[llvm] [AArch64] Refactor allocation of locals and stack realignment (PR #72028)

Momchil Velikov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Nov 11 08:18:19 PST 2023

momchil-velikov wrote:

The patch is almost, but not quite NFC. The only difference should be that where we have adjacent allocation of stack space
for local SVE objects and non-local SVE objects the order of `sub sp, ...` and `addvl sp, ...` instructions is reversed because now it's done with a single call to `emitFrameOffset` and it handled the fixed part before the scalable part, e.g.
addvl sp, sp, #-2
sub sp, sp, #16, lsl #12
sub sp, sp, #16
sub sp, sp, #16, lsl #12
sub sp, sp, #16
addvl sp, sp, #-2


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