[compiler-rt] [sanitizer][asan][msvc] Teach GetInstructionSize about many instructions that appear in MSVC generated code. (PR #69490)
Charlie Barto via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Oct 18 11:08:49 PDT 2023
https://github.com/barcharcraz created https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/69490
MSVC can sometimes generate instructions in function prologues that asan previously didn't know the size of. This teaches asan those sizes. This isn't super useful for using ASAN with non-msvc compilers, but it does stand alone.
>From https://reviews.llvm.org/D151008
>From 446d089984e335d43e5d2cde7293d1bd7958eb0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charlie Barto <Charles.Barto at microsoft.com>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 15:19:03 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Teach GetInstructionSize about many instructions that
appear in MSVC generated code.
.../lib/interception/interception_win.cpp | 160 ++++++++++++++----
1 file changed, 130 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
index 00c317510e42087..cfa222e63d0bcf7 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
@@ -489,6 +489,11 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0x6A: // 6A XX = push XX
return 2;
+ // This instruction can be encoded with a 16-bit immediate but that is
+ // incredibly unlikely.
+ case 0x68: // 68 XX XX XX XX : push imm32
+ return 5;
case 0xb8: // b8 XX XX XX XX : mov eax, XX XX XX XX
case 0xB9: // b9 XX XX XX XX : mov ecx, XX XX XX XX
return 5;
@@ -525,8 +530,13 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0xE589: // 89 E5 : mov ebp, esp
case 0xC18B: // 8B C1 : mov eax, ecx
case 0xC033: // 33 C0 : xor eax, eax
+ case 0x8bec: // EC 8B : mov ebp, esp
case 0xC933: // 33 C9 : xor ecx, ecx
case 0xD233: // 33 D2 : xor edx, edx
+ case 0xc084: // 84 c0 : test al,al
+ case 0xdb84: // 84 db : test bl,bl
+ case 0xc984: // 84 c9 : test cl,cl
+ case 0xd284: // 84 d2 : test dl,dl
return 2;
// Cannot overwrite control-instruction. Return 0 to indicate failure.
@@ -535,6 +545,9 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
switch (0x00FFFFFF & *(u32*)address) {
+ case 0x83e4f8: // F8 E4 83 : and esp, 0xFFFFFFF8
+ case 0x83ec64: // 64 EC 83 : sub esp, 64h
+ return 3;
case 0x24A48D: // 8D A4 24 XX XX XX XX : lea esp, [esp + XX XX XX XX]
return 7;
@@ -544,6 +557,21 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0xA1: // A1 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX :
// movabs eax, dword ptr ds:[XXXXXXXX]
return 9;
+ case 0xf2:
+ switch (*(u32 *)(address + 1)) {
+ case 0x2444110f: // f2 0f 11 44 24 XX movsd mmword ptr [rsp + XX],
+ // xmm0
+ case 0x244c110f: // f2 0f 11 4c 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
+ // [rsp+0x8],xmm1
+ case 0x2454110f: // f2 0f 11 54 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
+ // [rsp+0x8],xmm2
+ case 0x245c110f: // f2 0f 11 5c 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
+ // [rsp+0x8],xmm3
+ case 0x2464110f: // f2 0f 11 64 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
+ // [rsp+0x8],xmm4
+ return 6;
+ }
+ break;
case 0x83:
const u8 next_byte = *(u8*)(address + 1);
@@ -572,48 +600,116 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0x018a: // mov al, byte ptr [rcx]
return 2;
+ case 0x7e80: // 80 7e YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rsi+YY], XX
+ case 0x7d80: // 80 7d YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rdx+YY], XX
+ case 0x7a80: // 80 7a YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rdx+YY], XX
