[llvm] Add llvm-dlltool to the toolchain list (PR #72563)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Nov 17 01:01:56 PST 2023

https://github.com/zmodem approved this pull request.

> I don't mind this. @zmodem ?


> I also think maybe we should have an optional package with the full suite of tools and libraries. We get a lot of questions about it.

I tried building that once, but it makes the package grow a lot and the nsis tool we use to build the installer couldn't handle it (it seems to have a limit of 2GB input size).

> Side note, to save on disk space, it would be really cool if these more rarely-used tools were going through llvm-driver + a stub exe (in the absence of reliable symlinks on Windows)

I think @compnerd has plans to help reduce the toolchain size by having shared code in dlls. That's probably a long-term project though.


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