[lld] [lld][WebAssembly] Convert bitcode test to assembly. NFC (PR #73716)

Sam Clegg via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 28 15:32:34 PST 2023

https://github.com/sbc100 created https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/73716


>From 6b0b8a03b76b67402157055c73983574a9d551cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam Clegg <sbc at chromium.org>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:25:30 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] [lld][WebAssembly] Convert bitcode test to assembly. NFC

 lld/test/wasm/pie.ll | 225 ------------------------------------
 lld/test/wasm/pie.s  | 263 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 263 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 lld/test/wasm/pie.ll
 create mode 100644 lld/test/wasm/pie.s

diff --git a/lld/test/wasm/pie.ll b/lld/test/wasm/pie.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index fd942edc945c5b6..000000000000000
--- a/lld/test/wasm/pie.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: llc -relocation-model=pic -mattr=+mutable-globals -filetype=obj %s -o %t.o
-; RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-emscripten -filetype=obj %S/Inputs/internal_func.s -o %t.internal_func.o
-; RUN: wasm-ld --no-gc-sections --experimental-pic -pie -o %t.wasm %t.o %t.internal_func.o
-; RUN: obj2yaml %t.wasm | FileCheck %s
-; RUN: llvm-objdump --disassemble-symbols=__wasm_call_ctors,__wasm_apply_data_relocs --no-show-raw-insn --no-leading-addr %t.wasm | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes DISASSEM
-target triple = "wasm32-unknown-emscripten"
- at data = global i32 2, align 4
- at data_external = external global i32
- at indirect_func = local_unnamed_addr global ptr @foo, align 4
- at data_addr = local_unnamed_addr global ptr @data, align 4
- at data_addr_external = local_unnamed_addr global ptr @data_external, align 4
-define hidden i32 @foo() {
-  ; To ensure we use __stack_pointer
-  %ptr = alloca i32
-  %0 = load i32, ptr @data, align 4
-  %1 = load ptr, ptr @indirect_func, align 4
-  call i32 %1()
-  ret i32 %0
-define default ptr @get_data_address() {
-  ret ptr @data_addr_external
-define default ptr @get_internal_func1_address() {
-  ret ptr @internal_func1
-define default ptr @get_internal_func2_address() {
-  ret ptr @internal_func2
-define void @_start() {
-  call void @external_func()
-  ret void
-declare void @external_func()
-declare ptr @internal_func1()
-declare ptr @internal_func2()
-; CHECK:      Sections:
-; CHECK-NEXT:   - Type:            CUSTOM
-; CHECK-NEXT:     Name:            dylink.0
-; CHECK-NEXT:     MemorySize:      16
-; CHECK-NEXT:     MemoryAlignment: 2
-; CHECK-NEXT:     TableSize:       3
-; CHECK-NEXT:     TableAlignment:  0
-; CHECK-NEXT:     Needed:          []
-; CHECK:        - Type:            IMPORT
-; CHECK-NEXT:     Imports:
-; CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          env
-; CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           __indirect_function_table
-; CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            TABLE
-; CHECK-NEXT:        Table:
-; CHECK-NEXT:          Index:           0
-; CHECK-NEXT:          ElemType:        FUNCREF
-; CHECK-NEXT:          Limits:
-; CHECK-NEXT:            Minimum:         0x3
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Module:          env
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Field:           __stack_pointer
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Kind:            GLOBAL
-; CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalType:      I32
-; CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalMutable:   true
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Module:          env
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Field:           __memory_base
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Kind:            GLOBAL
-; CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalType:      I32
-; CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalMutable:   false
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Module:          env
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Field:           __table_base
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Kind:            GLOBAL
-; CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalType:      I32
-; CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalMutable:   false
-; CHECK:        - Type:            START
-; CHECK-NEXT:     StartFunction:   3
-; CHECK:        - Type:            CUSTOM
-; CHECK-NEXT:     Name:            name
-; CHECK-NEXT:     FunctionNames:
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           0
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            external_func
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           1
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            __wasm_call_ctors
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           2
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            __wasm_apply_data_relocs
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           3
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            __wasm_apply_global_relocs
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           4
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            foo
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           5
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            get_data_address
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           6
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            get_internal_func1_address
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           7
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            get_internal_func2_address
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           8
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            _start
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           9
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            internal_func1
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           10
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            internal_func2
-; CHECK-NEXT:     GlobalNames:
-; DISASSEM-LABEL:  <__wasm_call_ctors>:
-; DISASSEM-LABEL:  <__wasm_apply_data_relocs>:
-; DISASSEM:        end
-; Run the same test with extended-const support.  When this is available
-; we don't need __wasm_apply_global_relocs and instead rely on the add
-; instruction in the InitExpr.  We also, therefore, do not need these globals
-; to be mutable.
-; RUN: llc -relocation-model=pic -mattr=+extended-const,+mutable-globals,+atomics,+bulk-memory -filetype=obj %s -o %t.extended.o
-; RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-emscripten -filetype=obj %S/Inputs/internal_func.s -o %t.internal_func.extended.o
-; RUN: wasm-ld --no-gc-sections --experimental-pic -pie -o %t.extended.wasm %t.extended.o %t.internal_func.extended.o
-; RUN: obj2yaml %t.extended.wasm | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=EXTENDED-CONST
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NOT: __wasm_apply_global_relocs
-; EXTENDED-CONST:       - Type:            GLOBAL
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           4
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Type:            I32
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        InitExpr:
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Opcode:        GLOBAL_GET
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Index:         1
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           5
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Type:            I32
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        InitExpr:
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Extended:        true
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Body:            230141046A0B
