[llvm] [clang] [clang][llvm][fatlto] Avoid cloning modules in FatLTO (PR #72180)

Teresa Johnson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 28 11:44:03 PST 2023

@@ -1530,14 +1530,11 @@ PassBuilder::buildPerModuleDefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
-PassBuilder::buildFatLTODefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level, bool ThinLTO,
-                                        bool EmitSummary) {
+PassBuilder::buildFatLTODefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level) {
   ModulePassManager MPM;
-  MPM.addPass(EmbedBitcodePass(ThinLTO, EmitSummary,
-                               ThinLTO
-                                   ? buildThinLTOPreLinkDefaultPipeline(Level)
-                                   : buildLTOPreLinkDefaultPipeline(Level)));
-  MPM.addPass(buildPerModuleDefaultPipeline(Level));
+  MPM.addPass(buildThinLTOPreLinkDefaultPipeline(Level));
+  MPM.addPass(EmbedBitcodePass());
+  MPM.addPass(buildThinLTODefaultPipeline(Level, /*ImportSummary=*/nullptr));
teresajohnson wrote:

What was the downside of using ThinLTODefaultPipeline always? I guess it was essentially over-optimizing in the non-LTO case? I guess using the ThinLTODefaultPipeline only under SamplePGO is ok with me, although it seems like over time as the pipelines get modified it will be difficult to ensure that is the only case where the pipelines get out of sync. I think in either case we are essentially saying: if you use Fat LTO then don't expect the resulting non-LTO native code to be the same as that of a fully non-LTO compile. In one case there is more optimization, in the other there is the risk of future deoptimization if things don't stay in sync.


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