [[C2]] AllocTypes: Cold ContextIds: 3
-; DUMP: 	CallerEdges:
-; DUMP: Node [[B]]
-; DUMP: 	Callee: 4881081444663423788 (_Z1Dv) Clones: 0 StackIds: 0, 2	(clone 0)
-; DUMP: 	AllocTypes: Cold
-; DUMP: 	ContextIds: 4
-; DUMP: 	CalleeEdges:
-; DUMP: 		Edge from Callee [[D]] to Caller: [[B]] AllocTypes: Cold ContextIds: 4
-; DUMP: 	CallerEdges:
-; DUMP: Node [[E]]
-; DUMP: 	Callee: 4881081444663423788 (_Z1Dv) Clones: 0 StackIds: 0, 3	(clone 0)
-; DUMP: 	AllocTypes: Cold
-; DUMP: 	ContextIds: 1
-; DUMP: 	CalleeEdges:
-; DUMP: 		Edge from Callee [[D]] to Caller: [[E]] AllocTypes: Cold ContextIds: 1
-; DUMP: 	CallerEdges:
+; DUMP: 		Edge from Callee [[D]] to Caller: [[C1:0x[a-z0-9]+]] AllocTypes: Cold ContextIds: 3
minglotus-6 wrote:

nit: will the {C0,C1,C2} be re-used later? Ask since Line 219-221 defines another set of C* variables, and I'm wondering if C* defined here should be re-used around those lines. And if names are not needed,`0x{{[a-z0-9]+}}` might be simpler.


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