[clang] [llvm] split load to bytes to deduce load value (PR #72364)

Sergey Kachkov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 15 02:59:26 PST 2023

skachkov-sc wrote:

I think we should also check this optimization for non-byte stores, e.g.
define i32 @f(ptr %ptr)
    %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %ptr, i64 2
    store i16 0, ptr %ptr, align 2
    store i16 0, ptr %ptr1, align 2
    %L = load i32, ptr %ptr, align 4
GVN should optimize the case when 1-byte load location is fully covered with 2-byte store and extract the required byte from stored value, but it's good to check if reconstruction of 4-byte %L can be simplified after.


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