[llvm] [llvm-dwarfdump] pretty-print DW_AT_call_origin reference (PR #71693)

Orlando Cazalet-Hyams via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 8 08:51:47 PST 2023

OCHyams wrote:

> Looks great to me, thanks for improving llvm-dwarfdump output!

I was inspired by your recent change!

> If you search the DWARF spec for "a reference", it looks like there are various other attributes that could also be given the same treatment as well... No need to do that in this PR though, just passing it along as a potential further improvement.

Yeah agreed. FWIW I chose this one as I recently spent a decent amount of time looking at call site info.

Thanks for the review. I'll land this tomorrow to avoid knocking out bots before I sign off.


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