[llvm] [llvm-symbolizer] restore --[no-]use-symbol-table option (PR #71008)

James Henderson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 7 00:06:33 PST 2023

jh7370 wrote:

> I think we usually test from assembly (have the test assemble it with `llvm-mc`) rather than checked in object files - could you update this test to work that way? (leaving the source code and compilation command line as a comment in the asm file would be useful too, though). @jh7370 to confirm.

Yes, prefer to avoid canned object files and use YAML/assembly/IR (roughly from most to least preferred) instead. This allows you to annotate the bits of the input that are specifically important for the test, so that future maintainers know what they should/should not change if updating tests, and also to see changes over time. It also avoids permanent binary blobs in the git history, which helps with the repo size (the first binary might sometimes be smaller than the input asm etc, but the cumulative effect of updates won't be).


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