[compiler-rt] [ASan][Windows] Fix rip-relative instruction replacement (PR #68432)

Vitaly Buka via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 9 14:27:11 PDT 2023

@@ -726,16 +726,22 @@ static bool CopyInstructions(uptr to, uptr from, size_t size) {
     size_t instruction_size = GetInstructionSize(from + cursor, &rel_offset);
     if (!instruction_size)
       return false;
-    _memcpy((void*)(to + cursor), (void*)(from + cursor),
+    _memcpy((void *)(to + cursor), (void *)(from + cursor),
     if (rel_offset) {
-      uptr delta = to - from;
-      uptr relocated_offset = *(u32*)(to + cursor + rel_offset) - delta;
-      if (relocated_offset + 0x80000000U >= 0xFFFFFFFFU)
+      // we want to make sure that the new relative offset still fits in 32-bits
+      // this will be untrue if relocated_offset \notin [-2**31, 2**31)
+      s64 delta = to - from;
+      s64 relocated_offset = *(s32 *)(to + cursor + rel_offset) - delta;
vitalybuka wrote:

I guess you can use same code if use s64/s32 -> sptr


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