[llvm] 3f2ed81 - [InstCombine] Infer nneg on zext when forming from non-negative sext (#70706)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 30 12:09:46 PDT 2023

Author: Philip Reames
Date: 2023-10-30T12:09:43-07:00
New Revision: 3f2ed812f021e723212ddb9f808757a7ec3841e1

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/3f2ed812f021e723212ddb9f808757a7ec3841e1
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/3f2ed812f021e723212ddb9f808757a7ec3841e1.diff

LOG: [InstCombine] Infer nneg on zext when forming from non-negative sext (#70706)

Builds on #67982 which recently introduced the nneg flag on a zext
instruction. InstCombine is one of our largest canonicalizers of zext
from non-negative sext instructions, so set the flag there.




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCasts.cpp b/llvm/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCasts.cpp
index 2285a91cbdf2bb5..2127000c4b780b2 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCasts.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineCasts.cpp
@@ -1372,8 +1372,11 @@ Instruction *InstCombinerImpl::visitSExt(SExtInst &Sext) {
   unsigned DestBitSize = DestTy->getScalarSizeInBits();
   // If the value being extended is zero or positive, use a zext instead.
-  if (isKnownNonNegative(Src, DL, 0, &AC, &Sext, &DT))
-    return CastInst::Create(Instruction::ZExt, Src, DestTy);
+  if (isKnownNonNegative(Src, DL, 0, &AC, &Sext, &DT)) {
+    auto CI = CastInst::Create(Instruction::ZExt, Src, DestTy);
+    CI->setNonNeg(true);
+    return CI;
+  }
   // Try to extend the entire expression tree to the wide destination type.
   if (shouldChangeType(SrcTy, DestTy) && canEvaluateSExtd(Src, DestTy)) {

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/adjust-for-minmax.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/adjust-for-minmax.ll
index 67871f3d64c411e..dced55944505370 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/adjust-for-minmax.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/adjust-for-minmax.ll
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ define <2 x i32> @umin4_vec(<2 x i32> %n) {
 define i64 @smax_sext(i32 %a) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @smax_sext(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[NARROW:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.smax.i32(i32 [[A:%.*]], i32 0)
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MAX:%.*]] = zext i32 [[NARROW]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MAX:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[NARROW]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[MAX]]
   %a_ext = sext i32 %a to i64
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ define i64 @smax_sext(i32 %a) {
 define <2 x i64> @smax_sext_vec(<2 x i32> %a) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @smax_sext_vec(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[NARROW:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.smax.v2i32(<2 x i32> [[A:%.*]], <2 x i32> zeroinitializer)
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MAX:%.*]] = zext <2 x i32> [[NARROW]] to <2 x i64>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MAX:%.*]] = zext nneg <2 x i32> [[NARROW]] to <2 x i64>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <2 x i64> [[MAX]]
   %a_ext = sext <2 x i32> %a to <2 x i64>
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ define <2 x i64> @umax_sext_vec(<2 x i32> %a) {
 define i64 @umin_sext(i32 %a) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @umin_sext(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[NARROW:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.umin.i32(i32 [[A:%.*]], i32 2)
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MIN:%.*]] = zext i32 [[NARROW]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MIN:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[NARROW]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[MIN]]
   %a_ext = sext i32 %a to i64
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ define i64 @umin_sext(i32 %a) {
 define <2 x i64> @umin_sext_vec(<2 x i32> %a) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @umin_sext_vec(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[NARROW:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.umin.v2i32(<2 x i32> [[A:%.*]], <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 2>)
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MIN:%.*]] = zext <2 x i32> [[NARROW]] to <2 x i64>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MIN:%.*]] = zext nneg <2 x i32> [[NARROW]] to <2 x i64>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <2 x i64> [[MIN]]
   %a_ext = sext <2 x i32> %a to <2 x i64>
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ define <2 x i64> @umax_sext2_vec(<2 x i32> %a) {
 define i64 @umin_sext2(i32 %a) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @umin_sext2(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[NARROW:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.umin.i32(i32 [[A:%.*]], i32 3)
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MIN:%.*]] = zext i32 [[NARROW]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MIN:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[NARROW]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[MIN]]
   %a_ext = sext i32 %a to i64
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ define i64 @umin_sext2(i32 %a) {
 define <2 x i64> @umin_sext2_vec(<2 x i32> %a) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @umin_sext2_vec(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[NARROW:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.umin.v2i32(<2 x i32> [[A:%.*]], <2 x i32> <i32 3, i32 3>)
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MIN:%.*]] = zext <2 x i32> [[NARROW]] to <2 x i64>
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MIN:%.*]] = zext nneg <2 x i32> [[NARROW]] to <2 x i64>
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret <2 x i64> [[MIN]]
   %a_ext = sext <2 x i32> %a to <2 x i64>

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/cast-mul-select.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/cast-mul-select.ll
index ab8333beb9e7664..23e934de0baeb7e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/cast-mul-select.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/cast-mul-select.ll
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ define void @PR36225(i32 %a, i32 %b, i1 %c1, i3 %v1, i3 %v2) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ]
 ; CHECK:       for.end:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[H:%.*]] = phi i8 [ [[SPEC_SELECT]], [[FOR_BODY3_US]] ], [ [[SPEC_SELECT]], [[FOR_BODY3_US]] ], [ 0, [[FOR_BODY3]] ], [ 0, [[FOR_BODY3]] ]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CONV:%.*]] = zext i8 [[H]] to i32
