[compiler-rt] [asan][win][msvc] override new and delete and seperate TUs (PR #68754)

Charlie Barto via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 2 15:54:42 PDT 2023

barcharcraz wrote:

I could move the `_WIN` and `_EXPLICIT` stack trace macros to their own file, or remove that machenry entirely. Removing it entirely means modifying all the tests to accept having `__asan_new` on top of the stack. Filtering that function off the printed stack trace might be a usability improvement as well. Do you feel strongly on that feature?
Normally I'd just remove the filtering and do it later, but given that requires modifying all the tests it would be easier to just move the macros to a windows specific header (possibly asan_win_thunk_common) and call it a day.


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