+ case 0x7880: // 80 78 YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rax+YY], XX
+ case 0x7b80: // 80 7b YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rbx+YY], XX
+ case 0x7980: // 80 79 YY XX cmp BYTE ptr [rcx+YY], XX
+ return 4;
case 0x058B: // 8B 05 XX XX XX XX : mov eax, dword ptr [XX XX XX XX]
if (rel_offset)
*rel_offset = 2;
return 6;
+ case 0x7e81: // 81 7e YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rsi+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7d81: // 81 7d YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rdx+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7a81: // 81 7a YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rdx+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7881: // 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rax+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7b81: // 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rbx+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7981: // 81 79 YY XX XX XX XX cmp dword ptr [rcx+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ return 7;
switch (0x00FFFFFF & *(u32*)address) {
- case 0xe58948: // 48 8b c4 : mov rbp, rsp
- case 0xc18b48: // 48 8b c1 : mov rax, rcx
- case 0xc48b48: // 48 8b c4 : mov rax, rsp
- case 0xd9f748: // 48 f7 d9 : neg rcx
- case 0xd12b48: // 48 2b d1 : sub rdx, rcx
- case 0x07c1f6: // f6 c1 07 : test cl, 0x7
- case 0xc98548: // 48 85 C9 : test rcx, rcx
- case 0xd28548: // 48 85 d2 : test rdx, rdx
- case 0xc0854d: // 4d 85 c0 : test r8, r8
- case 0xc2b60f: // 0f b6 c2 : movzx eax, dl
- case 0xc03345: // 45 33 c0 : xor r8d, r8d
- case 0xc93345: // 45 33 c9 : xor r9d, r9d
- case 0xdb3345: // 45 33 DB : xor r11d, r11d
- case 0xd98b4c: // 4c 8b d9 : mov r11, rcx
- case 0xd28b4c: // 4c 8b d2 : mov r10, rdx
- case 0xc98b4c: // 4C 8B C9 : mov r9, rcx
- case 0xc18b4c: // 4C 8B C1 : mov r8, rcx
- case 0xd2b60f: // 0f b6 d2 : movzx edx, dl
- case 0xca2b48: // 48 2b ca : sub rcx, rdx
- case 0x10b70f: // 0f b7 10 : movzx edx, WORD PTR [rax]
- case 0xc00b4d: // 3d 0b c0 : or r8, r8
- case 0xc08b41: // 41 8b c0 : mov eax, r8d
- case 0xd18b48: // 48 8b d1 : mov rdx, rcx
- case 0xdc8b4c: // 4c 8b dc : mov r11, rsp
- case 0xd18b4c: // 4c 8b d1 : mov r10, rcx
- case 0xE0E483: // 83 E4 E0 : and esp, 0xFFFFFFE0
+ case 0x07c1f6: // f6 c1 07 : test cl, 0x7
+ case 0x10b70f: // 0f b7 10 : movzx edx, word ptr [rax]
+ case 0xc00b4d: // 3d 0b c0 : or r8, r8
+ case 0xc03345: // 45 33 c0 : xor r8d, r8d
+ case 0xc08548: // 48 85 c0 : test rax, rax
+ case 0xc0854d: // 4d 85 c0 : test r8, r8
+ case 0xc08b41: // 41 8b c0 : mov eax, r8d
+ case 0xc0ff48: // 48 ff c0 : inc rax
+ case 0xc0ff49: // 49 ff c0 : inc r8
+ case 0xc18b41: // 41 8b c1 : mov eax, r9d
+ case 0xc18b48: // 48 8b c1 : mov rax, rcx
+ case 0xc18b4c: // 4c 8b c1 : mov r8, rcx
+ case 0xc1ff48: // 48 ff c1 : inc rcx
+ case 0xc1ff49: // 49 ff c1 : inc r9
+ case 0xc28b41: // 41 8b c2 : mov eax, r10d
+ case 0xc2b60f: // 0f b6 c2 : movzx eax, dl
+ case 0xc2ff48: // 48 ff c2 : inc rdx
+ case 0xc2ff49: // 49 ff c2 : inc r10
+ case 0xc38b41: // 41 8b c3 : mov eax, r11d
+ case 0xc3ff48: // 48 ff c3 : inc rbx
+ case 0xc3ff49: // 49 ff c3 : inc r11
+ case 0xc48b41: // 41 8b c4 : mov eax, r12d
+ case 0xc48b48: // 48 8b c4 : mov rax, rsp
+ case 0xc4ff49: // 49 ff c4 : inc r12
+ case 0xc5ff49: // 49 ff c5 : inc r13
+ case 0xc6ff48: // 48 ff c6 : inc rsi
+ case 0xc6ff49: // 49 ff c6 : inc r14
+ case 0xc7ff48: // 48 ff c7 : inc rdi
+ case 0xc7ff49: // 49 ff c7 : inc r15
+ case 0xc93345: // 45 33 c9 : xor r9d, r9d
+ case 0xc98548: // 48 85 c9 : test rcx, rcx