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CONV:%.*]] = zext nneg i8 [[H]] to i32
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP:%.*]] = icmp slt i32 [[CONV]], [[A:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP]], label [[EXIT]], label [[EXIT2:%.*]]
 ; CHECK:       exit2:
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ define void @PR36225(i32 %a, i32 %b, i1 %c1, i3 %v1, i3 %v2) {
 ; DBGINFO:       for.end:
 ; DBGINFO-NEXT:    [[H:%.*]] = phi i8 [ [[SPEC_SELECT]], [[FOR_BODY3_US]] ], [ [[SPEC_SELECT]], [[FOR_BODY3_US]] ], [ 0, [[FOR_BODY3]] ], [ 0, [[FOR_BODY3]] ], !dbg [[DBG100:![0-9]+]]
 ; DBGINFO-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i8 [[H]], metadata [[META91:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG100]]
-; DBGINFO-NEXT:    [[CONV:%.*]] = zext i8 [[H]] to i32, !dbg [[DBG101:![0-9]+]]
+; DBGINFO-NEXT:    [[CONV:%.*]] = zext nneg i8 [[H]] to i32, !dbg [[DBG101:![0-9]+]]
 ; DBGINFO-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 [[CONV]], metadata [[META92:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG101]]
 ; DBGINFO-NEXT:    [[CMP:%.*]] = icmp slt i32 [[CONV]], [[A:%.*]], !dbg [[DBG102:![0-9]+]]
 ; DBGINFO-NEXT:    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i1 [[CMP]], metadata [[META93:![0-9]+]], metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg [[DBG102]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/icmp-ext-ext.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/icmp-ext-ext.ll
index b3dafe06a387998..f70e48e27384619 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/icmp-ext-ext.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/icmp-ext-ext.ll
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ define i1 @zext_sext_eq_known_nonneg(i8 %x, i8 %y) {
 define i1 @zext_sext_sle_known_nonneg_op0_narrow(i8 %x, i16 %y) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @zext_sext_sle_known_nonneg_op0_narrow(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[N:%.*]] = and i8 [[X:%.*]], 12
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext i8 [[N]] to i16
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext nneg i8 [[N]] to i16
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C:%.*]] = icmp sle i16 [[TMP1]], [[Y:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[C]]
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ define <2 x i1> @sext_zext_sge_known_nonneg_op0_narrow(<2 x i5> %x, <2 x i8> %y)
 define i1 @sext_zext_uge_known_nonneg_op0_wide(i16 %x, i8 %y) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @sext_zext_uge_known_nonneg_op0_wide(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[N:%.*]] = and i8 [[Y:%.*]], 12
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext i8 [[N]] to i16
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext nneg i8 [[N]] to i16
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[C:%.*]] = icmp ule i16 [[TMP1]], [[X:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i1 [[C]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/memcpy-from-global.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/memcpy-from-global.ll
index ea9b16e1382ee90..59e756eed3fd778 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/memcpy-from-global.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/memcpy-from-global.ll
@@ -8,25 +8,25 @@ define float @test1(i32 %hash, float %x, float %y, float %z, float %w) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = shl i32 [[HASH:%.*]], 2
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = and i32 [[TMP3]], 124
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = zext i32 [[TMP5]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[TMP5]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP753:%.*]] = getelementptr [128 x float], ptr @C.0.1248, i64 0, i64 [[TMP0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = load float, ptr [[TMP753]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = fmul float [[TMP9]], [[X:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = fadd float [[TMP11]], 0.000000e+00
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP17_SUM52:%.*]] = or i32 [[TMP5]], 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext i32 [[TMP17_SUM52]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[TMP17_SUM52]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1851:%.*]] = getelementptr [128 x float], ptr @C.0.1248, i64 0, i64 [[TMP1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP19:%.*]] = load float, ptr [[TMP1851]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP21:%.*]] = fmul float [[TMP19]], [[Y:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP23:%.*]] = fadd float [[TMP21]], [[TMP13]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP27_SUM50:%.*]] = or i32 [[TMP5]], 2
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = zext i32 [[TMP27_SUM50]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[TMP27_SUM50]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2849:%.*]] = getelementptr [128 x float], ptr @C.0.1248, i64 0, i64 [[TMP2]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP29:%.*]] = load float, ptr [[TMP2849]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP31:%.*]] = fmul float [[TMP29]], [[Z:%.*]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP33:%.*]] = fadd float [[TMP31]], [[TMP23]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP37_SUM48:%.*]] = or i32 [[TMP5]], 3
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = zext i32 [[TMP37_SUM48]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[TMP37_SUM48]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3847:%.*]] = getelementptr [128 x float], ptr @C.0.1248, i64 0, i64 [[TMP3]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP39:%.*]] = load float, ptr [[TMP3847]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP41:%.*]] = fmul float [[TMP39]], [[W:%.*]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/minmax-intrinsics.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/minmax-intrinsics.ll
index 7a4da66ae2151c8..09003ebacd6ca1c 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/minmax-intrinsics.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/minmax-intrinsics.ll
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ define i8 @umin_zext_uses(i5 %x, i5 %y) {
 define i8 @smax_sext_constant(i5 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @smax_sext_constant(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = call i5 @llvm.smax.i5(i5 [[X:%.*]], i5 7)
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[M:%.*]] = zext i5 [[TMP1]] to i8
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[M:%.*]] = zext nneg i5 [[TMP1]] to i8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i8 [[M]]
