[llvm] [GitHub] Add Greeting comment to new contributor's PRs with useful information (PR #72249)

Julian Schmidt via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 14 08:31:50 PST 2023

@@ -211,6 +211,36 @@ def _get_curent_team(self) -> Optional[github.Team.Team]:
         return None
+class PRGreeter:
+    def __init__(self, token: str, repo: str, pr_number: int):
+        repo = github.Github(token).get_repo(repo)
+        self.pr = repo.get_issue(pr_number).as_pull_request()
+    def run(self) -> bool:
+        # We assume that this is only called for a PR that has just been opened
+        # by a user new to LLVM and/or GitHub itself.
+        # This text is using Markdown formatting.
+        comment = f"""\
+Thank you for submitting a Pull Request (PR) to the LLVM Project!
+You can add reviewers by using the "Reviewers" section on this page.
5chmidti wrote:

What about a sentence before this that explains that prs are automatically labeled and the respective teams for these labels will automatically be pinged. I would still keep the rest of the reviewer part, because the user might want to ping specific people for their involvement in that part of the code-base.


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