+ case 0xc9854d: // 4d 85 c9 : test r9, r9
+ case 0xc98b4c: // 4c 8b c9 : mov r9, rcx
+ case 0xca2b48: // 48 2b ca : sub rcx, rdx
+ case 0xd12b48: // 48 2b d1 : sub rdx, rcx
+ case 0xd18b48: // 48 8b d1 : mov rdx, rcx
+ case 0xd18b4c: // 4c 8b d1 : mov r10, rcx
+ case 0xd28548: // 48 85 d2 : test rdx, rdx
+ case 0xd2854d: // 4d 85 d2 : test r10, r10
+ case 0xd28b4c: // 4c 8b d2 : mov r10, rdx
+ case 0xd2b60f: // 0f b6 d2 : movzx edx, dl
+ case 0xd98b4c: // 4c 8b d9 : mov r11, rcx
+ case 0xd9f748: // 48 f7 d9 : neg rcx
+ case 0xdb3345: // 45 33 db : xor r11d, r11d
+ case 0xdb8548: // 48 85 db : test rbx, rbx
+ case 0xdb854d: // 4d 85 db : test r11, r11
+ case 0xdc8b4c: // 4c 8b dc : mov r11, rsp
+ case 0xe0e483: // 83 e4 e0 : and esp, 0xffffffe0
+ case 0xe48548: // 48 85 e4 : test rsp, rsp
+ case 0xe4854d: // 4d 85 e4 : test r12, r12
+ case 0xe58948: // 48 8b c4 : mov rbp, rsp
+ case 0xed8548: // 48 85 ed : test rbp, rbp
+ case 0xed854d: // 4d 85 ed : test r13, r13
+ case 0xf6854d: // 4d 85 f6 : test r14, r14
+ case 0xff854d: // 4d 85 ff : test r15, r15
return 3;
- case 0xec8348: // 48 83 ec XX : sub rsp, XX
- case 0xf88349: // 49 83 f8 XX : cmp r8, XX
- case 0x588948: // 48 89 58 XX : mov QWORD PTR[rax + XX], rbx
+ case 0x245489: // 89 54 24 XX : mov DWORD PTR[rsp + XX], edx
+ case 0x428d44: // 44 8d 42 XX : lea r8d , [rdx + XX]
+ case 0x588948: // 48 89 58 XX : mov QWORD PTR[rax + XX], rbx
+ case 0xec8348: // 48 83 ec XX : sub rsp, XX
+ case 0xf88349: // 49 83 f8 XX : cmp r8, XX
return 4;
+ case 0x246483: // 83 64 24 00 00 : and DWORD PTR [rsp+xx],0x0
+ return 5;
+ case 0x788166: // 66 81 78 YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rax+0xYY], XX XX
+ case 0x798166: // 66 81 79 YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rcx+0xYY], XX XX
+ case 0x7a8166: // 66 81 7a YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rdx+0xYY], XX XX
+ case 0x7b8166: // 66 81 7b YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rbx+0xYY], XX XX
+ case 0x7e8166: // 66 81 7e YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rsi+0xYY], XX XX
+ case 0x7f8166: // 66 81 7f YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rdi+0xYY], XX XX
+ return 6;
case 0xec8148: // 48 81 EC XX XX XX XX : sub rsp, XXXXXXXX
return 7;
+ case 0x788141: // 41 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [r8+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x798141: // r9
+ case 0x7a8141: //r10
+ case 0x7b8141: //r11
+ case 0x7c8141: //r12
+ case 0x7d8141: //r13
+ case 0x7e8141: //r14
+ case 0x7f8141: // 41 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD P [r15+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x247c81: // 81 7c 24 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD P [rsp+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ return 8;
case 0x058b48: // 48 8b 05 XX XX XX XX :
// mov rax, QWORD PTR [rip + XXXXXXXX]
@@ -640,8 +736,11 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0x24548948: // 48 89 54 24 XX : mov QWORD PTR [rsp + XX], rdx
case 0x244c894c: // 4c 89 4c 24 XX : mov QWORD PTR [rsp + XX], r9
case 0x2444894c: // 4c 89 44 24 XX : mov QWORD PTR [rsp + XX], r8
+ case 0x244c8944: // 44 89 4c 24 XX mov DWORD PTR [rsp + XX], r9d
+ case 0x24448944: // 44 89 44 24 XX mov DWORD PTR [rsp + XX], r8d
+ case 0x246c8d48: // 48 8d 6c 24 XX : lea rbp, [rsp + XX]
return 5;
- case 0x24648348: // 48 83 64 24 XX : and QWORD PTR [rsp + XX], YY
+ case 0x24648348: // 48 83 64 24 XX YY : and QWORD PTR [rsp + XX], YY
return 6;