   %e = sext i5 %x to i8
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ define i8 @umax_zext_constant_big(i5 %x) {
 define i8 @umin_sext_constant(i5 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @umin_sext_constant(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = call i5 @llvm.umin.i5(i5 [[X:%.*]], i5 7)
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[M:%.*]] = zext i5 [[TMP1]] to i8
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[M:%.*]] = zext nneg i5 [[TMP1]] to i8
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i8 [[M]]
   %e = sext i5 %x to i8

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/narrow-math.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/narrow-math.ll
index bfff00f62deac40..6eacb1ca2c018e7 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/narrow-math.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/narrow-math.ll
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ define i64 @test2(i32 %V) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CALL1:%.*]] = call i32 @callee(), !range [[RNG0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CALL2:%.*]] = call i32 @callee(), !range [[RNG0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD:%.*]] = add nuw nsw i32 [[CALL1]], [[CALL2]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ZEXT:%.*]] = zext i32 [[ADD]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ZEXT:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[ADD]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[ZEXT]]
   %call1 = call i32 @callee(), !range !0
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ define i64 @test4(i32 %V) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CALL1:%.*]] = call i32 @callee(), !range [[RNG0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CALL2:%.*]] = call i32 @callee(), !range [[RNG0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD:%.*]] = mul nuw nsw i32 [[CALL1]], [[CALL2]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ZEXT:%.*]] = zext i32 [[ADD]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ZEXT:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[ADD]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[ZEXT]]
   %call1 = call i32 @callee(), !range !0
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ define i64 @test12(i32 %V) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CALL1:%.*]] = call i32 @callee(), !range [[RNG1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CALL2:%.*]] = call i32 @callee(), !range [[RNG1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[NARROW:%.*]] = mul nsw i32 [[CALL1]], [[CALL2]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD:%.*]] = zext i32 [[NARROW]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[NARROW]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[ADD]]
   %call1 = call i32 @callee(), !range !1
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ define i64 @test18(i32 %V) {
 define i64 @test19(i32 %V) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test19(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CALL1:%.*]] = call i32 @callee(), !range [[RNG0]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SEXT1:%.*]] = zext i32 [[CALL1]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SEXT1:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[CALL1]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUB:%.*]] = sub nuw nsw i64 -2147481648, [[SEXT1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[SUB]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/select_meta.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/select_meta.ll
index f788dec108dfb02..df1e5a82ad5d152 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/select_meta.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/select_meta.ll
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ define i32 @foo2(i32, i32) local_unnamed_addr #0  {
 define i64 @test43(i32 %a) nounwind {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test43(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[NARROW:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.smax.i32(i32 [[A:%.*]], i32 0)
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MAX:%.*]] = zext i32 [[NARROW]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MAX:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[NARROW]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[MAX]]
   %a_ext = sext i32 %a to i64

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sext.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sext.ll
index c204b37ff85a585..0e7caff0cfdefa0 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sext.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sext.ll
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ declare void @use_vec(<2 x i5>)
 define i64 @test1(i32 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test1(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.ctpop.i32(i32 [[X:%.*]]), !range [[RNG0:![0-9]+]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext i32 [[T]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[T]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[S]]
   %t = call i32 @llvm.ctpop.i32(i32 %x)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ define i64 @test1(i32 %x) {
 define i64 @test2(i32 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test2(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 [[X:%.*]], i1 true), !range [[RNG0]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext i32 [[T]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[T]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[S]]
   %t = call i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 %x, i1 true)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ define i64 @test2(i32 %x) {
 define i64 @test3(i32 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test3(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 [[X:%.*]], i1 true), !range [[RNG0]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext i32 [[T]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[T]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[S]]
   %t = call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %x, i1 true)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ define i64 @test3(i32 %x) {
 define i64 @test4(i32 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test4(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T:%.*]] = udiv i32 [[X:%.*]], 3
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext i32 [[T]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[T]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[S]]
   %t = udiv i32 %x, 3
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ define i64 @test4(i32 %x) {
