[llvm] [Kaleidoscope] Switch to the new PassManager. (PR #69032)

Arthur Eubanks via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 16 11:15:27 PDT 2023

@@ -127,44 +119,91 @@ in. If we wanted to make a "static Kaleidoscope compiler", we would use
 exactly the code we have now, except that we would defer running the
 optimizer until the entire file has been parsed.
+In addition to the distinction between function and module passes, passes can be
+divided into transform and analysis passes. Transform passes mutate the IR, and
+analysis passes compute information that other passes can use. In order to add
+a transform pass, all analysis passes it depends upon must be registered in
 In order to get per-function optimizations going, we need to set up a
 `FunctionPassManager <../../WritingAnLLVMPass.html#what-passmanager-doesr>`_ to hold
 and organize the LLVM optimizations that we want to run. Once we have
 that, we can add a set of optimizations to run. We'll need a new
 FunctionPassManager for each module that we want to optimize, so we'll
-write a function to create and initialize both the module and pass manager
-for us:
+add to a function created in the previous chapter (``InitializeModule()``):
 .. code-block:: c++
-    void InitializeModuleAndPassManager(void) {
+    void InitializeModuleAndManagers(void) {
       // Open a new context and module.
-      TheModule = std::make_unique<Module>("my cool jit", *TheContext);
+      TheContext = std::make_unique<LLVMContext>();
+      TheModule = std::make_unique<Module>("KaleidoscopeJIT", *TheContext);
+      TheModule->setDataLayout(TheJIT->getDataLayout());
-      // Create a new pass manager attached to it.
-      TheFPM = std::make_unique<legacy::FunctionPassManager>(TheModule.get());
+      // Create a new builder for the module.
+      Builder = std::make_unique<IRBuilder<>>(*TheContext);
+      // Create new pass and analysis managers.
+      TheFPM = std::make_unique<FunctionPassManager>();
+      TheFAM = std::make_unique<FunctionAnalysisManager>();
+      TheMAM = std::make_unique<ModuleAnalysisManager>();
+      ThePIC = std::make_unique<PassInstrumentationCallbacks>();
+      TheSI = std::make_unique<StandardInstrumentations>(*TheContext,
+                                                        /*DebugLogging*/ true);
+      TheSI->registerCallbacks(*ThePIC, TheMAM.get());
+      ...
+After initializing the global module ``TheModule`` and the FunctionPassManager,
+we need to initialize other parts of the framework. The FunctionAnalysisManager
+and ModuleAnalysisManager allow us to add analysis passes that run across the
+function and the whole module, respectively. PassInstrumentationCallbacks
+and StandardInstrumentations are required for the pass instrumentation
+framework, which allows developers to customize what
+happens between passes.
+Once these managers are set up, we use a series of "addPass" calls to add a
+bunch of LLVM transform passes:
+.. code-block:: c++
+      // Add transform passes.
       // Do simple "peephole" optimizations and bit-twiddling optzns.
-      TheFPM->add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
+      TheFPM->addPass(InstCombinePass());
       // Reassociate expressions.
-      TheFPM->add(createReassociatePass());
+      TheFPM->addPass(ReassociatePass());
       // Eliminate Common SubExpressions.
-      TheFPM->add(createGVNPass());
+      TheFPM->addPass(GVNPass());
       // Simplify the control flow graph (deleting unreachable blocks, etc).
-      TheFPM->add(createCFGSimplificationPass());
-      TheFPM->doInitialization();
-    }
-This code initializes the global module ``TheModule``, and the function pass
-manager ``TheFPM``, which is attached to ``TheModule``. Once the pass manager is
-set up, we use a series of "add" calls to add a bunch of LLVM passes.
+      TheFPM->addPass(SimplifyCFGPass());
 In this case, we choose to add four optimization passes.
 The passes we choose here are a pretty standard set
 of "cleanup" optimizations that are useful for a wide variety of code. I won't
 delve into what they do but, believe me, they are a good starting place :).
+Next, we register the analysis passes used by the transform passes.
aeubanks wrote:

I think we should mention as an aside that this is typically done by `PassBuilder::register*Analyses()` rather than manually.


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