@@ -655,6 +754,7 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0x458B: // 8B 45 XX : mov eax, dword ptr [ebp + XX]
case 0x5D8B: // 8B 5D XX : mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp + XX]
case 0x7D8B: // 8B 7D XX : mov edi, dword ptr [ebp + XX]
+ case 0x758B: // 8B 75 XX : mov esi, dword ptr [ebp + XX]
case 0xEC83: // 83 EC XX : sub esp, XX
case 0x75FF: // FF 75 XX : push dword ptr [ebp + XX]
return 3;
>From 21be21b049a14b2c3bef1f67e853246efacc8bff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charlie Barto <Charles.Barto at microsoft.com>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 17:05:55 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] [sanitizer][asan][msvc] Teach GetInstructionSize about
many instructions that appear in MSVC generated code.
MSVC can sometimes generates instructions in function prefixes that asan previously didn't know the size of, this teaches asan those sizes. This isn't hilariously useful for using ASAN with non-msvc compilers, but it does stand alone.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D151008
.../lib/interception/interception_win.cpp | 41 ++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
index cfa222e63d0bcf7..2e49d546eb023b2 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
@@ -559,17 +559,17 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
return 9;
case 0xf2:
switch (*(u32 *)(address + 1)) {
- case 0x2444110f: // f2 0f 11 44 24 XX movsd mmword ptr [rsp + XX],
- // xmm0
- case 0x244c110f: // f2 0f 11 4c 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
- // [rsp+0x8],xmm1
- case 0x2454110f: // f2 0f 11 54 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
- // [rsp+0x8],xmm2
- case 0x245c110f: // f2 0f 11 5c 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
- // [rsp+0x8],xmm3
- case 0x2464110f: // f2 0f 11 64 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
- // [rsp+0x8],xmm4
- return 6;
+ case 0x2444110f: // f2 0f 11 44 24 XX movsd mmword ptr [rsp +
+ // XX], xmm0
+ case 0x244c110f: // f2 0f 11 4c 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
+ // [rsp+0x8],xmm1
+ case 0x2454110f: // f2 0f 11 54 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
+ // [rsp+0x8],xmm2
+ case 0x245c110f: // f2 0f 11 5c 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
+ // [rsp+0x8],xmm3
+ case 0x2464110f: // f2 0f 11 64 24 XX movsd QWORD PTR
+ // [rsp+0x8],xmm4
+ return 6;
@@ -700,15 +700,16 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0xec8148: // 48 81 EC XX XX XX XX : sub rsp, XXXXXXXX
return 7;
- case 0x788141: // 41 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [r8+YY], XX XX XX XX
- case 0x798141: // r9
- case 0x7a8141: //r10
- case 0x7b8141: //r11
- case 0x7c8141: //r12
- case 0x7d8141: //r13
- case 0x7e8141: //r14
- case 0x7f8141: // 41 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD P [r15+YY], XX XX XX XX
- case 0x247c81: // 81 7c 24 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD P [rsp+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x788141: // 41 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [r8+YY], XX XX XX
+ // XX
+ case 0x798141: // r9
+ case 0x7a8141: // r10
+ case 0x7b8141: // r11
+ case 0x7c8141: // r12
+ case 0x7d8141: // r13
+ case 0x7e8141: // r14
+ case 0x7f8141: // 41 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD P [r15+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x247c81: // 81 7c 24 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD P [rsp+YY], XX XX XX XX
return 8;
case 0x058b48: // 48 8b 05 XX XX XX XX :