 define i64 @test5(i32 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test5(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T:%.*]] = urem i32 [[X:%.*]], 30000
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext i32 [[T]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[T]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[S]]
   %t = urem i32 %x, 30000
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ define i64 @test6(i32 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test6(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[U:%.*]] = lshr i32 [[X:%.*]], 3
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T:%.*]] = mul nuw nsw i32 [[U]], 3
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext i32 [[T]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[T]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[S]]
   %u = lshr i32 %x, 3
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ define i64 @test7(i32 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test7(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T:%.*]] = and i32 [[X:%.*]], 511
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[U:%.*]] = sub nuw nsw i32 20000, [[T]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext i32 [[U]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[S:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[U]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[S]]
   %t = and i32 %x, 511
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ define i32 @test17(i1 %x) {
 define i32 @test18(i16 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test18(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SEL:%.*]] = call i16 @llvm.smax.i16(i16 [[X:%.*]], i16 0)
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[EXT:%.*]] = zext i16 [[SEL]] to i32
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[EXT:%.*]] = zext nneg i16 [[SEL]] to i32
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i32 [[EXT]]
   %cmp = icmp slt i16 %x, 0

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/udiv-simplify.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/udiv-simplify.ll
index 724170e376b35af..a38d32d7925500f 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/udiv-simplify.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/udiv-simplify.ll
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ define i64 @test1_PR2274(i32 %x, i32 %g) nounwind {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test1_PR2274(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y:%.*]] = lshr i32 [[X:%.*]], 30
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R:%.*]] = udiv i32 [[Y]], [[G:%.*]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Z:%.*]] = zext i32 [[R]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Z:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[R]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[Z]]
   %y = lshr i32 %x, 30
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ define i64 @test2_PR2274(i32 %x, i32 %v) nounwind {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test2_PR2274(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Y:%.*]] = lshr i32 [[X:%.*]], 31
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[R:%.*]] = udiv i32 [[Y]], [[V:%.*]]
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Z:%.*]] = zext i32 [[R]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[Z:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[R]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[Z]]
   %y = lshr i32 %x, 31

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/wcslen-1.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/wcslen-1.ll
index 5d05cff6e54b844..4a9a4b926320274 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/wcslen-1.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/wcslen-1.ll
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ define i64 @test_no_simplify2_no_null_opt(i32 %x) #0 {
 define i64 @test_no_simplify3(i32 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test_no_simplify3(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[AND:%.*]] = and i32 [[X:%.*]], 15
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext i32 [[AND]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[AND]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[HELLO_P:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [13 x i32], ptr @null_hello_mid, i64 0, i64 [[TMP1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[HELLO_L:%.*]] = call i64 @wcslen(ptr nonnull [[HELLO_P]])
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[HELLO_L]]
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ define i64 @test_no_simplify3(i32 %x) {
 define i64 @test_no_simplify3_no_null_opt(i32 %x) #0 {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test_no_simplify3_no_null_opt(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[AND:%.*]] = and i32 [[X:%.*]], 15
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext i32 [[AND]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[AND]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[HELLO_P:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [13 x i32], ptr @null_hello_mid, i64 0, i64 [[TMP1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[HELLO_L:%.*]] = call i64 @wcslen(ptr [[HELLO_P]])
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[HELLO_L]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/wcslen-3.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/wcslen-3.ll
index c463b6b1e9526e7..6dc9534c4986e90 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/wcslen-3.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/InstCombine/wcslen-3.ll
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ define i64 @test_no_simplify2(i16 %x) {
 define i64 @test_no_simplify3(i16 %x) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: @test_no_simplify3(
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[AND:%.*]] = and i16 [[X:%.*]], 15
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext i16 [[AND]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = zext nneg i16 [[AND]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[HELLO_P:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [13 x i16], ptr @null_hello_mid, i64 0, i64 [[TMP1]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[HELLO_L:%.*]] = call i64 @wcslen(ptr nonnull [[HELLO_P]])
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret i64 [[HELLO_L]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/AArch64/sve-interleaved-masked-accesses.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/AArch64/sve-interleaved-masked-accesses.ll
