[llvm] [AMDGPU] Fix folding of v2i16/v2f16 splat imms (PR #72709)

Stanislav Mekhanoshin via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 23 00:31:20 PST 2023

rampitec wrote:

> > We can use inline constants with packed 16-bit operands, but these should use op_sel.
> The docs say that there are special rules for this for f16/bf16 dot2 instructions - see the RDNA3 Instruction Set Architecture Reference Guide section 7.2.1. "Non-Standard Uses of Operand Fields" subsection "Inline constants with DOT2_F16_F16 and DOT2_BF16_BF16".
> So does this code need to treat f16/bf16 dot2 instructions differently from other packed instructions?

This needs a knowledge of the instruction to decide if a constant is legal or not, and the operand number. The whole infrastructure does not know it. Moreover, it does not help the current constant bus violation, it is still a violation because inline constant is not used.

When this is fixed one could potentially use this picularity (only and only on gfx11), although I do not know why. Using op_sel does not make anything worse, so I see no single reason to distinguish instructions and their operand number for that reason.


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