>From 8aff95c05db77a4eb6a79e02a3a2e695d4a08187 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charlie Barto <Charles.Barto at microsoft.com>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 13:08:09 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] correct instruction encodings
.../lib/interception/interception_win.cpp | 63 +++++++++----------
1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
index 2e49d546eb023b2..bf990f520b22eab 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
@@ -530,13 +530,11 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0xE589: // 89 E5 : mov ebp, esp
case 0xC18B: // 8B C1 : mov eax, ecx
case 0xC033: // 33 C0 : xor eax, eax
- case 0x8bec: // EC 8B : mov ebp, esp
case 0xC933: // 33 C9 : xor ecx, ecx
case 0xD233: // 33 D2 : xor edx, edx
- case 0xc084: // 84 c0 : test al,al
- case 0xdb84: // 84 db : test bl,bl
- case 0xc984: // 84 c9 : test cl,cl
- case 0xd284: // 84 d2 : test dl,dl
+ case 0xDB84: // 84 DB : test bl,bl
+ case 0xC984: // 84 C9 : test cl,cl
+ case 0xD284: // 84 D2 : test dl,dl
return 2;
// Cannot overwrite control-instruction. Return 0 to indicate failure.
@@ -545,8 +543,8 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
switch (0x00FFFFFF & *(u32*)address) {
- case 0x83e4f8: // F8 E4 83 : and esp, 0xFFFFFFF8
- case 0x83ec64: // 64 EC 83 : sub esp, 64h
+ case 0xF8E484: // 83 E4 F8 : and esp, 0xFFFFFFF8
+ case 0x64EC83: // 83 EC 64 : sub esp, 64h
return 3;
case 0x24A48D: // 8D A4 24 XX XX XX XX : lea esp, [esp + XX XX XX XX]
return 7;
@@ -557,7 +555,7 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0xA1: // A1 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX :
// movabs eax, dword ptr ds:[XXXXXXXX]
return 9;
- case 0xf2:
+ case 0xF2:
switch (*(u32 *)(address + 1)) {
case 0x2444110f: // f2 0f 11 44 24 XX movsd mmword ptr [rsp +
// XX], xmm0
@@ -596,15 +594,15 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0x5641: // push r14
case 0x5741: // push r15
case 0x9066: // Two-byte NOP
- case 0xc084: // test al, al
- case 0x018a: // mov al, byte ptr [rcx]
+ case 0xC084: // test al, al
+ case 0x018A: // mov al, byte ptr [rcx]
return 2;
- case 0x7e80: // 80 7e YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rsi+YY], XX
- case 0x7d80: // 80 7d YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rdx+YY], XX
- case 0x7a80: // 80 7a YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rdx+YY], XX
+ case 0x7E80: // 80 7E YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rsi+YY], XX
+ case 0x7D80: // 80 7D YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rdx+YY], XX
+ case 0x7A80: // 80 7A YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rdx+YY], XX
case 0x7880: // 80 78 YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rax+YY], XX
- case 0x7b80: // 80 7b YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rbx+YY], XX
+ case 0x7B80: // 80 7B YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rbx+YY], XX
case 0x7980: // 80 79 YY XX cmp BYTE ptr [rcx+YY], XX
return 4;
@@ -613,11 +611,11 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
*rel_offset = 2;
return 6;
- case 0x7e81: // 81 7e YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rsi+YY], XX XX XX XX
- case 0x7d81: // 81 7d YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rdx+YY], XX XX XX XX
- case 0x7a81: // 81 7a YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rdx+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7E81: // 81 7E YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rsi+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7D81: // 81 7D YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rdx+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7A81: // 81 7A YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rdx+YY], XX XX XX XX