index 83523545f84d0ab..4803b96642afd50 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/AArch64/sve-interleaved-masked-accesses.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/AArch64/sve-interleaved-masked-accesses.ll
@@ -82,19 +82,19 @@ define dso_local void @masked_strided1(ptr noalias nocapture readonly %p, ptr no
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP1]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[FOR_INC]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING:       if.then:
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[MUL:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw i32 [[IX_024]], 1
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP22:%.*]] = zext i32 [[MUL]] to i64
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP22:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[MUL]] to i64
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[P]], i64 [[TMP22]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP23:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[ARRAYIDX]], align 1
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ADD:%.*]] = or i32 [[MUL]], 1
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP24:%.*]] = zext i32 [[ADD]] to i64
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP24:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[ADD]] to i64
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[P]], i64 [[TMP24]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP25:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[ARRAYIDX4]], align 1
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[SPEC_SELECT_I:%.*]] = call i8 @llvm.smax.i8(i8 [[TMP23]], i8 [[TMP25]])
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP26:%.*]] = zext i32 [[MUL]] to i64
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP26:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[MUL]] to i64
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], i64 [[TMP26]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    store i8 [[SPEC_SELECT_I]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX6]], align 1
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[SUB:%.*]] = sub i8 0, [[SPEC_SELECT_I]]
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP27:%.*]] = zext i32 [[ADD]] to i64
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP27:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[ADD]] to i64
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX11:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], i64 [[TMP27]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    store i8 [[SUB]], ptr [[ARRAYIDX11]], align 1
@@ -239,12 +239,12 @@ define dso_local void @masked_strided2(ptr noalias nocapture readnone %p, ptr no
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[INDEX:%.*]] = phi i32 [ 0, [[VECTOR_PH]] ], [ [[INDEX_NEXT:%.*]], [[VECTOR_BODY]] ]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[VEC_IND:%.*]] = phi <vscale x 16 x i32> [ [[TMP4]], [[VECTOR_PH]] ], [ [[VEC_IND_NEXT:%.*]], [[VECTOR_BODY]] ]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw <vscale x 16 x i32> [[VEC_IND]], shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i32> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i32> poison, i32 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i32> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer)
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = zext <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP7]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = zext nneg <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP7]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], <vscale x 16 x i64> [[TMP8]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    call void @llvm.masked.scatter.nxv16i8.nxv16p0(<vscale x 16 x i8> shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i8> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i8> poison, i8 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i8> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer), <vscale x 16 x ptr> [[TMP9]], i32 1, <vscale x 16 x i1> shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i1> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i1> poison, i1 true, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i1> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer))
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = icmp ugt <vscale x 16 x i32> [[VEC_IND]], [[BROADCAST_SPLAT]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = or <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP7]], shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i32> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i32> poison, i32 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i32> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer)
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = zext <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP11]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = zext nneg <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP11]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], <vscale x 16 x i64> [[TMP12]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    call void @llvm.masked.scatter.nxv16i8.nxv16p0(<vscale x 16 x i8> shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i8> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i8> poison, i8 2, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i8> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer), <vscale x 16 x ptr> [[TMP13]], i32 1, <vscale x 16 x i1> [[TMP10]])
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP14:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.vscale.i32()
@@ -262,14 +262,14 @@ define dso_local void @masked_strided2(ptr noalias nocapture readnone %p, ptr no
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING:       for.body:
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[IX_012:%.*]] = phi i32 [ [[BC_RESUME_VAL]], [[SCALAR_PH]] ], [ [[INC:%.*]], [[FOR_INC:%.*]] ]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[MUL:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw i32 [[IX_012]], 1
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP17:%.*]] = zext i32 [[MUL]] to i64
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP17:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[MUL]] to i64
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], i64 [[TMP17]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    store i8 1, ptr [[ARRAYIDX]], align 1
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[CMP1:%.*]] = icmp ugt i32 [[IX_012]], [[CONV]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP1]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[FOR_INC]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING:       if.then:
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ADD:%.*]] = or i32 [[MUL]], 1
