[llvm] [Clang] Add __builtin_vectorelements to get number of elements in vector (PR #69010)

Erich Keane via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 16 10:23:01 PDT 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple aarch64 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+void test_builtin_vectorelements() {
+  __builtin_vectorelements(int); // expected-error {{'__builtin_vectorelements' argument must be a vector}}
+  __builtin_vectorelements(float); // expected-error {{'__builtin_vectorelements' argument must be a vector}}
+  __builtin_vectorelements(long*); // expected-error {{'__builtin_vectorelements' argument must be a vector}}
+  int a;
+  __builtin_vectorelements(a); // expected-error {{'__builtin_vectorelements' argument must be a vector}}
+  typedef int veci4 __attribute__((vector_size(16)));
+  (void) __builtin_vectorelements(veci4);
+  veci4 vec;
+  (void) __builtin_vectorelements(vec);
+  typedef veci4 some_other_vec;
+  (void) __builtin_vectorelements(some_other_vec);
+  struct Foo { int a; };
+  __builtin_vectorelements(struct Foo); // expected-error {{'__builtin_vectorelements' argument must be a vector}}
erichkeane wrote:

I've not spent much time lately in the constexpr evaluator, but I believe there is a way to just add a note to that, which you should do, I THINK it is something like `FFDiag`


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