case 0x7881: // 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rax+YY], XX XX XX XX
- case 0x7b81: // 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rbx+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7B81: // 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rbx+YY], XX XX XX XX
case 0x7981: // 81 79 YY XX XX XX XX cmp dword ptr [rcx+YY], XX XX XX XX
return 7;
@@ -687,27 +685,26 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0xf88349: // 49 83 f8 XX : cmp r8, XX
return 4;
- case 0x246483: // 83 64 24 00 00 : and DWORD PTR [rsp+xx],0x0
+ case 0x246483: // 83 64 24 XX YY : and DWORD PTR [rsp+XX], YY
return 5;
- case 0x788166: // 66 81 78 YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rax+0xYY], XX XX
- case 0x798166: // 66 81 79 YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rcx+0xYY], XX XX
- case 0x7a8166: // 66 81 7a YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rdx+0xYY], XX XX
- case 0x7b8166: // 66 81 7b YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rbx+0xYY], XX XX
- case 0x7e8166: // 66 81 7e YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rsi+0xYY], XX XX
- case 0x7f8166: // 66 81 7f YY XX XX cmp WORD PTR [rdi+0xYY], XX XX
+ case 0x788166: // 66 81 78 XX YY YY cmp WORD PTR [rax+XX], YY YY
+ case 0x798166: // 66 81 79 XX YY YY cmp WORD PTR [rcx+XX], YY YY
+ case 0x7a8166: // 66 81 7a XX YY YY cmp WORD PTR [rdx+XX], YY YY
+ case 0x7b8166: // 66 81 7b XX YY YY cmp WORD PTR [rbx+XX], YY YY
+ case 0x7e8166: // 66 81 7e XX YY YY cmp WORD PTR [rsi+XX], YY YY
+ case 0x7f8166: // 66 81 7f XX YY YY cmp WORD PTR [rdi+XX], YY YY
return 6;
case 0xec8148: // 48 81 EC XX XX XX XX : sub rsp, XXXXXXXX
return 7;
- case 0x788141: // 41 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [r8+YY], XX XX XX
- // XX
- case 0x798141: // r9
- case 0x7a8141: // r10
- case 0x7b8141: // r11
- case 0x7c8141: // r12
- case 0x7d8141: // r13
- case 0x7e8141: // r14
+ case 0x788141: // 41 81 78 XX YY YY YY YY : cmp DWORD PTR [r8+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x798141: // 41 81 78 XX YY YY YY YY : cmp DWORD PTR [r9+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7a8141: // 41 81 78 XX YY YY YY YY : cmp DWORD PTR [r10+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7b8141: // 41 81 78 XX YY YY YY YY : cmp DWORD PTR [r11+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7c8141: // 41 81 78 XX YY YY YY YY : cmp DWORD PTR [r12+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7d8141: // 41 81 78 XX YY YY YY YY : cmp DWORD PTR [r13+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7e8141: // 41 81 78 XX YY YY YY YY : cmp DWORD PTR [r14+YY], XX XX XX XX
case 0x7f8141: // 41 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD P [r15+YY], XX XX XX XX
case 0x247c81: // 81 7c 24 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD P [rsp+YY], XX XX XX XX
return 8;
>From 27f6cb342743b06ce90b7f78bf18c2e94e888636 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charlie Barto <Charles.Barto at microsoft.com>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 13:10:51 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] prevent clang-format from wrapping some lines
compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
index bf990f520b22eab..53aee2596f81bad 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
@@ -698,6 +698,8 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0xec8148: // 48 81 EC XX XX XX XX : sub rsp, XXXXXXXX