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP18:%.*]] = zext i32 [[ADD]] to i64
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP18:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[ADD]] to i64
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], i64 [[TMP18]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    store i8 2, ptr [[ARRAYIDX3]], align 1
@@ -303,12 +303,12 @@ define dso_local void @masked_strided2(ptr noalias nocapture readnone %p, ptr no
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[VEC_IND:%.*]] = phi <vscale x 16 x i32> [ [[TMP3]], [[VECTOR_PH]] ], [ [[VEC_IND_NEXT:%.*]], [[VECTOR_BODY]] ]
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw <vscale x 16 x i32> [[VEC_IND]], shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i32> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i32> poison, i32 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i32> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer)
-; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = zext <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP6]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
+; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = zext nneg <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP6]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], <vscale x 16 x i64> [[TMP7]]
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    call void @llvm.masked.scatter.nxv16i8.nxv16p0(<vscale x 16 x i8> shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i8> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i8> poison, i8 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i8> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer), <vscale x 16 x ptr> [[TMP8]], i32 1, <vscale x 16 x i1> [[ACTIVE_LANE_MASK]])
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = icmp ugt <vscale x 16 x i32> [[VEC_IND]], [[BROADCAST_SPLAT]]
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = or <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP6]], shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i32> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i32> poison, i32 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i32> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer)
-; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = zext <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP10]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
+; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = zext nneg <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP10]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], <vscale x 16 x i64> [[TMP11]]
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = select <vscale x 16 x i1> [[ACTIVE_LANE_MASK]], <vscale x 16 x i1> [[TMP9]], <vscale x 16 x i1> zeroinitializer
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    call void @llvm.masked.scatter.nxv16i8.nxv16p0(<vscale x 16 x i8> shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i8> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i8> poison, i8 2, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i8> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer), <vscale x 16 x ptr> [[TMP12]], i32 1, <vscale x 16 x i1> [[TMP13]])
@@ -404,12 +404,12 @@ define dso_local void @masked_strided3(ptr noalias nocapture readnone %p, ptr no
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[VEC_IND:%.*]] = phi <vscale x 16 x i32> [ [[TMP4]], [[VECTOR_PH]] ], [ [[VEC_IND_NEXT:%.*]], [[VECTOR_BODY]] ]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw <vscale x 16 x i32> [[VEC_IND]], shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i32> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i32> poison, i32 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i32> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer)
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = icmp ugt <vscale x 16 x i32> [[VEC_IND]], [[BROADCAST_SPLAT]]
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = zext <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP7]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = zext nneg <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP7]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], <vscale x 16 x i64> [[TMP9]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    call void @llvm.masked.scatter.nxv16i8.nxv16p0(<vscale x 16 x i8> shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i8> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i8> poison, i8 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i8> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer), <vscale x 16 x ptr> [[TMP10]], i32 1, <vscale x 16 x i1> [[TMP8]])
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = icmp ugt <vscale x 16 x i32> [[VEC_IND]], [[BROADCAST_SPLAT2]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = or <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP7]], shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i32> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i32> poison, i32 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i32> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer)
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = zext <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP12]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = zext nneg <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP12]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], <vscale x 16 x i64> [[TMP13]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    call void @llvm.masked.scatter.nxv16i8.nxv16p0(<vscale x 16 x i8> shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i8> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i8> poison, i8 2, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i8> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer), <vscale x 16 x ptr> [[TMP14]], i32 1, <vscale x 16 x i1> [[TMP11]])
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP15:%.*]] = call i32 @llvm.vscale.i32()
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ define dso_local void @masked_strided3(ptr noalias nocapture readnone %p, ptr no
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[CMP1:%.*]] = icmp ugt i32 [[IX_018]], [[CONV]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP1]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[IF_END:%.*]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING:       if.then:
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP18:%.*]] = zext i32 [[MUL]] to i64
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP18:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[MUL]] to i64
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], i64 [[TMP18]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    store i8 1, ptr [[ARRAYIDX]], align 1
