[clang-tools-extra] [llvm] [clang] [SVE2.1][Clang][LLVM]Add BFloat16 builtin in Clang and LLVM intrinisc (PR #70362)

Omair Javaid via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 21 11:06:24 PST 2023

omjavaid wrote:

This breaks on Arm/AArch64 lldb bots with llvm-mc not accepting sve2p1 when --mattr=all is supplied on commandline see error below:
`home/omair.javaid/work/llvm-dev/build/bin/llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple aarch64-linux-gnueabihf /home/omair.javaid/work/llvm-dev/llvm-project/lldb/test/Shell/Commands/command-disassemble-aarch64-color.s -o /home/omair.javaid/work/llvm-dev/build/tools/lldb/test/Shell/Commands/Output/command-disassemble-aarch64-color.s.tmp --mattr=+all
/home/omair.javaid/work/llvm-dev/llvm-project/lldb/test/Shell/Commands/command-disassemble-aarch64-color.s:14:3: error: instruction requires: sve2p1
  bfadd z23.h, p3/m, z23.h, z13.h       // AEK_B16B16`

Following buildbots break:


I am going to do a revert on this patch as this has been failing for 4 hours without a fix.


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