return 7;
+ // clang-format off
case 0x788141: // 41 81 78 XX YY YY YY YY : cmp DWORD PTR [r8+YY], XX XX XX XX
case 0x798141: // 41 81 78 XX YY YY YY YY : cmp DWORD PTR [r9+YY], XX XX XX XX
case 0x7a8141: // 41 81 78 XX YY YY YY YY : cmp DWORD PTR [r10+YY], XX XX XX XX
@@ -708,6 +710,7 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0x7f8141: // 41 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD P [r15+YY], XX XX XX XX
case 0x247c81: // 81 7c 24 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD P [rsp+YY], XX XX XX XX
return 8;
+ // clang-format on
case 0x058b48: // 48 8b 05 XX XX XX XX :
// mov rax, QWORD PTR [rip + XXXXXXXX]
>From 2727d118d8ec286a12c2b4cfa560e54a528ba4ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charlie Barto <Charles.Barto at microsoft.com>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 13:20:32 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] correct a few more comments
compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp | 10 +++++-----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
index 53aee2596f81bad..093318fbd47c8d1 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/interception/interception_win.cpp
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
return 2;
case 0x7E80: // 80 7E YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rsi+YY], XX
- case 0x7D80: // 80 7D YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rdx+YY], XX
+ case 0x7D80: // 80 7D YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rbp+YY], XX
case 0x7A80: // 80 7A YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rdx+YY], XX
case 0x7880: // 80 78 YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rax+YY], XX
case 0x7B80: // 80 7B YY XX cmp BYTE PTR [rbx+YY], XX
@@ -612,10 +612,10 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
return 6;
case 0x7E81: // 81 7E YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rsi+YY], XX XX XX XX
- case 0x7D81: // 81 7D YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rdx+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7D81: // 81 7D YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rbp+YY], XX XX XX XX
case 0x7A81: // 81 7A YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rdx+YY], XX XX XX XX
case 0x7881: // 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rax+YY], XX XX XX XX
- case 0x7B81: // 81 78 YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rbx+YY], XX XX XX XX
+ case 0x7B81: // 81 7B YY XX XX XX XX cmp DWORD PTR [rbx+YY], XX XX XX XX
case 0x7981: // 81 79 YY XX XX XX XX cmp dword ptr [rcx+YY], XX XX XX XX
return 7;
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
switch (0x00FFFFFF & *(u32*)address) {
case 0x07c1f6: // f6 c1 07 : test cl, 0x7
case 0x10b70f: // 0f b7 10 : movzx edx, word ptr [rax]
- case 0xc00b4d: // 3d 0b c0 : or r8, r8
+ case 0xc00b4d: // 4d 0b c0 : or r8, r8
case 0xc03345: // 45 33 c0 : xor r8d, r8d
case 0xc08548: // 48 85 c0 : test rax, rax
case 0xc0854d: // 4d 85 c0 : test r8, r8
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ static size_t GetInstructionSize(uptr address, size_t* rel_offset = nullptr) {
case 0xe0e483: // 83 e4 e0 : and esp, 0xffffffe0
case 0xe48548: // 48 85 e4 : test rsp, rsp
case 0xe4854d: // 4d 85 e4 : test r12, r12
- case 0xe58948: // 48 8b c4 : mov rbp, rsp
+ case 0xe58948: // 48 89 c4 : mov rbp, rsp
case 0xed8548: // 48 85 ed : test rbp, rbp
case 0xed854d: // 4d 85 ed : test r13, r13
case 0xf6854d: // 4d 85 f6 : test r14, r14
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