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ define dso_local void @masked_strided3(ptr noalias nocapture readnone %p, ptr no
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP4]], label [[IF_THEN6:%.*]], label [[FOR_INC]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING:       if.then6:
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ADD:%.*]] = or i32 [[MUL]], 1
-; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP19:%.*]] = zext i32 [[ADD]] to i64
+; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP19:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[ADD]] to i64
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX7:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], i64 [[TMP19]]
 ; SCALAR_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    store i8 2, ptr [[ARRAYIDX7]], align 1
@@ -477,13 +477,13 @@ define dso_local void @masked_strided3(ptr noalias nocapture readnone %p, ptr no
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[VEC_IND:%.*]] = phi <vscale x 16 x i32> [ [[TMP3]], [[VECTOR_PH]] ], [ [[VEC_IND_NEXT:%.*]], [[VECTOR_BODY]] ]
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw <vscale x 16 x i32> [[VEC_IND]], shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i32> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i32> poison, i32 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i32> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer)
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = icmp ugt <vscale x 16 x i32> [[VEC_IND]], [[BROADCAST_SPLAT]]
-; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = zext <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP6]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
+; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = zext nneg <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP6]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], <vscale x 16 x i64> [[TMP8]]
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = select <vscale x 16 x i1> [[ACTIVE_LANE_MASK]], <vscale x 16 x i1> [[TMP7]], <vscale x 16 x i1> zeroinitializer
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    call void @llvm.masked.scatter.nxv16i8.nxv16p0(<vscale x 16 x i8> shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i8> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i8> poison, i8 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i8> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer), <vscale x 16 x ptr> [[TMP9]], i32 1, <vscale x 16 x i1> [[TMP10]])
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = icmp ugt <vscale x 16 x i32> [[VEC_IND]], [[BROADCAST_SPLAT2]]
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = or <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP6]], shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i32> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i32> poison, i32 1, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i32> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer)
-; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = zext <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP12]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
+; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = zext nneg <vscale x 16 x i32> [[TMP12]] to <vscale x 16 x i64>
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[Q]], <vscale x 16 x i64> [[TMP13]]
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    [[TMP15:%.*]] = select <vscale x 16 x i1> [[ACTIVE_LANE_MASK]], <vscale x 16 x i1> [[TMP11]], <vscale x 16 x i1> zeroinitializer
 ; PREDICATED_TAIL_FOLDING-NEXT:    call void @llvm.masked.scatter.nxv16i8.nxv16p0(<vscale x 16 x i8> shufflevector (<vscale x 16 x i8> insertelement (<vscale x 16 x i8> poison, i8 2, i64 0), <vscale x 16 x i8> poison, <vscale x 16 x i32> zeroinitializer), <vscale x 16 x ptr> [[TMP14]], i32 1, <vscale x 16 x i1> [[TMP15]])

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/induction.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/induction.ll
index 90ad054c5a22e51..2df55bdf89a00fe 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/induction.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/LoopVectorize/induction.ll
@@ -2083,7 +2083,7 @@ define i32 @scalarize_induction_variable_05(ptr %a, i32 %x, i1 %c, i32 %n) {
 ; IND:       for.body:
 ; IND-NEXT:    [[I:%.*]] = phi i32 [ [[BC_RESUME_VAL]], [[SCALAR_PH]] ], [ [[I_NEXT:%.*]], [[IF_END:%.*]] ]
 ; IND-NEXT:    [[SUM:%.*]] = phi i32 [ [[BC_MERGE_RDX]], [[SCALAR_PH]] ], [ [[VAR4:%.*]], [[IF_END]] ]
-; IND-NEXT:    [[TMP16:%.*]] = zext i32 [[I]] to i64
+; IND-NEXT:    [[TMP16:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[I]] to i64
 ; IND-NEXT:    [[VAR0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, ptr [[A]], i64 [[TMP16]]
 ; IND-NEXT:    [[VAR1:%.*]] = load i32, ptr [[VAR0]], align 4
 ; IND-NEXT:    br i1 [[C]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[IF_END]]
@@ -2173,7 +2173,7 @@ define i32 @scalarize_induction_variable_05(ptr %a, i32 %x, i1 %c, i32 %n) {
 ; UNROLL:       for.body:
 ; UNROLL-NEXT:    [[I:%.*]] = phi i32 [ [[BC_RESUME_VAL]], [[SCALAR_PH]] ], [ [[I_NEXT:%.*]], [[IF_END:%.*]] ]
 ; UNROLL-NEXT:    [[SUM:%.*]] = phi i32 [ [[BC_MERGE_RDX]], [[SCALAR_PH]] ], [ [[VAR4:%.*]], [[IF_END]] ]
-; UNROLL-NEXT:    [[TMP26:%.*]] = zext i32 [[I]] to i64
+; UNROLL-NEXT:    [[TMP26:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[I]] to i64
 ; UNROLL-NEXT:    [[VAR0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, ptr [[A]], i64 [[TMP26]]
 ; UNROLL-NEXT:    [[VAR1:%.*]] = load i32, ptr [[VAR0]], align 4
 ; UNROLL-NEXT:    br i1 [[C]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[IF_END]]
@@ -2397,7 +2397,7 @@ define i32 @scalarize_induction_variable_05(ptr %a, i32 %x, i1 %c, i32 %n) {
 ; INTERLEAVE:       for.body:
 ; INTERLEAVE-NEXT:    [[I:%.*]] = phi i32 [ [[BC_RESUME_VAL]], [[SCALAR_PH]] ], [ [[I_NEXT:%.*]], [[IF_END:%.*]] ]
 ; INTERLEAVE-NEXT:    [[SUM:%.*]] = phi i32 [ [[BC_MERGE_RDX]], [[SCALAR_PH]] ], [ [[VAR4:%.*]], [[IF_END]] ]
-; INTERLEAVE-NEXT:    [[TMP46:%.*]] = zext i32 [[I]] to i64
+; INTERLEAVE-NEXT:    [[TMP46:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[I]] to i64
 ; INTERLEAVE-NEXT:    [[VAR0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, ptr [[A]], i64 [[TMP46]]
 ; INTERLEAVE-NEXT:    [[VAR1:%.*]] = load i32, ptr [[VAR0]], align 4
 ; INTERLEAVE-NEXT:    br i1 [[C]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[IF_END]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/PhaseOrdering/gvn-replacement-vs-hoist.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/PhaseOrdering/gvn-replacement-vs-hoist.ll
