[llvm] ValueTracking: Identify implied fp classes by general fcmp (PR #66505)

Matt Arsenault via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 9 01:53:21 PST 2023

@@ -4245,6 +4245,140 @@ llvm::fcmpToClassTest(FCmpInst::Predicate Pred, const Function &F, Value *LHS,
   return {Src, Mask};
+std::tuple<Value *, FPClassTest, FPClassTest>
+llvm::fcmpImpliesClass(CmpInst::Predicate Pred, const Function &F, Value *LHS,
+                       const APFloat *ConstRHS, bool LookThroughSrc) {
+  auto [Val, ClassMask] =
+      fcmpToClassTest(Pred, F, LHS, ConstRHS, LookThroughSrc);
+  if (Val)
+    return {Val, ClassMask, ~ClassMask};
+  FPClassTest RHSClass = ConstRHS->classify();
+  assert((RHSClass == fcPosNormal || RHSClass == fcNegNormal ||
+          RHSClass == fcPosSubnormal || RHSClass == fcNegSubnormal) &&
+         "should have been recognized as an exact class test");
+  const bool IsNegativeRHS = (RHSClass & fcNegative) == RHSClass;
+  const bool IsPositiveRHS = (RHSClass & fcPositive) == RHSClass;
+  assert(IsNegativeRHS == ConstRHS->isNegative());
+  assert(IsPositiveRHS == !ConstRHS->isNegative());
+  Value *Src = LHS;
+  const bool IsFabs = LookThroughSrc && match(LHS, m_FAbs(m_Value(Src)));
+  if (IsFabs)
+    RHSClass = llvm::inverse_fabs(RHSClass);
+  if (Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_OEQ)
+    return {Src, RHSClass, fcAllFlags};
+  if (Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_UEQ) {
+    FPClassTest Class = RHSClass | fcNan;
+    return {Src, Class, ~fcNan};
+  }
+  if (Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_ONE)
+    return {Src, ~fcNan, RHSClass};
+  if (Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_UNE)
+    return {Src, fcAllFlags, RHSClass};
+  if (IsNegativeRHS) {
+    // TODO: Handle fneg(fabs)
+    if (IsFabs) {
+      // fabs(x) o> -k -> fcmp ord x, x
+      // fabs(x) u> -k -> true
+      // fabs(x) o< -k -> false
+      // fabs(x) u< -k -> fcmp uno x, x
+      switch (Pred) {
+      case FCmpInst::FCMP_OGT:
+      case FCmpInst::FCMP_OGE:
+        return {Src, ~fcNan, fcNan};
+      case FCmpInst::FCMP_UGT:
+      case FCmpInst::FCMP_UGE:
+        return {Src, fcAllFlags, fcNone};
+      case FCmpInst::FCMP_OLT:
+      case FCmpInst::FCMP_OLE:
+        return {Src, fcNone, fcAllFlags};
+      case FCmpInst::FCMP_ULT:
+      case FCmpInst::FCMP_ULE:
+        return {Src, fcNan, ~fcNan};
+      default:
+        break;
+      }
+      return {nullptr, fcAllFlags, fcAllFlags};
+    }
+    FPClassTest ClassesLE = fcNegInf | fcNegNormal;
+    FPClassTest ClassesGE = fcPositive | fcNegZero | fcNegSubnormal;
+    if (ConstRHS->isDenormal())
+      ClassesLE |= fcNegSubnormal;
+    else
+      ClassesGE |= fcNegNormal;
+    switch (Pred) {
+    case FCmpInst::FCMP_OGT:
+    case FCmpInst::FCMP_OGE:
+      return {Src, ClassesGE, ~ClassesGE | RHSClass};
+    case FCmpInst::FCMP_UGT:
+    case FCmpInst::FCMP_UGE:
+      return {Src, ClassesGE | fcNan, ~(ClassesGE | fcNan) | RHSClass};
+    case FCmpInst::FCMP_OLT:
+    case FCmpInst::FCMP_OLE:
+      return {Src, ClassesLE, ~ClassesLE | RHSClass};
+    case FCmpInst::FCMP_ULT:
+    case FCmpInst::FCMP_ULE:
+      return {Src, ClassesLE | fcNan, ~(ClassesLE | fcNan) | RHSClass};
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  } else if (IsPositiveRHS) {
+    FPClassTest ClassesGE = fcPosNormal | fcPosInf;
+    FPClassTest ClassesLE = fcNegative | fcPosZero | fcPosNormal;
+    if (ConstRHS->isDenormal())
+      ClassesGE |= fcPosNormal;
+    else
+      ClassesLE |= fcPosSubnormal;
+    FPClassTest FalseClasses = RHSClass;
arsenm wrote:

I think originally this was supposed to be a mutable copy while preserving the original argument value, but I don't see it being mutated now 


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