[llvm] [SelectionDAG] Add a flag to filter ISel traces by function names (PR #72696)

Paul Kirth via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Nov 17 13:43:53 PST 2023

@@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ UseMBPI("use-mbpi",
         cl::init(true), cl::Hidden);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
+static cl::list<std::string> FilterDAGFuncNames(
+    "filter-print-dags-funcs", cl::Hidden, cl::value_desc("function names"),
+    cl::desc("Only print DAGs of functions whose names "
ilovepi wrote:

Seems like this should have a scope very similar to `FilterDAGBasicBlockName`. I'm also a bit confused why we need an new option, since it feels very similar to `-filter-print-funcs=`... can we just reuse that? IMO asking for a dump of the DAG + `-filter-print-funcs=` seems natural, but maybe it's missing the desired granularity, or would it include information you'd like to exclude from the output?


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