index ea863f7355ad9f8..522ebf9dcc04bce 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/PhaseOrdering/gvn-replacement-vs-hoist.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/PhaseOrdering/gvn-replacement-vs-hoist.ll
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ define void @test(ptr noundef %a, i32 noundef %beam) {
 ; CHECK-SAME: (ptr nocapture noundef writeonly [[A:%.*]], i32 noundef [[BEAM:%.*]]) local_unnamed_addr #[[ATTR0:[0-9]+]] {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MUL:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw i32 [[BEAM]], 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDXPROM:%.*]] = zext i32 [[MUL]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDXPROM:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[MUL]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, ptr [[A]], i64 [[IDXPROM]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[FOR_BODY:%.*]]
 ; CHECK:       for.cond.cleanup:
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ define void @test(ptr noundef %a, i32 noundef %beam) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[FOR_INC]]
 ; CHECK:       if.else:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[MUL2:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw i32 [[I_06]], 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDXPROM3:%.*]] = zext i32 [[MUL2]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDXPROM3:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[MUL2]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, ptr [[A]], i64 [[IDXPROM3]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 1, ptr [[ARRAYIDX4]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[FOR_INC]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/PhaseOrdering/lto-licm.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/PhaseOrdering/lto-licm.ll
index 1a5a67d8241a1bd..763e266e6a38290 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/PhaseOrdering/lto-licm.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/PhaseOrdering/lto-licm.ll
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ define void @hoist_fdiv(ptr %a, float %b) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[CMP_NOT:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[I_0]], 1024
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP_NOT]], label [[FOR_END:%.*]], label [[FOR_INC]]
 ; CHECK:       for.inc:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDXPROM:%.*]] = zext i32 [[I_0]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[IDXPROM:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[I_0]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr [[A:%.*]], i64 [[IDXPROM]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = load float, ptr [[ARRAYIDX]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = fmul fast float [[TMP1]], [[TMP0]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/getelementptr.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/getelementptr.ll
index 9a55e1eee5bd40a..63934a2cc96461e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/getelementptr.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SLPVectorizer/AArch64/getelementptr.ll
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ define i32 @getelementptr_4x32(ptr nocapture readonly %g, i32 %n, i32 %x, i32 %y
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i32> [[TMP3]], <2 x i32> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = add nsw <2 x i32> [[TMP4]], [[TMP0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP6:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x i32> [[TMP5]], i64 0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = zext i32 [[TMP6]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[TMP6]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, ptr [[G:%.*]], i64 [[TMP7]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T6:%.*]] = load i32, ptr [[ARRAYIDX]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD1:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[T6]], [[SUM_032]]
@@ -159,12 +159,12 @@ define i32 @getelementptr_2x32(ptr nocapture readonly %g, i32 %n, i32 %x, i32 %y
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[INDVARS_IV:%.*]] = phi i32 [ 0, [[FOR_BODY_PREHEADER]] ], [ [[INDVARS_IV_NEXT:%.*]], [[FOR_BODY]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[SUM_032:%.*]] = phi i32 [ 0, [[FOR_BODY_PREHEADER]] ], [ [[ADD16]], [[FOR_BODY]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T4:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw i32 [[INDVARS_IV]], 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = zext i32 [[T4]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[T4]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, ptr [[G:%.*]], i64 [[TMP2]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T6:%.*]] = load i32, ptr [[ARRAYIDX]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD1:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[T6]], [[SUM_032]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T7:%.*]] = or i32 [[T4]], 1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = zext i32 [[T7]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[T7]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, ptr [[G]], i64 [[TMP3]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[T8:%.*]] = load i32, ptr [[ARRAYIDX5]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ADD6:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[ADD1]], [[T8]]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SimpleLoopUnswitch/AMDGPU/uniform-unswitch.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SimpleLoopUnswitch/AMDGPU/uniform-unswitch.ll
index cbbf4d6e7be195f..2069efd12d27af3 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SimpleLoopUnswitch/AMDGPU/uniform-unswitch.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SimpleLoopUnswitch/AMDGPU/uniform-unswitch.ll
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ define amdgpu_kernel void @uniform_unswitch(ptr nocapture %out, i32 %n, i32 %x)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[I_07:%.*]] = phi i32 [ 0, [[FOR_BODY_LR_PH]] ], [ [[INC:%.*]], [[FOR_INC:%.*]] ]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br i1 [[CMP1]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[FOR_INC]]
 ; CHECK:       if.then:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = zext i32 [[I_07]] to i64
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = zext nneg i32 [[I_07]] to i64
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, ptr addrspace(1) [[OUT_GLOBAL]], i64 [[TMP0]]
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    store i32 [[I_07]], ptr addrspace(1) [[ARRAYIDX]], align 4
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br label [[FOR_INC]]


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