[llvm] [BasicBlockSections] Introduce the path cloning profile format to BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader. (PR #67214)

Rahman Lavaee via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Oct 11 16:30:24 PDT 2023

rlavaee wrote:

> The one major comment I have is that I am not convinced about the way you represent cloning decisions. I think a block cloning decision can be represented by exactly specifying the edge along which you want to clone. This keeps the specification really simple. I would like your opinion on this one. Further, whatever spec you go with, you must give more clear instructions on what constitutes a valid cloning directive and what isn't. I am inclined to choose a spec that is simple.

Expanded the function comment a bit more. The next patch (applying the cloning decisions) will implement the validation logic for path cloning.


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