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           6
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Type:            I32
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        InitExpr:
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Extended:        true
-; This instruction sequence decodes to:
-; (global.get[0x23] 0x1 i32.const[0x41] 0x0C i32.add[0x6A] end[0x0b])
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Body:            2301410C6A0B
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           7
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Type:            I32
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        InitExpr:
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Opcode:        GLOBAL_GET
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Index:         2
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           8
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Type:            I32
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        InitExpr:
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Extended:        true
-; This instruction sequence decodes to:
-; (global.get[0x23] 0x2 i32.const[0x41] 0x1 i32.add[0x6A] end[0x0b])
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Body:            230241016A0B
-;  EXTENDED-CONST-NOT:  - Type:            START
-;      EXTENDED-CONST:    FunctionNames:
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           0
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Name:            external_func
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           1
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_call_ctors
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           2
-; EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_apply_data_relocs
-; Run the same test with threading support.  In this mode
-; we expect __wasm_init_memory and __wasm_apply_data_relocs
-; to be generated along with __wasm_start as the start
-; function.
-; RUN: llc -relocation-model=pic -mattr=+mutable-globals,+atomics,+bulk-memory -filetype=obj %s -o %t.shmem.o
-; RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-emscripten -filetype=obj %S/Inputs/internal_func.s -o %t.internal_func.shmem.o
-; RUN: wasm-ld --no-gc-sections --shared-memory --experimental-pic -pie -o %t.shmem.wasm %t.shmem.o %t.internal_func.shmem.o
-; RUN: obj2yaml %t.shmem.wasm | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SHMEM
-; RUN: llvm-objdump --disassemble-symbols=__wasm_start --no-show-raw-insn --no-leading-addr %t.shmem.wasm | FileCheck %s --check-prefix DISASSEM-SHMEM
-; SHMEM:         - Type:            START
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      StartFunction:   6
-; DISASSEM-SHMEM-LABEL:  <__wasm_start>:
-; SHMEM:         FunctionNames:
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           0
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            external_func
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           1
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_call_ctors
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           2
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_init_tls
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           3
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_apply_data_relocs
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           4
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_init_memory
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           5
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_apply_global_relocs
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           6
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_start
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           7
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            foo
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           8
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            get_data_address
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           9
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            get_internal_func1_address
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           10
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            get_internal_func2_address
-; SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           11
-; SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            _start
diff --git a/lld/test/wasm/pie.s b/lld/test/wasm/pie.s
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000000..6267a56fedecc7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lld/test/wasm/pie.s
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-emscripten -o %t.o %s
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-emscripten %S/Inputs/internal_func.s -o %t.internal_func.o
+# RUN: wasm-ld --no-gc-sections --experimental-pic -pie -o %t.wasm %t.o %t.internal_func.o
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t.wasm | FileCheck %s
+# RUN: llvm-objdump --disassemble-symbols=__wasm_call_ctors,__wasm_apply_data_relocs --no-show-raw-insn --no-leading-addr %t.wasm | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes DISASSEM
+.functype external_func () -> ()
+.functype internal_func1 () -> (i32)
+.functype internal_func2 () -> (i32)
+.globaltype __stack_pointer, i32
+.section  .data,"",@
+.p2align  2
+  .int32  2
+  .size data, 4
+.p2align  2
+  .int32  foo
+  .size indirect_func, 4
+.p2align  2
+  .int32  data
+  .size data_addr, 4
+.p2align  2
+  .int32 data_external
+  .size data_addr_external, 4
+.section  .text,"",@
+.globl  foo
+  .functype foo () -> (i32)
+  global.get data at GOT
+  i32.load 0
+  drop
+  global.get indirect_func at GOT
+  i32.load 0
+  call_indirect  () -> (i32)
+  drop
+  global.get __stack_pointer
+  end_function
+.globl get_data_address
+  .functype get_data_address () -> (i32)
+  global.get data_addr_external at GOT
+  end_function
+.globl get_internal_func1_address
+  .functype get_internal_func1_address () -> (i32)
+  global.get internal_func1 at GOT
+  end_function
+.globl get_internal_func2_address
+  .functype get_internal_func2_address () -> (i32)
+  global.get internal_func2 at GOT
+  end_function
+.globl _start
+  .functype _start () -> ()
+  call external_func
+  end_function
+.no_dead_strip  __indirect_function_table
+.size data_external, 4
+.section  .custom_section.target_features,"",@
+.int8 4
+.int8 43
+.int8 7
+.ascii  "atomics"
+.int8 43
+.int8 11
+.ascii  "bulk-memory"
+.int8 43
+.int8 15
+.ascii  "mutable-globals"
+.int8 43
+.int8 8
+.ascii  "sign-ext"
+.section  .data.data_addr_external,"",@
+# CHECK:      Sections:
+# CHECK-NEXT:   - Type:            CUSTOM
+# CHECK-NEXT:     Name:            dylink.0
+# CHECK-NEXT:     MemorySize:      16
+# CHECK-NEXT:     MemoryAlignment: 2
+# CHECK-NEXT:     TableSize:       3
+# CHECK-NEXT:     TableAlignment:  0
+# CHECK-NEXT:     Needed:          []
+# CHECK:        - Type:            IMPORT
+# CHECK-NEXT:     Imports:
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           __indirect_function_table
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            TABLE
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Table:
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Index:           0
+# CHECK-NEXT:          ElemType:        FUNCREF
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Limits:
+# CHECK-NEXT:            Minimum:         0x3
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Field:           __stack_pointer
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Kind:            GLOBAL
+# CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalType:      I32
+# CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalMutable:   true
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Field:           __memory_base
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Kind:            GLOBAL
+# CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalType:      I32
+# CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalMutable:   false
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Field:           __table_base
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Kind:            GLOBAL
+# CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalType:      I32
+# CHECK-NEXT:         GlobalMutable:   false
+# CHECK:        - Type:            START
+# CHECK-NEXT:     StartFunction:   3
+# CHECK:        - Type:            CUSTOM
+# CHECK-NEXT:     Name:            name
+# CHECK-NEXT:     FunctionNames:
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           0
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            external_func
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           1
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            __wasm_call_ctors
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           2
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            __wasm_apply_data_relocs
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           3
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            __wasm_apply_global_relocs
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           4
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            foo
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           5
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            get_data_address
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           6
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            get_internal_func1_address
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           7
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            get_internal_func2_address
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           8
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            _start
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           9
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            internal_func1
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           10
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Name:            internal_func2
+# CHECK-NEXT:     GlobalNames:
+# DISASSEM-LABEL:  <__wasm_call_ctors>:
+# DISASSEM-LABEL:  <__wasm_apply_data_relocs>:
+# DISASSEM:        end
+# Run the same test with extended-const support.  When this is available
+# we don't need __wasm_apply_global_relocs and instead rely on the add
+# instruction in the InitExpr.  We also, therefore, do not need these globals
+# to be mutable.
+# RUN: wasm-ld --no-gc-sections --experimental-pic -pie --extra-features=extended-const -o %t.extended.wasm %t.o %t.internal_func.o
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t.extended.wasm | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=EXTENDED-CONST
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NOT: __wasm_apply_global_relocs
+# EXTENDED-CONST:       - Type:            GLOBAL
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           4
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Type:            I32
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        InitExpr:
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Opcode:        GLOBAL_GET
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Index:         1
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           5
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Type:            I32
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        InitExpr:
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Extended:        true
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Body:            230141046A0B
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           6
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Type:            I32
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        InitExpr:
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Extended:        true
+# This instruction sequence decodes to:
+# (global.get[0x23] 0x1 i32.const[0x41] 0x0C i32.add[0x6A] end[0x0b])
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Body:            2301410C6A0B
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           7
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Type:            I32
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        InitExpr:
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Opcode:        GLOBAL_GET
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Index:         2
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           8
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Type:            I32
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        InitExpr:
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Extended:        true
+# This instruction sequence decodes to:
+# (global.get[0x23] 0x2 i32.const[0x41] 0x1 i32.add[0x6A] end[0x0b])
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:          Body:            230241016A0B
+#  EXTENDED-CONST-NOT:  - Type:            START
+#      EXTENDED-CONST:    FunctionNames:
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           0
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Name:            external_func
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           1
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_call_ctors
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:      - Index:           2
+# EXTENDED-CONST-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_apply_data_relocs
+# Run the same test with threading support.  In this mode
+# we expect __wasm_init_memory and __wasm_apply_data_relocs
+# to be generated along with __wasm_start as the start
+# function.
+# RUN: wasm-ld --no-gc-sections --shared-memory --experimental-pic -pie -o %t.shmem.wasm %t.o %t.internal_func.o
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t.shmem.wasm | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SHMEM
+# RUN: llvm-objdump --disassemble-symbols=__wasm_start --no-show-raw-insn --no-leading-addr %t.shmem.wasm | FileCheck %s --check-prefix DISASSEM-SHMEM
+# SHMEM:         - Type:            START
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      StartFunction:   6
+# DISASSEM-SHMEM-LABEL:  <__wasm_start>:
+# SHMEM:         FunctionNames:
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           0
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            external_func
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           1
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_call_ctors
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           2
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_init_tls
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           3
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_apply_data_relocs
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           4
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_init_memory
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           5
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_apply_global_relocs
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           6
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            __wasm_start
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           7
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            foo
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           8
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            get_data_address
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           9
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            get_internal_func1_address
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           10
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            get_internal_func2_address
+# SHMEM-NEXT:      - Index:           11
+# SHMEM-NEXT:        Name:            _start

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