[llvm] [Sema, Lex, Parse] Preprocessor embed in C and C++ (and Obj-C and Obj-C++ by-proxy) (PR #68620)

Aaron Ballman via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Oct 11 05:13:38 PDT 2023

AaronBallman wrote:

> > > Because I don't know of any better way to commandeer a patch in GitHub
> > 
> > 
> > As a maintainer, you can push into this branch
> I had reached out to @ThePhD with an offer to help on this before they opened this PR, and I now have push access to their fork, which means I could change the state of this PR.
> To be clear, I cannot offer to defend the content (semantically) in the face of review, but - if desired - I'd be happy to help with some more routine operations like rebasing, formatting, or chopping off pieces into separate PRs (all while keeping @ThePhD's authorship, of course).

Oh, that's excellent! @ThePhD also gave me push access to his repo. If we're going to tag-team efforts on this and we both have access, it probably makes sense to just leave it in his repo and work from there. If he finds the notifications too distracting, we can always move the work elsewhere at that point.

@h-vetinari -- would you mind doing some initial cleanup on the patch for things like rebasing, removing spurious formatting changes, naming, and the likes? I have WG14 meetings coming up next week (they should hopefully go quickly though), so it is likely going to be ~a week before I have the chance to work on this more heavily.

> So just to clarify, we should wait till you post a follow-up review before commenting, to avoid fragmenting the discussion.

Given the above, I'd say we can keep the review going here.


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